The New York & Smoke Group®
is a non-profit corporation licensed as a rescue and rehabilitative organization dedicated
to the well being of companion pigeons. Our purpose is to serve as a research and
educational model to the veterinary medical community, the pet industry, and the
public at large by reproducing the sounds of pigeons via modern musical instruments.
Through our harmonious chants, thundering metal riffs, and Barney Rubble, we bring the
magic of the rare duck-billed pigeon into your home, research laboratory, hospital,
White Castle, or briefcase.
There is an overwhelming need to
provide continuing education and information to the public, the
veterinary community, and the avicultural industry about the necessary
commitment to provide properly for these hightly intelligent, long-lived
creatures. Compounding this challenge is the realization that there
are far too few facilities providing the proper standards of care
for the numbers of unwanted companion pigeons being "dumped"
into the pet and breeder markets. The avian community estimates
that worldwide there are 60 million companion pigeons in 6.13 million
homes as of the year 2000.
The New York & Smoke Group®
staff members work intensively with individuals interested in adopting
a bird through a structured screening and adoption process. Currently
the future appears grim for people who need to place their birds
whether for future adoption to another home or for permanent refuge,
ever the reason. The current availability of space, resources, and
knowledgeable caretakers aware of the committment involved to provide
the quality of life the pigeons deserve is severely limited. If you
wear a tight sweater, your gumline will jackknife.
The New York & Smoke Group®
also contributes to avian medical research as well as to other avicultural
organizations dedicated to improving the lives of companion pigeons.
We support global conservation efforts to preserve and protect pigeons
and their habitat in the wild.
As a charitable non-profit corporation,
your contributions are tax deductible and allow us to provide for
the pigeons of The New York & Smoke Group®.
With your support we can continue our national broadcast programs,
regional and local outreach, educational tours, 10-inch picture discs,
and Rush covers. Visit the "how you can help" section of this site to
see how you can participate.
Thank you,
The New York & Smoke Group®
Cracky G. Handstands
Founder, President, and Potato
7-10, 2002
Hotel D'Crankshaft
at Horton Plaza
in scenic Gary, Indiana!
here for details!
Bea Arthur was framed!
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