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 AngelBaby & HunnyBunz

Welcome to our Home. Make yourself comfy!

Justin: "He rode her like a Thanksgiving Turkey!"
Christa: "Corkune-Footchie!"
Christa: "Alcifluence of inkahol!"
Christa: "Low the Mawn."
Justin & Christa: "NUH UH..UH HUH..NUH UH..UH HUH...NUH UH...UH HUH..NUH UH....UH HUH..ect..."
Christa: "I love you shitloads!"
Christa: "You kissed my yawn. hehe"

Justin & Christa: "I love you bunches
and bundles
and puddles
and piles
and bushels
and baskets
and bottles
and backpacks
and pots
and pans
and trashbags
and cans
and lots and lots of *mwah*!
Paper & Glue, I love you!"

 All information within this site is owned by either Justin or Christa! So don't steal it, 'cuz that's just mean.

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