Yes. That old cliche.

The problem with art is that a lot of it is boring. We pretend we like it, but really we'd be happier watching films with guns in them. And its hard to talk about the stuff you do like without sounding like a pretentious git. Even people in well-to-do circles, when listening to their friends talk about art, recognise that even they are sounding like ponces.  

In spite of this, what I have included here is a small smattering of pieces that are of genuine interest to me. The books that I have mentioned are generally 'classical' [which can mean anything before 1950] and I have included a small amount of extracts from those that have been reviewed to give the potential reader a taste of the writing style - I have also done the same with a few poems. 

Click here to go to the extracts.

There is also a section on images here - please go to the artists' websites if you like these. Enjoy!




