Spring 2009
Vol. 17 No. 1

In this issue...

Message from the President

Welcome New Board Members

News from Lansing

Intrepid Pond

Landscaping at Centennial Farm

Hennepin Marsh Clean-up

New Detention Pond

2008 GI Conservationist of the Year Award

In Memorium

Annual Meeting

Earth Day

Honors & Recognitions


Membership Renewals
Memorials & Honorariums


Upcoming Events...

April 26
Earth Day

1PM to 4PM
Centennial Farm

May 2
GINLC Clean Up
Meet 9AM
Centennial Farm

May 9
Intrepid Pond Planting

Come when you can 9AM to 3PM
Meet at Meridian and Intrepid

Date to be announced
Fall Property Tour

November 7
Annual Meeting
10AM to 11:30AM
Centennial Farm


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More Landscaping at Centennial Farm
by Margarete Hasserodt

No, we are not going into the landscaping business, but recently we offered our assistance to the Recreation Department, to beautify the entrance to the Recreation Building.   Over the years the GINLC has helped with many projects at Centennial Farm including the planting of trees and bushes, so this latest project is just an extension of our contributions there.  Although gardening is never totally maintenance free, we intend to keep the work load as simple as possible.  Four Planter barrels have been ordered through our local Hardware Store and plants will be purchased from Westcroft Garden.  Many things need to be taken into consideration when planning something that will look good year round, but still be simple.  We need to consider the amount of sun, just afternoon sun in this case, and different maintenance issues to avoid, like seeds or the attraction of deer.  We intend to plant tall Sedum in the barrels and Lavender around large, decorative rocks.  It is hoped, that by Earth Day most of the work will be done and you’ll be able to admire it this summer.

Centennial Farm Volunteers
The popular trail walk will again be on the activity list for this year’s Earth Day Celebration.  The DPS has donated wood chips to the Farm so that the path is not too muddy from the recent April showers.  Our local boy scouts are planning to assist with spreading the wood chips.  If you’re available to spend an hour or so completing the job the week of April 19th please contact us info@ginlc.org or 734-552-8950 for dates & times.