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Welcome in Sceince Education Center at Ain Shams University


Developing Educational Curricula


Symposia, Workshops and Conferences

Cooperation with Regional and International Organizations

Scientific and Educational Publications

First: In the area of Developing Educational Curricula:

  1. Science and Mathematics for Secondary School: The Center developed a complete set of units for secondary school chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics. It included student texts and teachers guides augmented with co-activities, teaching aids, evaluation tools, lab cards... etc. Educational media needed to teach some of these units were prepared in cooperation with the Danish establishment DANIDA.

  3. Science Education for Basic Education: In cooperation with the University linkage project (AID) between the Egyptian and American Universities, the Center developed a complete set of curricula in mathematics, environmental studies and practical areas to be used in the first cycle of basic education stage (grades 1-6).

  5. Science curricula for teacher Preparation in the Faculties of Education: In accordance with its philosophy concerning professionalization of science in different university colleges, the Center developed the professionalized chemistry curriculum which is presented in the Faculty of Education. This aimed at professional preparation of competent chemistry teachers. The Center plans to continue in developing all concerned subjects in science and mathematics.

  7. Developing and Experimenting chemistry curricula according to the Systemic Approach in teaching and learning (SATL): The Center prepared the content of the organic chemistry course and developed a reference text within the framework of SATL. The educational materials were experimented on the pre-pharmacy students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, in the year 98/99. The same course was experimented on the second year students of Faculties of Science of Ain Shams and Benha Universities, (1999-2000). The experiment gave successful results as reflected by the students' high achievements and positive reactions and attitudes towards the (SATL) in deepening and inters - linking the main concepts of chemistry. The Center is currently working for developing reference curricula and texts for general and practical chemistry to suit university and pre- university education, using the (SATL).

  9. Developing physics and biology curricula, by using (SATL): This is currently under preparation to be completed within the next two years, so as to serve pre- university and university stages.

  11. Producing low cost models of apparatus: Using local raw materials, the Center produced 35 low cost models of simplified apparatus. This has been done upon the request of the UNESCO department of science, technology and environmental education, to be used in teaching science inside the classroom instead of using expensive equipped laboratories. Experimentation with similar simplified models for physics is currently taking place.

  13. Science and mathematics for basic education teachers preparation: Within the linkage programs between Egyptian and American Universities, the Center executed (by Jan. 1990) a project for developing curricula in science, mathematics and technology for basic education teachers who are prepared in the Faculties of Education.

  15. Currently, the Center is planning to develop modules and courses in integrated science within the SATL, to serve basic education teachers colleges.

  17. The Bio-technology Education Project: The Center is currently and during the coming two years is working on developing courses and modules in the area of Bio-technology to be taught at both the university and pre-university levels.

  19. Green Chemistry in Laboratory Experiments: The Center is preparing (within two years limit) for safe and clean practical experiments, taking in consideration environmental, cost-effective and safety measures, to be applied in different stages of education.

  21. The Utilization of Internet in Education: In cooperation with the UNESCO Regional Bureau, for Arab States in Cairo, the Center is in the process of establishing a new unit for information technology supplied with up-to-date equipment. The aim is to prepare educational programs, and to train teachers and staff members in using the Internet and modern technologies in teaching and learning.

  23. Comparative Study of Integrated Science in some Arab Countries: Upon the request of UNESCO, the Center conducted a comparative study about curricula of integrated science in the second cycle of basic education (preparatory schools) in some Arab Countries. Comprehensive conducts and results were reported to the UNESCO.

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Second: In the Area of Training:

One of the main objectives of the Center is to cooperate with the Ministry of Education (MDE) and to serve its purposes. In this concern, the Center conducted several training sessions in which many teachers, supervisors and advisors were involved. The following are examples of such training programs.


1- Science and mathematics supervisors training program

The Center conducted a training program for 57 supervisors of science and mathematics of secondary schools. This was carried out twice a week. (Oct 10, 1990 - Jan 2,1991).

The Center organized this training program to develop the skills of the Ministry of Education supervisors and training them to be trainers of in-service teachers of science and mathematics and raising the standards of their capabilities.


2- Training Programs on:

"New trends in evaluation and specifications of efficient testing in chemistry".

This was held on November 1999, where 500 teachers and senior staff from different Governorates of Egypt were involved.

3- A Training Program on:

"They Systemic approach in teaching and learning science in the 21st century".

This program was coordinated with the Ministry of Education, where a "Video conference" was used. This was held on 8-10 of Feb. 2000, where 2000 teachers and seniors participated. This training program was very successful according to the feedback from all trainees.


4- A Training Program on:

"The Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning Chemistry for Secondary School Teachers in Alexandria Governorate".

This was held on 19-21 Feb. 2000. 120 Chemistry teachers and their seniors from Alexandria Governorate participated in this program.

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Third: Symposia, Workshops and Conferences:

The Center Carried out Several Conferences and Workshops, some of which are the following:

I - Symposia and Workshops:

(1) Problems of teaching chemistry in pre-university education:

Regional symposium held in Participation with the ALECSO, (1976).

(2) Symposium on the work plan of the Center:

International (1976).

(3) Trends of science education in Egypt:

Regional symposium, (1977).

(4) Preparation of science and mathematics teachers:

A regional symposium with participation of some Arab Countries, (1975).

(5) Educational research in the area of science and mathematics education:

Local symposium, (1980).

(6) Teaching integrated science:

A regional symposium held with participation of some Arab Countries and UNESCO, (1981).

(7) The environmental approach in teaching chemistry:

A regional Symposium held with participation of some Arab Countries and UNESCO, (1983).

(8) Using the computer in teaching science and mathematics:

Local Symposium, (1985).

(9) Using the Computer in Egyptian Schools: Three symposia were held to investigate the opinions of:

Educational experts. (October 1987).

Computer experts, (Nov. 1987).

Ministry of Education experts, (Dec. 1967).

(10) Technology Education in general education (A):

Local symposium with the participation of UNESCO, (1989).

(11) Technology Education in geducation (B):

A regional symposium held with the cooperation of UNESCO, (1990).

(12) Workshop about inexpensive equipment in science education:

A regional workshop in cooperation with UNESCO, (1992).

(13) A symposium on science education and the requirements of development in the 21st century:

Local symposium, (1996).

(14) Workshop on the discovery and development of the talented youth in science:

Local workshop, (1997).

(15) Biotechnology Education:

Local symposium, (1998).

(16) Scientific culture in the 21st century:

Local symposium, (1999).

(17) Biotechnology in pharmaceutical industry:

Local symposium, (1999).

(18) Distance education through the internet:

Local symposium, (1999).

(19) The systemic approach in science education in the 21st century:

Local symposium, (2000).

(20) The Systemic approach in teaching and learning chemistry in university education:

Local symposium, (2000).

(21) Biotechnology in medicine:

Local symposium, (2000).

(22) Biotechnology in agriculture:

Local symposium, (2000).

(23) Developing selectivity among internet users:

Local symposium, (2000).

(24) Biotechnology and micro organisms:

Local symposium, (2000).

(25) Educational security in the era of globalization:

Local symposium, 2000.


Many recommendations came out of these activities. These recommendations helped the Center in planning for its future activities. These recommendations were reported to the concerned institutions.

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II- Conferences:

(1) Technology in the Educational System:

This Conference was held on 23-24 of May 2000. About 150 participants, from universities, research centers and Ministry of Education were involved. The conference came out with several recommendations about introducing technology in the educational system and maximizing the benefits of different educational media in all the stages of education.


(2) The first Arab conference on Biotechnology education:

This will be held on 13-14 Sept. 2000. It will be organized with cooperation of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Arab States, Cairo.

(3) The First Arab Conference on the Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning:

This will be held on 17-18 Feb. 2001. It will be organized in cooperation with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Arab States in Cairo.

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Fourth: Cooperation with Regional and International Organizations:

Since its establishment, the Center made considerable efforts to be linked with similar Centers and local and international scientific organizations which sharing the same interests. This was implemented through exchange of visits and publications and carrying out combined research projects. Among these organizations are the following:

1- DANIDA in Denmark.

2- IPN at Kiel University, Germany.

3- LHS at Berkeley University, California; U.S.A.




The Center cooperates also with professor Joe Lagawsky, professor of teaching chemistry at Texas university, Austin, U.S.A. He is the co-author of (SATLC) with Prof. Fahmy, the Director of the Center.


In addition to the above, the Center cooperates with local organizations such as the Ministry of Education, the National Center for Educational Research and Development, the National Academy of Science, the National Committee for Pure and Applied Chemistry and the Faculties of Education, Science, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Medicine and Engineering in the Egyptian Universities... etc.

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Fifth: In the Area of Scientific and Educational Publications:

The Center cooperates with the Egyptian League for Science Teachers in publishing a periodical under the title of "Journal of Modern Science" which publishes and disseminates educational, and modern thoughts and trends in science education among science teachers in the Arab world.

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Any comments or questions, please contact Dr. Nabawy A. Elkattan, Webmaster

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