Population Mid-2002
(millions) |
143.5 |
Births per 1,000
population |
30 |
Deaths per 1,000
population |
9 |
Rate of Natural
Increase (%) |
2.1 |
Projected Population
change 2002-2050 (%) |
131 |
Projected Population
(millions) in 2025 |
242.1 |
Projected Population
(millions) in 2050 |
332 |
Infant Mortality
Rate |
86 |
Total Fertility Rate |
4.8 |
Percent of
Population of Age (<15) |
42 |
Percent of
Population of Age (+65) |
4 |
expectancy at birth (years) |
Total |
63 |
Male |
63 |
Female |
63 |
Data Avail. Code |
B |
Percent Urban |
33 |
% of population with
HIV/AIDS at the end of 2001. |
0.1 |
% of Married
women 15-49 using contraception |
All Methods |
28 |
Modern Methods |
20 |
GNI PPP per Capita,
2000 (US$) |
1,860 |