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Hi Kids. My name is Ryan Chudd. I am 16, my birthday being on November 17th. I now attend Lafayette High School in Williamsburg, VA. I have just completed the big 10th grade, *eyeroll* I just moved here in July from Pennsylvania... I had lived there 5 years and attended Belle Vernon High. The 10 years before that I spent living in various locations in West Virginia.

My dad is a preacher, which is why we moved. He wanted a new church and also to be closer to my sister and her growing family. My mom stays at home now to watch my grandma.. She last worked as a caretaker for four mentally retarded men. I have a dog, Brandi. Brandi is a chocolate lab mix. I have a 29 year old sister, Erica, and a 27 year old brother, Jeff

My sister does some work at home for some law firm. Currently shes battling breast cancer and undergoing treatments. Shes also several months pregnant. She is married to a cop, Hutch. They have one kid, Garrett, who is now about 16 months old.

My brother lives in Baltimore as a district manager or something over soft goods of West Marine. He has a girlfriend, Heather. They just recently moved into a new house as well... along with a roommate i think. So that's real cool.

This site was once again modified and totally remodeled on April 20, 2003. This was done in part to better organize and showcase my artwork, of what I have now and that in the future. I also enjoy taking my skills to a slightly higher level each time I redo my personal site. This time I wanted a more sophisticated, yet simplistic site than the previous gawdy and cluttered mess that I had before. Meanwhile i avoided new programming techniques and just overall feel much more comfortable with the CSS div concept. Thats cool.. so now i can move on.

If you wish to contact me about anything, you may email me at ... I will reply as soon as possible.