a novel idea. a novel notion. This is where I will keep up-to-date things, interesting factoids, or whatever other hodge podge stuff I think of. CLINICPICS. Family Medicine Clinic. Click here.
MEDICAL SCHOOL. If you're planning to apply to med school or you're already in medical school, here is my advice. LINKS.
**Go to
communities.msn.com/dinahandrobinswedding. to see my wedding pictures
If you're
planning to buy a stereo, digital camera, or any other electronic item, be
sure to stop by techbargains.com first. They'll usually give you
rebates to other websites such as amazon.com. I bought a Palm Pilot
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Gary Cruz is a friend who I met on the web. Check out his awesome site.www.garycruz.com
COOL FEELINGS.. Cool feelings is inspired by a radio station I listened to in Houston. I've been making my own "cool feelings" for a while now. Do you have one? If so, write it to me in my guestbook and if it's good, I'll post it and give you credit! "Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:38 Go to Daily Devotionals w/ Henry Blackaby View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook
This is a pic of me in "the stocks" at Kings Dominion. I'm 3 yrs old here.
It's a COOL FEELING when . . .