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The ultimate website for understanding granular flows

The Granular Volcano Group
Supercomputer Simulation Page

Are you interested in Numerical supercomputer simulations?

Well, this is the place. I will show here some recent numerical results I have done so far. I update this page from time to time in order to present the latest results.

You have reached here one of my major research theme: the development of generalized computer codes that can model any sort of geophysical granular flows as seen in Nature (e.g., landslides, nuées ardentes, pyroclastic flows and surges, volcanic jet, so forth).

The ultimate goal is to create supercomputer codes that can carry out modeling in a real 3D environment with Digital Elevation Model … this is, of course, for setting hazard maps around a potentially dangerous volcano. But we are not yet there, we just start up our modeling and, therefore, we only work only in a 2D Axisymmetric environment … Indeed, the task is huge! and can only be carried out with perseverance, time, patience, hard labor, and a strong team spirit between fine scientists, physicists, volcanologists, engineers and computer scientists …

Thereby, it is not surprising that this project lies within the framework of international and multidisciplinary collaborations between different fine people and teams. Feel free to visit our partners, collaborators, or those who help us to start this project:

University of Brussels, Belgium McGill University, Quebec, Canada Laboratoire des Magmas et des Volcans, France
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U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S.A.
Michigan Technological University, U.S.A.

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June 29th, 2002, 10:00PM, Eastern Time

Dear visitor:

If you are used to hang around this website often, you may have noticed that besides its general layout and its improved theoretical contents, the most important change is its new web location:

Please, if you like this website, update your bookmarks. Thanks

Because of this, the computer animations and movies will only be available on the new website:

Thanks for your understanding.

The Granular Webmaster,
Sébastien Dartevelle


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Other Granular Volcano Group Webpages:

- What is a Granular Medium?

- Granular Theory: an Overview

A complete review of Plastic-Frictional theories:

   - Part 1. Introduction, Mohr-Coulomb, and von Mises Stresses

   - Part 2. Plastic Potential Theory

   - Part 3. Critical State Theory

   - Part 4. Constitutive Equations for frictional granular flow

- All I wanna know about viscous stress!

- Compute Your Own Atmospheric Profile

- Go to the Numerical Results Page

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