Rohit's Favorite Links

Computer Related Links

ABANDONWARE: A Program or a game that has been discontinued by a company. However please remember downloading abadonware may be consedered ILLEGAL in some countries

Abandonware Ring:: The Place to start your quest for abandonware
B-17 Bomber Game :: B-17 Bomber Game Download
Cascade Abandonware:: Another good abandonware site
Flashback Abandonware:: Another good Abandonware Site
Home Of The Underdogs:: Kind of a Mega Engine for Abandonware
XTC:: My favourite place for old DOS games

FREEWARE: A Program that is given away for free by the producer of the program, so that others may benefit from the software. Come to thnik of it more than 70% of stuff available in my computer is Freeware... So do give it a try. At times, freeware beat a Commercial Software pants down... So why dont you check them out and see... All you have got to loose is the download time

Free Stuff Center:: A good source of Freeware - slow load time.
Free-programs:: Another Lovely site
Freebyte Programming:: Freebyte's Guide to Programming
Freeware And Stuff:: As it says... Freeware and Stuff
Freeware Files:: Another Freeware Site
Freeware Home : The Home of a lot of freeware
Pricelessware :: Freeware that have attained CULT following
Simtel Net:: World's Largest repository of Program Files
Son Of Spy:: The main Pricelessware Site
The Free Country::Another good Freeware site
The Free Site:: The Free Site Site
Tiger's Best Freeware:: Another decent Freeware Site

Alternative Shells
ALTERNATIVE SHELLS: Replacement for Windows Explorer shell. WARNING Dangerous in immature hands. So be Careful.

Aston Shell:: A very Lovely Alternative. Sadly Shareware
Darkstep:: Industry Standard Shell. Difficult for Beginners
Geoshell:: A new shell... Looks Okay to Me
Litestep :: A lightweight cousin to Darkstep. Try it first
Shell - Bookmarks:: The Mecca of alternative shells

Delphi 4.0

Delphi 4.0 - Personal Home Pages of Delphi Guru's
DELPHI: The Language developed with love from Borland. Essentially a RAD based on Pascal 7.0; but is is a formidable language in it's own right. Loved by approximately 3.5 Million Programmers worldwide many softwares have been developed in this language. With the release of Kylix - Delphi is now perhaps the One and Only true cross platform language. Give it a try...

Borland:: The Home of Delphi... Pay your HOMEage
Ben:: A good site on Delphi Tools
Marco Cantu:: The Guru of Delphi
Steven Kamradt:: Shall I say.. Ditto baby Ditto...
Torry Delphi Pages :: The Mecca of Delphi components etc...

Delphi - Visual Component Library
VISIUAL COMPONENT LIBRARY: The building block of Delphi. If what you want to do is not possible... Check out the VCL you are bound to find something similar and useful...

Delphree :: To be truthful - can't remember much . So check it out
Delphi JEDI :: The Delphi-Jedi Initiative
Jg Soft :: JG Soft's Component Page
Zip Components :: ZIPping components for Delphi

Delhi User Groups
USER GROUP: The place where the Users of a particular language hang out... and let their hair down

Delphi 32 :: One of the Oldest User Groups
Uk Borland User Group :: Borland UK User Group

Delphi Tutorials
TUTORIALS: A session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students. In this case by Delphi Gurus to Dephi Chelas

Tutor @ Delphi :: A good and Decent Tutor + Articles
Tutor @ Festra :: A Free Delphi Tutor
Book - 21 Days Delphi :: What it Says...
Links for Delhi Tutors :: Links of Tutorials for Delphi

Other Programming Languages

Tcl/Tk: Tool Command Language / Tool Kit. A scripting Language developed for interfacing with various programs and a GUI. Amazingly versatile and suitable for most jobs. My 2nd Language of Choice after Delphi

Tcl/Tk Home Everything you want about Tcl/Tk

PROLOG: Or to give it's proper name - PROgramming in LOGic. An extremely powerful language with a non traditionalist orientation. Try the Amzi Prolog to get your feets wet; and then dive into Turbo Prolog

Amzi Prolog :: A Good implememtation - starting point
Strawberry Prolog :: Another Good Implementation but difficult...
Visual Prolog :: If you are the Master Prologger then this is for you

Visual Basic
VISUAL BASIC: Microsofts Extension to BASIC. Well..... Sometimes you do have to use ... it.

Mastering Visual Basic :: VB Tutorial
Visual Basic Zone :: VB related stuff at Programmers Heaven
Teach Yourself :: VB in 24 Hours
Theo's Vb And Vb Gaming Site :: A Very good Beginners Site
Vb - Tutorial Another VB Tutorial

Music And Musician

Bonnie Raitt
BONNIE RAITT: My favourite Slide Guitarist. She has lovely Vocals too

Bonnie Raitt - The Complete Collection:: What it says
Bonnie Raitt - The Unofficial Site:: The Unofficial Bonnie Raitt Site
The Official Bonnie Raitt Site:: The Official One

Mod Files Locations
MOD FILES: Format originally developed for Amiga but became very popular with PC users too because of it's ability to capture Vocals and Instruments in the same file. File size exceedingly small compared to today's MP3's

Cooper's Mod Page :: A Large Collection
Mod Files :: Another MOD Files Collection

E-Related Stuff

ASTROLOGY WITH A E-TWIST: Know you future online... But do not blame me if something does not work out as desired. Astrology, my dear, is still an imprecise science

Kabalarians :: GOOD Name Analysis. You will be surprised...
Sara Freder Sara is Good at her work...

BOOKS BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS: Grab the best books and they are for FREE

Gutenberg The Original E-Books Archive
IPL Online Texts Large number of books for online reading

WEB BASED EMAIL SERVICES: Tested and Recommended by Your's Truly

Excite One of the oldest around
Hotmail Started it all...
Lycos One of the best...

Search Engines
Google The fastest and the Best
Northern Lights Very Good for Specialised Searches
Raging Search A counter to Google
Ask Jeeves! If you want to ask a Question

Recommended Software
2xexplorer An excellent Replacement for Windows Explorer
Disk Catalouger Supremely Fast and Free
Context Editor Text Editor with Colours Highlighting
Rambooster Boosts your RAM
Zonelog Your Personal Firewall

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