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What should your Fire Company expect when you call in a Hazmat Team?

Response Time1 to 2 Hours Depending on Location
Staffing of a Response10+ Members
Vehicle Response: at least one Hazmat Truck, and support vehicles as required.
Hazmat Team will only mitigate and stabilize the problemCleanup is performed by a contractor at the expense of the party responsible for the incident.

  • Hazmat Team will isolate their team at a hazmat staging area.
  • Hazmat Team will provide a Sector Commander that will interact with the Incident Commander.
  • Hazmat Entry Team will not enter the Hot Zone until a Decontamination line is established.
  • Hazmat Team will recommend Containment Zones: HOT, WARM, COLD zones.
  • Hazmat Team will recommend an Action Plan.

What should our Hazmat Team be able to expect at your incident?

  • Very specific directions to the incident
  • Radio Channel or Frequency of incident operations

We will need specific information about the incident 

  • Spill / Leak
  • Release
  • Quantity
  • Amount of flow
  • Exposures / Risks

There will need to be a briefing upon arrival with Incident Commander

You will need to supply a Fire Suppression Crew with Backup Crew and RIT

There should be an ALS ambulance standing by:
Hazmat will provide a Medical Officer

You will need to supply an engine with water sourceminimum 2 handlines at 100gpm each for Decontamination

You must provide personnel to assist with Decon: minimum 6 - Hazmat will provide Decon Officer

Our Team will require an isolated staging area with a reasonably close proximity to the entrance of the Hot Zone :   ( the entry team may need to walk to the incident from our dressing area ) The area should be as level as possible.

The Red Team
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