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KHOW - Kakarot's House of Wonder - *real life* Interesting Conversations


This section is pretty much like the interesting conversations section, but these convos actually took place. I have divided the convos into sections or something...I really dont know. And, most of these are between me and Gotenks, but if you see anyone else in them, please do not send them hate mail or anything. Thank you...

The Stuff
Conversation #1 - This one is between me and Gotenks

Conersation #2 - This one is between me and Gotenks

Conversation #3 - This one is also between me and Gotenks

Conversation #4- This one is from a chatroom. It deals shows and stuff. I really dont know how to explain on it and find out for yourself.

Conversation #5- This is a fine example of the power of napster

Conversation #6- This one is pretty short, but I think the Point gets across

Muwahahahahahahaha watch me the Kakaroto take part in the fight of the century! This one is a fight between me and my good friend MG. Whoooo!

Conversation #7 - This is me trying to get Gotenks off his fat as* and finally do something

People have had their minds rotted by mindless DBZ humor since Haloween of the year 2000

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