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Kaleigh - Oh my dear Kaleigh. Thank you so much for everything you have helped me with. I'll never forget June 21.. or herrbie.. or flamingos... or or.. lol i could go on but the rest would require quite some thought. Take care in all you do, i love to see ya smiling,.. if ur not, then smack andrew around until it becomes amusing. :) love ya hun.

Janey - Hey girl. thanks for being a great pal and listening to me ramble all the time. Sucks that i can never tell if your being sarcastic or.. enthusiastic, hehe. I promise i'll come see ya sometime soon, Oswald.

Alicia - Hey, you listen to alot of my shit too.. thanx. good luck with Dan, hope that you two last forever. Sure seems like it will.

Hey Melissa, Andrew, Karrie, Jen, Kara, Kristen, Lyssa, Sarah, Mike, Dave

Winter Cel

Shawna - Hey I am glad I met ya. Your such a great person to talk to... and your online a lot... so it makes it really convenient.. hehe. Hope that you get along with all ur boys *cough* threesomes. anywho take care, peace

Hey Kelli

Hey Ashby - Your play was cool. Awesome to see ya again. Cya at kairos, u betr not mess with me, oh and u have to beat up Josh


Marisa - Hey girl. we must just be really damn interesting to still be friends. *eyeroll* anywho. I feel terrible for ur loss. hope ur coping everday, i'll try to be there when i can, or u can always email me, take care, peace girl

Hey Mel + Kimmy


Heylo to all my cuzins too...

And i suppose i should say hello to anyone from my own bloody school, LHS. So there, scurry off now. Just Kidding

Yell at me if i forgot you