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Maya and Atlas's Litter

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Maya has had her puppies on 11/11/03.

Contact Heather Haggard



***Puppy Page***



This page was updated 02/01/04.


Sicci von Draggahaus

We have named this pup Sicci. She is a very sweet girl. All these pups love to play with thier toys, and she is no exception. She is the most calm out of the group and loves to cuttle. Sicci has been doing great with her house breaking. She will go to the door and wine that she wants out. She is very quick to do her "business" and then come back in the house. She will play nicely with her toys and so far has not distroyed anything that wasn't hers to play with. She will make a great house companion for someone. She is good with kids and other dogs, and cats.


Sicci on 2/1/04

Sicci on 1/9/04

The pups are now 3 weeks old. They are walking all over the place. They will respond when we come to the box and play with them. They know our voices and will bark and howl when we take one of the pups away from them. They are growing like crazy and will begin to eat real food along with mom's milk.

This is a sable female. She has a very nice plush coat and so far a dark eye. She also has a very nice plush coat. she so far is doing very well and will reconize us as we come to visit them. She is a very sweet pup and likes to be right with you.