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me, myself, & i: a glimpse

where to start? i don't think that i could fit my entire life story on here. even if i could, i really don't think you would want to actually read the whole thing. so here goes...

i was born and raised in southeastern kansas. all i knew was the small town life. you know--the one where you know everyone and everyone knows you. that has its pitfalls as well as the good side of it all. since everyone knew me, i didn't know too many strangers, and since they all knew me, if i ever mess up and did something i should, my parents found out. i can remember riding my bike around town like it was my back yard and not worrrying about anything. my parents let us run around nakes in our back yard in the country and pee off the back porch. yes, yes i really did that. and truth be told, i wish i lived where i could do it whenever i feel like it.

i'll be finishing up college this december. it seems so far away, but i'm sure when it gets here, i would wish i had one more year. but its part of growing up. i've learned some lessons--some hard and some that came a little easier. i have never really planned past college. yeah, i've had ideas of things i would like to do, but nothign that i have ever really thought about doing. i want to work in the ministry with high school kids. they are my passion in life and i'd do anything for anyone of them.

this past summer i was offered the chance to be a paid youth intern at a church south of kansas city, kansas. it was something that was different at first. i didn't know anyone, but it was that stepping out of what i knew that made it what it was. i got to know a whole new group of kids that i came to treat as my own and a church body that supported me for the gifts and talents that i had and was maturing in. i got the chance to go to colorado for a week and half for free. it was my first time to see the mountains and the time i saw the raw nature of God all around me. needless to say, i didn't to come home. waking up to the mountains and watching them in the darkness each night was almost too much to want to let go of.

the rest of my life is yet unwritten. part of me wants to have it all planned out and know what to expect. the other part, the wild and spontaneous part, wants to live it as it comes and enjoy the ride. i guess i'll know more as it happens. until then...

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