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Forensic Medicine Department
Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

A Service to Humanity

If due to some unpleasant & unfortunate incidence, some friend, relative or blood relation of someone has disappeared suddenly, please visit this Album of Unknown dead bodies which were brought to the Mortuary of Forensic Department, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad. With this help, you might spot out your lost ones.
(We are thankful to Daily Express newspaper for their help in taking pictures of unknown bodies).

Picture 1       Picture 2        Picture 3 
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       (Back to Album)

Brought to Mortuary on: 23.09.2002
Time: 1:40 p.m.
c/o Police Post, Allied Hospital Faisalabad.
Police Station: Civil Lines.
Admitted in Allied Hospital Faisalabad on 22.09.2002 & died there within 24 hours..
Now placed in Anatomy department, PMC.


































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