Trust me, I wouldn't have included this section had not so many people bugged me.

I never take pictures. I just cannot be bothered to lug a camera around places... however, other people do, and Katy is one of them. She did me the honour of rooting through her photo albums and sending me a few pictures so those of you with curiosity can be satisfied. So blame her.


A goat. Yes, a goat.



Katy was so obsessed by the Waterfront she took loads of photos of it!! This is just one. Who are these people?? I dunno!


The object of all my affections. Nobody ask.



Me probably being cynical.



Katy and Sarah



Gloria - 2nd girlfriend at uni. 100% Spanish and 100% bitch, it turned out.
You can tell, can't you.



Katy and Sarah at a very poor restaurant.


This has now turned into Katy's page. Here she is having graduated with a very poor choice of border colour.


AGH! Take me away from these monstrosities!!