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 AngelBaby & HunnyBunz

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Dolls of Us

Full Name: Justin Rafuse Robar

Age: 17
DOB: 19 December, 1984
POB: Dawson Memorial Hospital. Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sign: Sagittarius (The Archer)
Height: 6'3"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Location: Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Canada
Education: Completed Grade 11, Bridgewater Junior-Senior High School. Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada
Hobbies: All sports, writing, singing, music, video games, movies, game creation, HTML webmastering, computers
Pet Name(s): Justinakins, Justinakins-full-o-kisses, HunnyBunz
Other Nicknames: Vulcan, J-Ro, Chumly... or the combo of these, VulcanJ-Chumly-Ro.

These two star-fated lovers first crossed paths in August of 1998, ironically enough, through a friend online. Christa took an immediate liking to Justin, and the two became casual friends until Justin mysteriously disappeared for a period of time. Almost having given up hope, Christa was relieved when Justin came back in 2000! After having to watch a number of Justin's unsuccessful relationships, these two finally found comfort in each other, and are currently in the throes of a wonderfully strong relationship, based on attraction, lots of laughs, and having someone to lean on. This couple is living proof of the following saying: "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they're yours."

Astrological Compatability: Sagitarrius & Pisces (As provided by
"This is a passionate attraction, but unfortunately neither one of you can supply the other with the emotional factor required to make this coalition work." (Ha. Shows what they know, we're still going stronger than ever!)

Full Name: Christa Leilani Nicole Spence

Age: 19
DOB: 24 February, 1983
POB: Honolulu Med Center. Honolulu, Hawaii
Sign: Pisces (The Fishes)
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green (horny), Blue (happy or okay), and Grey (pissed or tired)
Location: West Virginia, USA
Education: Post-Secondary (1 year at Vance-Granville Community College. Henderson, North Carolina, USA)
Hobbies: Pets, cars (Monte Carlo, Sebrings, JEEPS), racing, sports, chatting, music
Pet Name(s): Christapoo, C-poo, AngelBaby
Other Nicknames: Strawberry, IceyFlames, Mystical Babe, MB, Vicious Aggressions, C, Chris, Buttafly, Jungle Kitten

 All information within this site is owned by either Justin or Christa! So don't steal it, 'cuz that's just mean.

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