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Welcome to Menzoberranzan

This website details the drow city of Menzoberranzan and its environs.  It is meant to be used with 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules and the Menzoberranzan boxed set, FOR2 Drow of the Underdark, and Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark.  Various other sources, including Dragon Magazine have also been referenced throughout.  These pages are meant to be reference and basis for a campaign and may be altered, updated, or removed at the creator's desire.

Most of the items referred to in here were published by TSR, Inc. or its successor, Wizards of the Coast.  Nothing contained herein is meant to challenge the copyrights of those companies, instead this is meant to supplement and build on those materials in order to support a campaign, just as the original materials were meant to be used.

Some of the information on this site alters or contradicts the published material.  In general, this is intentional.  For instance, the Forgotten Realms Time of Troubles never has happened nor will it ever happen, including all the ramifications of that event (especially a number of dead gods).  Players are encouraged to ask if they do not know if something is "official" or modified or if they think an apparent modification is actually a mistake on my part (they undoubtedly exist).  As well, players are encouraged to provide further detail within the framework set out here and in the published sources.  Such details will be scrutinized by me, however, to maintain a consistent vision of the city and its environs.

All information used in this site is assumed to be current as of the end of 1367 DR, current with the 1st Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting ("the grey box").  As such, references set later in time, such as Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark and the 3rd Edition Underdark accessory may have only been used for historical reference with their "updated" features ignored.

Information presented on this site is intended to give a very high level view of the city to spur the imaginations of potential players.  Some of the information is presented as fact and common knowledge because it is common knowledge in the city, common knowledge that may be wrong.  Other information, such as the fact that Harn Irontongue is a deathmaster is presented for the use of a player designing a character.  In this case the player may wish to create a death master with a mentor and is having trouble coming up with a mentor on their own (or one I will approve).  Thus, unless the player ends up playing a death master student of Harn Irontongue, their character has no knowledge of his secret profession and is expected to act that way.  Most knowledge about the Academy is also restricted under this assumption (especially since even nobles who've not yet attended the Academy rarely know much about what goes on there) as are all the rules for forming a noble house to anyone that is not a cleric or specialty priest(ess) of Lloth.  If a player is ever in doubt about how much they know on a subject I am always willing to answer questions.

Use the following links to learn more about Menzoberranzan, the city:

Use the following links for more on the game:

Complete Site Map

List of References and Abbreviations:

Reference Abbreviation
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Player's Handbook, TSR2010 PHB
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide, TSR2011 DMG
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Legends and Lore, TSR2013 L&L
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Unearthed Arcana, TSR2017 UA
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Dungeoneer's Survival Guide, TSR2019 DSG
1st Edition Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons Wilderness Survival Guide, TSR2020 WSG
1st Edition Forgotten Realms The Magister, FR4 FR4
1st Edition Forgotten Realms Lords of Darkness, REF5 REF5
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Drow of the Underdark, FOR2 FOR2
2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Mythology, DMGR4 DMGR4
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Menzoberranzan Boxed Set MenzoBS
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Faiths and Avatars F&A
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Powers and Pantheons P&P
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Demihuman Deities DD
2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark* DDUGttU
3rd Edition Forgotten Realms Underdark Accessory* Underdark
Based on my reading of the original source material (the Menzoberranzan Boxed Set) the underdark maps provided in these accessories are seriously flawed.  In particular Gracklstugh is not located on the Darklake.