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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Disappearing PCBV Components

Thanks for the various suggestions regarding disappearing components.

Some additional information.

The PCB library components check out OK, the problem seems to be in the PCB

All the components on this PCB have the same behaviour.

If I delete an errant component and place the same part from the library
then that part behaves normally (although it does not seem to 'connect' to
the tracks so the ERC fails)

I have not moved any of the comments or designators to any differrent

If I do a zoom all whilst one of the components has gone awol the window is
filled with the rest of the placed board only.

If alternatively I 'jump' to that component then three quarters of the
screen is filled with yellow (top silk), presumably part of the comment or

It is the component X/Y values which are wild, the comment and designator
values are as I would expect them.

Maybe the above may help to clarify and jog someones memory?

