

'I will be your unbefriending,
self-expending, moral-bending thorn'

Please check out the new AFFILIATES page

  days until independence day †

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A Point About Copyright

While I have endeavoured to be as original as possible in creating this site, some items have been taken from other sites to illustrate particular points. Where this has happened, I have included a link to the site the article came from where possible. I have sent many emails to Webmasters, asking for permission to use their material, and have received no response in each case. I therefore assume these people couldn't give a toss as to who lifts their pictures and as a result have given up blasting people with emails. Of course, if you've found something from your own site here which you'd like removed, please email me with your site URL  at the address below. You can also include an explanation as to why you didn't bother replying in the first place. If you can be bothered.

Email: sbgrant@mailworks.org






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