Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
Back Door
The List
The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Miss Monaghan's Office

Dis is Miss Monaghan's office. Heah's wheah all da rules an da application is. Miss Monaghan took ovah dis lodgin house a few yeahs ago, back in 1898. Befoah it had been owned by a pretty heartless ol man who's name is bettah left unsaid. Miss Monaghan's been a real saint compared ta him.

If ya wanna stay, foist ya gotta read da union rules and da lodgin house rules an agree to abide by 'em. Ya all set an ready ta apply? Heah's an application for ya!

If ya wanna know moah about da history of da lodgin house an da Park, jist go out on da front steps an i'll tell ya all about it!