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Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiency (NWP) Rules:

Proficiency Slots and Non-Proficiency Penalties by Class

Each class begins with a set number of proficiencies at 1st level (thieves converting to the thief-acrobat class gain a number of "initial" proficiencies at this time as well).  Additionally each non-noble character has one additional NWP slot that is a secondary skill.  If the random roll for secondary skills determines multiple secondary skills are possessed, only one NWP slot is used.  If the roll determines no secondary skill is possessed, the character may use the NWP slot as any other NWP slot (this applies to all nobles).  Multi-class characters possess the combined total number of proficiency slots of all their classes (though only one free NWP slot is granted at 1st level for secondary skills, regardless of the number of classes possessed).  Weapon proficiencies may only be used for weapons appropriate to the class that granted them (e.g., a cleric/magic-user at 1st level has 2 weapon proficiency slots with which only cleric weapons may be chosen and a single weapon proficiency which can only be spent on weapons allowed to magic-users).  Multi-class characters always incur the greatest non-proficiency penalty of their combined classes.  New proficiencies are gained at evenly divisible levels in the increments shown, with one weapon and one NWP gained at the same time (e.g., clerics gain a new weapon and a new NWP at the 4th, 8th, 12th, etc. levels).  Thief-acrobats gain additional proficiencies at 10th level and every fourth level (14th, 18th , etc.).  NWPs may be improved by spending an additional NWP slot on them.  For each additional slot above the minimum required for the NWP a bonus of +2 to the NWP is gained.  NWP that require multiple slots to learn cannot be used until they have been completely learned (all the required NWP slots have been spent on them).

Class Non-Proficiency
NWP Slots
Gain Rate
Cleric (and
Dwarven Cleric)
-3 2 3* 1/4 levels
Shaman -3 2 4* 1/4 levels
Specialty Priest -3 2 3* 1/4 levels
Fighter -2 4 2 1/3 levels
Bandit -3 3 2 1/3 levels
Barbarian -1 6 2 1/2 levels
Hunter -2 3 2 1/3 levels
Magic-User -5 1 3 **
Alchemist -5 1 3*** **
Death Master -5 1 3*** **
Thief -3 2 3 1/4 levels
Assassin -2 3 2 1/4 levels
Bounty Hunter -3 3 2 1/3 levels
Thief-Acrobat -3 2 3 1/4 levels
Bard, Drow -3 2 3**** 1/4 levels****
Savant -5 0 3 *****
Witch -5 1 3*** **

* These classes all begin with the religion proficiency for free in their own pantheon (and possibly one or more others as determined by the DM).  Shamans also have local lore and ancient history for free with respect to their own tribe.
** These classes gain 1 weapon proficiency at every 6th level and 1 NWP at every 3rd level.
*** These classes gain the alchemy proficiency for free at 1st level.  The alchemist also gains the pottery NWP for free at 1st level and artistic ability (glassblowing) for free at 2nd level.  Death masters also gain the necrology NWP for free at 1st level and gain a +1 bonus when using it per three levels (rounded down, so +1 at levels 3-5, +2 at 6-8, etc.).
**** Bards start with a free musical instrument NWP slot and gain one additional slot per level.  They may choose to learn a new instrument or improve an existing proficiency with the slot.
***** Savants never gain weapon proficiencies for their savant class.  They gain one NWP for every three levels.

Weapon Proficiencies:

Specialization Only fighters, bandits, hunters, and rangers may specialize.  All specialization must be taken at 1st level, though characters can designate up to two weapons to specialize in at this time by spending all their slots on both weapons.  All future weapon proficiency slots are designated for those weapons until both weapons have been fully specialized in.  If a character specializes in two weapons at 1st level they must spend all their slots equally on both weapons and they will continue to be spent equally until full specialization is attained in each.  The benefits of specialization aren't gained until all the necessary weapon proficiency slots have been spent on specializing in that weapon.  For example, if a hunter chooses to specialize in a bow and a sword they must apply one slot toward the sword--which requires 2 slots to specialize--and 2 slots toward the bow--which requires 3 slots to specialize in--at 1st level.  At 3rd level the weapon proficiency slot gained is spent on the sword (there is no choice), completing specialization (and now granting the benefits of being specialized in the sword, including improved THAC0, damage, and attacks/round).  At 6th level, the new weapon proficiency slot must be spent on the bow, completing specialization.  Since all declared specializations have been completed, the new weapon proficiency slot gained at 9th level may be spent as the hunter desires.  For those weapons that double specialization can be gained in, it may be added at any time in the character's career, provided the character has a free weapon proficiency slot to spend on it.  Multi-classed fighters, bandits, rangers, and hunters may only use weapon proficiency slots gained for those classes on specialization.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency # Slots Ability Ability
Agriculture* 1 Wisdom 0 PHB2
Alchemy 2 Intelligence -3 PO:S&M
Alertness 1** Wisdom -1 WSG
Ancient History* 1 Intelligence -1 PHB2
Animal Handling 1 Wisdom -1 WSG
Animal Lore 1 Intelligence 0 WSG
Animal Noise 1** Wisdom -1 DSG
Animal Trainer* 1** Wisdom 0 DSG
Appraising 1** Intelligence 0 PHB2
Armorer*** 1** Intelligence -2 DSG
Artistic Ability* 1** Varies 0 PHB2
Blacksmithing 1 Strength 0 DSG
Blind-Fighting**** 1 NA NA DSG/WSG
Boating 1 Wisdom +1 DSG/WSG
Boatwright 1** Intelligence -2 DSG
Bowyer/Fletcher 1 Dexterity -1 DSG
Brewing 1 Intelligence 0 PHB2
Carpentry 1 Strength 0 DSG
Charioteering* 1 Dexterity +2 WSG
Cobbling 1 Dexterity 0 PHB2
Dancing 1 Dexterity 0 PHB2
Diplomacy 2** Charisma -2 OP1
Direction Sense 1 Wisdom +1 DSG/WSG
Endurance 2 NA NA DSG/WSG
Engineering 2** Intelligence -3 PHB2
Fire-Building 1 Wisdom -1 DSG/WSG
Fishing 1 Wisdom -1 DSG?WSG
Foraging* 1 Intelligence -2 WSG
Fungus Identification 1 Intelligence +3 DSG
Gem Cutting 2** Dexterity -2 DSG
Healing 2 Wisdom +2 DSG/WSG
Hunting 1 Wisdom +1 WSG
Juggling 1 Dexterity -1 PHB2
Language* 1 NA NA PHB2
Leatherworking 1 Intelligence 0 DSG
Local Lore* 1 Intelligence +2 New
Locksmithing 2** Dexterity -2 CTHB
Mining 2 Wisdom -3 DSG
Mountaineering 1 NA NA DSG/WSG
Musical Instrument* 1 Dexterity -1 PHB2
Navigation* 1** Intelligence -1 PHB2/CBoD
Necrology 1 Wisdom 0 CNecHB
Planar Lore 1 Intelligence -3 CNecHB
Plant Lore 1 Intelligence 0 WSG
Pottery 1 Dexterity -2 DSG
Reading Lips* 2** Intelligence -2 PHB2
Religion* 1 Intelligence 0 PHB2
Riding, Airborne* 2 Wisdom -2 WSG
Riding, Land-based* 1 Wisdom +3 DSG/WSG
Riding, Sea-based* 1 Dexterity -2 CRHB
Rope Use 1 Dexterity 0 DSG/WSG
Running 2 Constitution 0 WSG
Seafaring 1 Dexterity +1 PHB2
Sea Lore 1** Intelligence -1 OS&tS
Shipwright 2** Intelligence -2 New
Signaling 1 Intelligence 0 CRHB/CBoD
Sleight of Hand 1** Dexterity -1 New
Slow Respiration 1 NA NA DSG
Smelting 1 Intelligence -2 DSG
Sound Analysis 1** Wisdom -1 DSG
Stonemasonry 1 Strength -2 DSG
Survival, Cold 1 NA NA WSG
Survival, Desert 2 NA NA WSG
Survival, Heat 1 NA NA WSG
Swimming 1 Strength 0 DSG/WSG
Tailoring 1 Dexterity -1 PHB2
Tracking 1 NA NA WSG
Ventriloquism 2** Intelligence -2 PHB2
Wainwright 1** Intelligence 0 New
Weaponeer, Siege 2** Intelligence -1 New
Weaponsmith**** 2** Intelligence -3 DSG
Weaponsmith, Crude 1** Intelligence -3 CRHB
Weather Sense 1** Wisdom -1 WSG
Weaving 1 Intelligence -1 DSG
Whitesmithing 2** Dexterity -4 New

* This NWP must be taken separately for each individual type or instance.
** A proficiency check must be made each time this NWP is used.
*** These proficiencies require the blacksmith proficiency to be possessed as a prerequisite.

**** Blind-fighting requires sound analysis to be possessed as a prerequisite.

Secondary Skills

Secondary Skill
24-27Lizard Handler
28-32Gem Cutter
35-37Leather worker
47-49Household Servant
57-59Slave Handler
60-62Merchant's Assistant
76-77Siege Weaponeer
81-91No skill of measurable worth
92-00Roll twice (reroll any result of 86-00)

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