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Feng Shui for Modern Living Magazine

What's Feng Shui?
Feng Shui for your home
Feng Shui to accelerate Chi


     Feng Shui to accelerate Chi

Lucky Bamboo,botanical name Dracaena Lucky Bamboo is one of the plants recommended by Feng Shui masters to improve Feng Shui and create a space where you feel safe and more energized. An ideal balance to our high-pressured world. Lucky Bamboo has been treated and cultivated under natural growing conditions according to Feng Shui methodology, therefore, their energies are more powerful.

Three Legged Toad One of the most auspicious of the creatures of Feng Shui, the Three Legged Toad literally has three legs. It sits on a bed of coins and ingots with a coin in its mouth signifying money making. Toad It is said to be a creature that has the power to attract wealth and prosperity.The three-legged toad should be placed in the corner diagonally opposite to the door. Care should be taken that it looks in with the expectation of wealth. Although there is no limit to how many toads there should be, the total number of the toads placed inside the house should not exceed nine. They can also be in multiples of nine. They are not to be placed in bedrooms or kitchens and even in other rooms, they should be discreetly placed

Fish Fish The other good fortune symbol is the brightly colored Fish. Even the red color is supposed to be a symbol of good fortune. If you intend to have an aquarium, keep the water clean and well oxygenated for healthy fish. Well-being of the fish is imperative for bringing a wealth of yang energy. If a fish dies do not despair. It really means that it has helped avert some misfortune. Simply replace it with another one.
Gold FishA Gold fish symbolizes prosperity. It is therefore excellent Feng Shui for attracting wealth. It can be both red and golden. Keep it in a Gold Fish bowl so that you look down at the fish. Oxygenations with their constant bubbles inspire yang energy. Place it in the North of the garden for good luck. East or Southeast is also okay but one should be careful not to have it in the South.

Dracon Dragon For the Chinese the Dragon has not only been the most potent symbol of good fortune, it also stands for fresh beginnings. It is a symbol of continuing success, great achievements and prosperity. A dragon inside the home energizes luck. For the living room a ceramic, porcelain or crystal dragon in the Southwest or the Northeast corners of the room is good. Wooden or carved versions are for the East and the Southeast. The size of the Dragon should not be overpoweringly large or diminutively small.

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