Sohma Kyou (Baka Neko)
Kyou often has a rather faraway expression on his face. He's probably imagining how it would feel to finally defeat Yuki. Okay, I know he's actually apologizing to Tohru for being a jerk, but is Yuki ever far from his thoughts?
See, like here. Not to repeat the obvious, but there's something very animal-like in that head tilt...
Here he's just looking bored.
He has the same expression a lot of the time. Sort of....well....distant.
....Except in cases like this. Everyone knows he's Yuki's cousin and all the girls are pestering him cause he's cute. Poor baby.
Or when someone's trying to feed him leeks, which he apparently hates. Of course, since Tohru cooked them, Yuki's making him eat.
Back to his usual cheerful self. ^_^
The backwards-over-the-shoulder-glance. Okay, so it looks better on Sanosuke, but that's also cause Sano has no shirt on in the image.
Of course, that doesn't mean Kyou can't take off his shirt. Okay, so it probably got torn off while he was transforming into evil 3rd monster form, but still.
Kyou and Yuki.
Kyou is too sexy for his sleeves, so he's not wearing 'em.
A black and white shot from the manga.
And the requisite long shot!
The pervert...I mean, Shigure