Yep this is the place where you'll find the linkware I've created
for your websites. In the future I'll be including fantasy
goth - a little mystical along with some web blogs. If you have
any questions or requests for custom buttons and headers, check
out My custom design page for more information.
These linkware sets are for use on your personal sites ONLY.
And remain free with the condition of a link back to
Serrene Impressions.
If you wish the html to go along with these sets,
Me and I'll be happy to send it to you. Otherwise just use
the right click method. For the newbies - that's simply holding
your cursor over the graphic you wish to have and right clicking
with your mouse - then selecting the "save as" option
and saving it to your hard drive.
Please do NOT link directly to My site. That is band width theft
and highly frowned upon.
Thanks, Serrene
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