This is my personal section, where I'll be writing anything that comes into my head and I'm ostentatious enough to think may be of some interest to other people, i.e. you. Hell, there's enough crap out there as it is, but having seen exactly how much gubbins there is on the Internet, I can't really compete. But I'll try. 

This site is, like any great product, a work in progress. It will continue to expand, like a water-bloated dead frog, until I take over the entire Web, similar to a cyberage Baron Greenback. Till then, you can read on or go and look at some donkey porn, but I generally find it disappointing.

If you have any queries as to why I should have the right to snaffle your precious bandwidth, hopefully this should answer your questions. Also remember to check out my list of other links and webrings.

I have also included a photos section so people can stop asking me for them.

However, if these fail to enlighten, other opportunities do occasionally present themselves for us to enlighten our own sludgy existences. In such a vein, I have a gift for those you who wish to be elevated out of your own stagnant and fetid lifestyles. 

You should know by now not to ask me to explain anything.




