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Time: Meet At Forest Hills VFD at 7:00 pm

Please try to come to FHVFD Tues Dec 19th between 4p-7p for another boot fitting if you were already fitted for new bunker gear.
Please have a safe and happy holiday season...
The Next Red Team Monthly Training Session will be held on Tuesday January 30, 2007 at the Forest Hills VFD at 7:00 pm.   If you have any questions regarding the drill you can call Chief Heller at 412-931-3158 ext. 1.

EVOXIS INFO  (soon we will be switching to another system)

  1. Getting Messages-Messages are sent to cell phones, landlines, email, and pagers.  Messages sent to cell phones and landlines will ask for authentication (see section II) Messages sent to email and pagers will require the recipient to call into the system to authenticate and get the details of the message (see section IV).
  2. The system will ask for the person by name or for the "emergency responder".  Press 1 if you are the intended recipient.  All others press 2.
  3. The system will ask for a PIN-enter your pin and press the # sign. If you enter an incorrect pin the system will ask you to try again.  You may try up to 3 times before the system disconnects.  PINS can be changed.  Talk to Chief Heller for details.
  4. After entering the correct PIN the system will play your message.
  5. Confirming Messages-Some messages will ask you to confirm that you have received the message.  Listen to the entire message.  Press 1 to hear the message again.  Or press 2 to confirm that you have heard the message.  The system will repeat the message as many times as you ask it to repeat.  After confirming, the system will end the call and/or you may hang up.
  6. Responding/Entering ETA-Some messages will ask if you can respond and if so, what is your ETA.  Listen to the entire message.  Press 1 if you are able to respond.  Press 2 if you are not or press 3 to repeat the message. If you press 1, you will be asked to enter your ETA.  You must enter a 4 digit military time ie 0800, 1730 etc… Do NOT press the # sign. If you enter an invalid time, the system will consider that midnight. The system will read the time you entered back to you.  Press 1 to confirm that it is the correct time or press 2 if the time is incorrect and reenter it. If you had entered that you could not respond, you may hang up. The system will thank you and end the call.
  7. Responding to a page or email-You will need to call into the system to get the message details. When you call in the system will ask you to enter your 10 digit phone number.  Enter any 10 digit cell phone number or pager number you have in the system.  Do not enter your work or home number unless you do not share it with another first responder.  Hit the # sign.  The system will ask  you to enter a PIN.  See above regarding PIN.
  8. Many people will have 1111 as their original PIN.  See Chief Heller  to learn how to have your PIN changed or to have your PIN changed.  Do not share your PIN with others.
  9. Message Escalating- The system will send a message to the first priority device in your file.  If you receive the message and call in the system will not try to reach you on any other devices.  If you do not authenticate, either by calling in or by answering and entering a PIN, the system will wait approx. 3 minutes, and then begin sending a message to your second priority device. The system will continue this pattern until a person has authenticated, or until all devices have been attempted.
  10. Messages can be recalled, meaning the situation has ended or changed. If you get a notification, but there is no message when you call in, this is what has happened.
  11. You can change the order of the priorities of your devices or the phone number, pager, or email addresses.  See Chief Heller for details on how to make the changes. 

The Red Team
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