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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Protel vs Pads ?

> I've never understood how PADS developed such a following - it's probably
> lease favorite design tool and It's never been easy to use (I'd rather do
> boards in AutoCAD than use it!)

I used PADS back in DOS days.  It was usable.  That's about the best thing I
can say about it.

How did PADS develop such a following?  How can McDonald's still sell
hamburgers?  The answer is the same:  old customer habits.  PADS was a
competitive product back in DOS days.  McDonalds had good hamburgers back
when they used 100% pure beef.  Even though both may be less competitive
nowadays, people still buy them because they are in the habit of buying

I seriously doubt if PADS is taking on many new customers.  Most of it's
sales are probably to the existing customer base for upgrades, or new seats
for growing companies.

I parted ways with PADS long ago.  I still occasionally eat a McDonald's #3
(ugh), though, when I don't have time to think about the alternatives.  Old
habits die hard...

Best regards,
Ivan Baggett
Bagotronix Inc.