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Evolving a Super Computing Architecture for modelling the Cortex: Towards Understanding Color Information Encoding (Individual Thesis Work at WARF) Advisor: Prof.N.Venkateswaran


This thesis aims at deciphering the spatio temporal color information encoding taking place along the visual pathway. The approach adopted is dominant frequency analysis of the cell response on a per layer basis. This work also involves the development of a Super Computing architecture for modelling the cortex. This architecture will help study the effect of synaptic dynamics on the information encoding process. This is a part of a major research project ROCin BRAIN  done at WARF.

Expected Completion Date : March 2004

THESIS PROPOSAL                                           INTERIM REPORT



Digital signal processing, image processing and cryptography involve a variety of algorithms such as convolution, correlation, matrix operations, polynomial arithmetic and transforms. These algorithms are characterized by intense com-putation, matrix appearance and local data communication and high frequency of multiplication & addition operations. Ultra high performance architectures can be designed and implemented for the execution of these algorithms in DSP applications, using multi giga hertz Deep Submicron (DSM) technology. The device count in such architectures is of the order of several hundred millions. Achieving low power for such an architecture without compromising on performance is a challenge.

This project presents the design of a power aware high speed DSP architecture - KDSP1010. K in KDSP1010 stands for cool(Kool) emphasizing the low power nature of the proposed architecture. 1010 is the initial version of the processor. We plan to enhance the design and come out with advanced  DSP series architecture. KDSP1010 is endowed with special purpose high speed 16 operand  MOA (Multiple Operand Adder) &  CM4* which is a four operand high performance floating point chain multiplier that can cater upto 80 bit operands.  f4add, a four operand floating point high speed adder is the basic functional unit in the proposed design of MOA CM4*. All the aforesaid functional units have been described using hardware descriptor languages and c language. The simulation results are presented here. Certain DSP transforms (Fast Fourier Transforms) are mapped on  DSP1010 and the results enunciate the power of the proposed architecture.

Techniques for designing low power architectures include ad hoc designs, reduced memory access techniques or variable power supply corresponding to the workload (present in the current computation cycle)  The power saving techniques proposed concerns only with the dynamic power. Bypassing of functional units when the computation involves either 1 or 0 is an technique adopted to reduce the dynamic power here. Functional units that remain inactive for several cycles during the execution of a DSP algorithm consume enormous amount of static power. In DSM technology (90nm and below) the static power consumed due to leakage current is around 30-35One way of reducing the static power is by employing temporary shutdown of inactive nodes. The various techniques are dealt with here.

Project Completed on : October 2003 Duration: 2 months



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