If you think your sites the Cats Meow, than this is for you.
We love really cute sites, and as a reward, we have some cute little awards to dress it up.
To apply for a "cute kitty site award", just register your interest in my guestbook, write me a litte note and don't forget your website address!!
It doesn't even have to be Josie realated for this one, if its cute, we wanna see it! so get writting!!
The "Pick of the Litter Award" goes to the best sites. purrrrfect sites, cute AND josie realated. Check out the links site, and that will have
the current "Pick of the Litter" which I belive is the cutest site of the moment, It changes all the time as sites grow, and newer sites appear.. so keep and eye out.
everyone who apply's for the "Cute Kitty award" will be concidered for the "pick of the Litter" award. Good Luck guys!!
The Latest Award, The InPURRnet award. For Josie and the pussycat sites with great info, these are the kinnda sites you go to as soon as you log on, before you move on to the other sites.
Not just there to Meow and look pretty, these sites Kick butt!!
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