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    There are two things I hold as truths:
    1. God sent His Son Jesus to earth in human likeness to withstand all the temptations humans do, but still remain sinless, to teach about God's character, and finally, to become the ultimate sacrifice for the entire sinful world. (refer to John 3:16)

    2. The BIBLE is the truth and inspired by God. (refer to 2 Timothy 3:16)

    I have been a Christian since I was 12. Since then, I've gone through so many ups and downs in my spiritual life. In all that time, though, God has remained unchanged. He has always been the loving, all-knowing, merciful, graceful God He has always been. He's always ready for me, for us . . .just waiting.

    So what do I mean when I talk about RELATIONSHIP? It's the same kind of relationship you have with a close friend or relative. You have to sacrifice time to get to know someone. In the same way, we, as professing CHRISTIANS, must get to know JESUS through prayer and by reading his love letter to us: the BIBLE. Going to church every Sunday is not enough. If I were only to see my husband on Sundays I do not think that would be ample enough time to maintain my relationship with him. I love him too much to only spend time with him on Sundays.

    By saying this, in no way am I implying that I have reached some spirtual pinnacle. In fact, the above quote convicts me every day of my life. Did I read the Bible today? Did I spend enough time with Jesus through prayer?

    Philippians 3:13 says," But one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." I PRESS ON to know Jesus more and to make myself a better person through HIM.