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Hi Kids.

I will attempt to write in this journal as often as possible, hopefully daily. Yet, I doubt much will be deciphered from any ramblings below.

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June 17 : 2003 : 8:26 PM

No kid should be without a kneaded eraser. O yea. And i saw star wars episode II today, wow did that dominate.. major nerd chills. Anywho. Marisa is the master jedi now, your very own yoda. She wasnt too thrilled when i said it turned me on, weirdo.... juuust messing. So anywho yesterday got a few things, like anew sketchbook... yummy. And um today i went to the ortho again, nothing big there, average shmoe today. Anywho the house is all sick but me so im trying my best to avoid it, ugh. Tomorrow is ultimate... 530.. barksdale.. woohoo... peace kids - ry

June 15 : 2003 : 11:37 PM

So. bonus game of ultimate, or so it seems. cuz like the schedule is changing. so this gets us situated. new guy there from ireland. got a kid.. or a few.. so thats cool.. always nice to have newcomers... Charlie brought up some more things.. confused me somewhat. and clarified a few things. but eh. in time. tmrw i got bloodwork. whooppeee.. not. and then.. hmm.. ortho the next. then.. o whats on wednesday, i forget. or mayb not. anywho i need more cheesesticks... and to draw more. good night kids. sry that this post reveals like zilch. but since only marisa reads this, whats it matter fool? it'll make sense to me by next year - night kids - ry

June 14 : 2003 : 11:40 PM

Hey, well Janey is gonna be out of touch for two weeks, and Marisa gone to governors for a month?! ahhhh i wont know what to do with myself. eh not really :) but i still love them. hehe. so. uh the ultimate game was kinda bagged. not enough ppl plus it was hot sticky and all that... got my new disc tho.. its soo purty. now i can actually practice. anywho went and did some yard work, mowed. etc. rearranged and cleaned my room, good times. ima shutup now. peace kids - ry

June 14 : 2003 : 10:06 AM

Hey kids, I updated the Pals page... i really need to go back and check the ones i do have and make sure i added everyone, but o well another day. im kinda procrastinating on the art. but uh, it will get here. and i have a couple new pics of my nephew to post i guess. if i can find them. im goin to ultimate at 230.. ish. so just hope i dont get drilled this time, im not sure if any other high schoolers will be there, cuz of graduation.. so whatever.. it'll still be good times. o yea and if i remember to stay this time, and barron is there i can finally get my frisbee, woohoo.. :).. peace out kids.

June 13 : 2003 : 10:10 PM

Hey. so. well been one week since Matt and Kyle's death. and again im kinda saddened.. cuz just a week ago, at the time of this writing.. they were taking their last breaths... its a terrible thought to think that you could be swept away. gone forever. words left unsaid. not just the millions u have to speak. but the trillions more unsaid to you... the grievances from ppl u never even knew. and from those who couldve known u a world better with shyness aside. for those last words alone, makes me kinda dread myself... but eh with due respect as a dying gift... ive tried to re-establish friendships from those that were slipping.. and tried to put my worst fears aside to compromise... anywho. im gonna go scan artwork. i did update the bio and links page i believe.. i'll updte more then write more later. love ya guys - ry

June 12 : 2003 : 3:29 PM

first off, ive taken a lot of time.. reflection... on June 6th matthew bucholz and kyle goodman of oil city, pa died... two guys that meant something dear to my good friend marisa.. so when my friends are down im pretty saddened too. secondly.. i got my portfolio back, so new art stuff will be up soon. Yesterday i got hit pretty hard on the backside playing ultimate... collided with a good 325 lbs atlenst.. totally dominated.. but uh. just bruises..s o. two more exams.. then 8 days off. visiting my sis and all like i mentioned b4. then big ol kairos. im a lil bummed right now.. since its kinda foreshadowing how terrible bored im gonna be all summer... whoa just woke up.. hmmm. totally dazed there. well i guess i may post a bit more when i get the art up.. i like the site design, bu the colors are getting boring.. so i may go for a slight redesign by the end of july, once again, like u care... well free aquaphor at staples so ttyl fools - peace- ry

June 8 : 2003 : 12:29 AM

Hey kids. One more week of school. Big things involve this cartoon that i'll finish when i wake up and um.. this food day. after that its mostly good times from there. i got a whole week to do a bit of this and that. visit my sis. see my bro in the process. then offf to camp. so june is pretty packed. and im pretty excited whatever. lots more art on wednesday. and like more after i get back fomr camp since i'll have time in the summer... anywho maybe geetar and basement will become things i do again. or not. whatever. just felt like typing something up. sometimes i feel like i should be in depth and use hypotheticals and sometimes i feel like i should keep like i do on here... eh considering this is easy to find from anyone. mesa shushed then. - ttyl kids - peace - ry

June 4 : 2003 : 10:42 PM

Alot of things i could mention.. little patience due to exhaustion and im sleepy. so. more art on the way. like updated. i'll prob do a general update the first day i get around to doin it after school is out. along with pickin up the journal again. or maybe i'll just have to find some motivation.. or reason.. or a pillow. good night.. dont fly the hamster kite. love ya kids - ry

May 26 : 2003 : 7:25 PM

Hey, memorial day, bonus holiday game of ultimate and all... good times, good turnout.... Hmmm trying to get the main points of my paper done and i'll just flow with the rest tmrw. Trying to get it in thursday or friday, even though id rather have it done for tomorrow. Why the hell do you care? Been talking alot with Janey and her friend.. and yeah. That doesnt matter here either. I guess one day i wish this was some revelation.. some thought i put into each day. I guess the quote i read the other day.. well i guess it wasnt a quote then, it is now cuz its exactly to what i think..... this is kinda been a slow thought for a while. summed up to juuuust the way i wish i couldve thought of myself. "life is ironic , i devote so much time and energy to this struggle of self realization and sometimes i feel like i would trade it all if only i could go back to being the person i was before i ever posed the question. regardless its too late to turn back now, every anwser i find leads me to new questions. and these questions lead to new growth. i have learned so much from this and i am still so far away from all of my anwsers. So I must continue." -Andrew Jones ....... those words speak enough for atleast a few days.. peace out kids.

May 23 : 2003 : 8:26 PM

Been another week since i wrote... slacking off again. in a sense. just too much work .. and um not getting enough done. o well. wednesday was a blast.... ultiamte in the rain.. why the hell do i write here anywayz... thank god ashby's on now... *sigh.........* im pretty tired and got a weekend full of english to look forward to.. so peace

May 17 : 2003 : 11:04 PM

Woohoo i dont have much to say about yesterday... so i'll make today more descriptive... o boy. So i woke up around 9 .. ish. 8 .. whatever. Went downstairs and took care of all the wiring necessary to hang light fixtures down there next time. so thats cool... once it gets to summer i'll have more time to make that place more livable.. more carpet.. seating stuff... entertainment.. the works. right. chudds gone bloody mad.. ahhh . anywayz had a shweet game of ultimate. Maybe by the time im these guys age that i play with i'll eb pretty dcent. I have noticed in the past two weeks that im getting better and more confident.. throwing technicalities would help.. i pick up enough already just observing. anywho... On a Wire by the get up kids came out a few days ago. woohoo its shweeeeeeet. i absolutely adoring it right now. Wish You Were Here is my fave song on there.. but anywho... white stripes new stuff is good to.. go support em... im gonna og to bed... ttyl kids.. peace out - ry

May 15 : 2003 : 6:03 PM

Whoa its been a while. Well i'll keep it brief i guess. My sisters lymph glands arent cancerous... so thats real cool. My gram took a fall a couple of days ago, btu she came back from the hospital the same day... school wise has been kinda iffy... no big demands for anything but english... its gonna be time pressed... but the hardest part, i have 3 partners to back me up on... so i do the paper... dont screw up MAAN and doing reliable work on the semster project and i'll escape english just fine... world geo will be easy... art i have a 95 in...cuz im so skilled. dont you roll your eyes. you know your envious. pth. chudd will stop being a braggart now. go put some aquaphor on chudd. you cant even open your bloody mouth. i still say that that book i read of old english has corrupted for a while atleast. hmm... i love my pool table. just incase it wasnt evident. ultimate yesterday was a blast... good hard running.. nice efforts... bloody legs and scratches. only highschooler there. with 18 others... bleh. gonna go down some dew.. donate-gum-to-chudd day is next monday. Good effort gets you brownie points. peace out kids. - ry

May 8 : 2003 : 9:02 PM

Hi Kids. lets see Tuesday was mediocre.... yesterday was a bit better... had to write a paper tho... but it went swell.. Today was pretty dcent. Nothing challenging but alot of things will swamp me soon enough, i cna just feel it coming. Anywho burnt a new cd.... my sister had her operation.. wen smooth... looks not to be too badly spread, so that is super news... anyhwo i'll shut up now... ttyl kids - ry

May 5 : 2003 : 9:07 PM

Ultimate was kickass... gotta leg spasm later, sunday i went to sunday school... church, youth group.. the works... its ok tho. Anywho today was school again... pretty average.. easy classes for the most part.Gotta busier day tomorrow... only thing i did this afternoon was get new kicks.. and bum around. like the usual(on the latter)... welpers im gonna go make sure i didnt forget any homework.. peace out kids - ry

May 3 : 2003 : 1:15 PM

Hi kids! yesterday was okay.. school wasnt terrible and my driving lesson was fine and all.. been playing alot of pool last night and today so far... doin a bit of cleaning too... hopefully i can hook up the tv down there today... if i can convince my dad later to do so... or maybe that will take longer than I think... gonna go play ultimate in an hour.. yay. - ry

May 1 : 2003 : 10:46 PM

Hi kids. Eh art is goin swell, precalc and eng are goin smooth.. so i guess the school outloook is still smooth and im just paranoid... Went and saw the dermatologist today.. all is well there.. hopefully my face will clear up in the next 4 or so weeks.. good chance i think... then uhhh had dinner.. been working on this english paper.. i think its pretty good so thats coool. I hate being paranoid about my papers. I have to stop being lazy and dragging every thought on with little dots. Tomorrow i have another driving session then finally some more free time.. cant wait... as long as i dont kill anyone meanwhile with my shaky driving skills..peace out kids, good night... dont fly the hampster kite - ry

April 2003