Secondary Skills Descriptions
Armorer: Those with the secondary skill of armorer gain the blacksmith and armorer NWPs for free.
Artist: Artists learn a single artistic ability with a +2 bonus.
Bowyer/Fletcher: Those with the secondary skill of bowyer/fletcher gain the bowyer/fletcher NWP with a +2 bonus. Drow only know how to make drow hand crossbows and other know how to make shortbows, short composite bows, light crossbows, and heavy crossbows. They can also make ammunition for their weapons.
Brewer/Vintner: Those who produce alcohol in Menzoberranzan are given a good deal of acclaim, if their vintages are good. Unfortunately, priestesses that try a bottle and don't like it have caused more than one to hastily flee the city as they came looking to avenge the bad taste in their mouth. Brewers have brewing with a +2 bonus.
Carpenter: Working with funguswood, carpenters are few in Menzoberranzan and see work primarily in the poorer areas. Carpenters have endurance and carpentry.
Cobbler: Cobblers in the city are rarely drow, though drow do buy a variety of footwear for a variety of occasions. The city's cobblers mostly make shoes for the poor and slaves, however, and many of the latter go without shoes as it's seen as a needless expense. Cobblers have cobbling with a +2 bonus.
Farmer: Fungi farmers are employed by various houses to farm outside the city's main cavern. The work is dangerous but guards are employed and workers learn subterranean agricultural with a +2 bonus.
Gem Cutter: Gem cutters in the city are highly valued and can earn an excellent wage. They begin with twice the usual starting money and the gem cutting NWP.
Household Servant: Household servants are employed by those who can afford them and are thus common in the city (though slaves are also used, having a handmaid who's a hireling instead is a mark of wealth and prestige). Household servants that are drow have a 50% chance of having served a priestess of Lloth in which case they have the local lore (Menzoberranzan) and religion(drow) NWPs while all others have local lore (Menzoberranzan) with a +2 bonus due to how much they overheard in the way of local politics.
Jeweler: Jewelers aren't as valued as gem cutters for some reason but are still respected. They have the whitesmithing and gem cutting NWPs.
Leather worker: Leatherworkers are common in Menzoberranzan, though their trade is an unpleasant one. They have the leatherworking NWP with a +2 bonus and are used to working with lizard hides and snake skin as well as more usual leather from rothe.
Lizard Handler: Lizard handlers are basically stable hands. They have animal handling with a +2 bonus.
Locksmith: Locksmiths aren't as valued by the wealthy in Menzoberranzan as among the poor since the wealthy use slaves, magic, and guards. Locksmiths start with the locksmithing NWP.
Merchant's Assistant: Master merchants are rich and stay for the long haul but their assistants are underpaid and driven like the slaves. They have appraising with a +2 bonus.
Miner: Mining is dangerous work and usually reserved for slaves. Free miners are employed in carving out new living spaces (when it needs to be done right) or mining in areas where it's too dangerous to bring slaves as all the guards have to worry about external defenses. Miners have the mining NWP.
Musician: Like artists, musicians are well respected in the city but also tend to die off when a noble gets offended by their art. Musicians have the musical instrument NWP with a +2 bonus in one instrument.
Porter/Bearer: Slaves are used for transporting goods in large quantities but even the rich find it counterproductive to dispatch 1 guard to watch one slave carry one item so hired porters or bearers are used. They are common enough that they are even used frequently as messengers for minor messages (or important messages that are meant to seem of no consequence...). Occasionally sedan chairs handled by porters are seen in the city (used mainly by those lacking a driftdisc) but most often these are born by slaves. This is one of the easiest jobs to come by in the city and one of the few places non-drow are equal to drow. Non-drow dominate this trade. Porters have the endurance NWP.
Potter: Potters gain pottery with a +2 bonus.
Scribe: Scribes are found throughout Menzoberranzan. Those who can't read or write may hire one to read something to them or write something for them while many scribes serve noble houses and merchants. Many do basic accounting and record keeping. Some copy books, engineering plans, maps, pictures, or other items for distribution. All scribes are limited by the languages they know. Regardless of race, any scribe will be able to read and write all the languages they know. Most scribes are drow. Scribes all having the drawing artistic ability.
Siege Weaponeer: Siege weapons are rarely employed by the city's nobles, though most houses like to mount a few as shows of force. Siege weapons are used to defend sites outside Menzoberranzan, however, where powerful monsters might attack and magical might is limited. Ballistae are the primary siege weapon built in the city for this reason (since they can fire straight down low tunnels that prevent the use of catapults). They have the siege weaponeering NWP.
Slave Handler (Overseer): Slave handlers oversee the slaves in many houses as well as those waiting for auction. They are not the guards, instead their job is to evaluate the worth of the slaves and ensure they are in as good of condition as possible. This job is merciless as they also weed out the useless. They have the appraising and healing NWPs and must be evil.
Stonemason: Stonemasons are common in the city, though few are drow (as with most of the heavily manual labor jobs). They have endurance and stonemasonry.
Tailor/Seamstress: The most famous tailors in Menzoberranzan can set the fashion standards even for matron mothers but few who shine so bright last more than a decade or two. Strangely females in Menzoberranzan tend to avoid this profession, though there are some. They all have the tailoring NWP with a +2 bonus.
Wainwright: Wainwrights produce hand carts, lizard-drawn carts, lizard drawn wagons, and even a rare coach or chariot. They have wainwright with a +2 bonus.
Weaponsmith: Menzoberranzan's weaponsmiths are an elite and highly respected lot. Those that don't work directly for the noble houses are watched by them, ready to be hired on if they ever become good enough. Even non-drow weaponsmiths are watched as it is assumed they'd be essential to an uprising. Those who can work adamantite or mithral or create the special drow weapons never leave noble service. Weaponsmiths have the blacksmithing and weaponsmithing NWPs.
Weaver: Weavers learn the weaving NWP with a +2 bonus and most often work with silk.
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