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Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Agriculture:  There are three basic kinds of agriculture:  aquatic (including floating), subterranean, and surface.  This proficiency means the character understands temperature, weather, soil, and other basic conditions for producing the crops of that type.  While only certain individual crops will be known, a new slot is not necessary to learn to grow a new plant or fungus, instead talking with a knowledgable person (i.e., one with the agricultural proficiency that knows how to grow that crop) or observing the growth of such a crop (including trying to grow it themself) for 1-4 seasons.

Alchemy:  Alchemy is necessary for brewing potions and preparing most poisons (assassins that take the time to learn poison preparation gain this NWP for free).  While simply possessing this NWP doesn't allow one to produce true potions, it can make them an able assistant to an alchemist or spellcaster trying to prepare magical substances.  This NWP helps the user understand the interactions and magical properties of various substances.  The user can distill many substances on their own as well as brewing magical inks and potions, including being able to take natural poisons (such as from spiders and scorpions) and mix them into a form that will last longer, thus making them viable for using on weapons.  Further, basic poison antidotes can be created if given a month to work with samples of the original poison.  Once a poison's antidote has been developed by a user (or the user has been shown by someone else who possesses the proficiency how to do so) it can be easily recreated from thereon as long as the proper substances are available.  Use of this proficiency can be crude but most advanced uses usually require dedicated equipment (though not necessarily a true lab, as so many tribal spellcasters frequently prove).

Alertness:  This NWP allows the possessor a chance to notice something wrong (a sound, a smell, etc.) before entering an area that is occupied.  It may also allow the person to realize they are being tailed, that an area is possibly trapped, and so on.  The primary advantage of this proficiency over just a surprise roll is that the person knows ahead of time and can prepare, avoid, alter others, and so on instead of merely avoiding being surprised by an attack and then having to react without preparation.  Most situations will include modifiers to the proficiency check.

Ancient History:  This NWP must be applied to a certain region, time, race, or other factor.  While most modern history (within a couple generations) and other notable events are recalled to some extent this NWP shows the individual has carefully studied what lore is available (which doesn't mean it's right!) on a period of time, culture, or other set thing.  Some of the possible specializations for this proficiency are Surface Savage Frontier, Underdark Savage Frontier, Drow, Dwarves (includes duergar and derro), Svirfneblin, and Humanoids and Giant-Kin.

Animal Handling:  Skilled animal handlers are used to working with domesticated animals and calming them when agitated, keeping them from becoming agitated, understanding their needs, telling when something is wrong (and determining what is wrong), and coaxing them into doing things they don't want to do.  New animal types require speaking with a skilled handler (i.e., someone with this proficiency used to handling those animals) or observing and interacting with them until the specifics of the species's reactions are understood.  The time this takes if no skilled handler is there to instruct varies based on how similar the animal is to any the handler already is skilled with (so it takes longer for someone used to handling horses to learn how to handle a subterranean pack lizard than it does to learn to handle a sheep).

Animal Lore:  This skill allows the character to understand the basic habits and actions of wild animals.  They can often tell what an animal is doing and why by careful observation.  If the animal noise NWP is used to attempt to make an animal noise and fails by 4 or more, a character familiar with the animal and possessing the animal lore NWP can, on a successful proficiency check, determine the noise is fake.  As with the animal handling proficiency, this proficiency is limited to the animals a user is used to but additional animals can be added to their repertoire through observation and instruction without requiring an additional NWP slot.

Animal Noise:  As with the previous two skills, this NWP applies only to animals the user is familiar with, though new animals can be learned through observation (which requires an extended period of time and is never completely successful unless the user also possesses animal lore) or training by another skilled individual (which still requires hearing the original sounds made by a real creature of the type as well).  As with the animal lore proficiency, a skilled user of this NWP who is familiar with the calls of a given animal can, on a successful NWP check, determine if a fake call has been made provided the original caller failed their check by 4 or more.  If both animal lore and animal noise are possessed an attempt may be made if the original caller fails their check by 2 or more.

Animal Trainer:  Different animals require separate NWP slots to be spent on this skill.  This skill is essential for being able to truly tame a wild animal (animals raised tame are usually tame even without this NWP's use), not just train one.

Appraising:  This skill allows the user to determine the worth of non-gem, non-magical items in the market they are familiar with.  Possession of the local lore NWP with respect to a different area is necessary for the valuation of items based on that foreign market.  One check is required per item or set of items, if they are part of a set.  Possession of this NWP and gem cutting is required to truly accurately determine the value of items with gems, though only one proficiency check need be made.

Armorer:  All armorers must possess the blacksmithing NWP before they can learn armorer.  This NWP allows the usual types of armor to be forged of iron, steel, copper, and so on.  In order to learn to work with mithral or adamantite special training is required and another proficiency is added (such training takes a long time and is not generally available to PCs, instead they must hire NPCs to do the work).

Artistic Ability:  Any particular artistic ability must be taken as a separate NWP.  Note that many artistic skills, such as drawing can be done without this skill, though they will never be as accurate, detailed, and beautiful as that performed by a person with this skill.  Some artistic abilities, such as ice sculpture, stone sculpture, and glass blowing require the possession of this skill for success.  A few skills that aren't always artistic are also found in this proficiency.  For instance, people that create obsidian blades (stone working), wooden hafts and poles (wood carving), and so on use individual proficiencies of this type.  Some example artistic abilities are ice sculpture, stone sculpture (referred to simply as sculpture), glass blowing, painting, drawing, stone working, and wood carving.

Blacksmithing:  Blacksmiths are skilled at working steel, iron, and other hard metals in basic shapes.  On the surface blacksmiths are most skilled at shoeing horses, though obviously this skill is rarely possessed by underdark blacksmiths.  Blacksmiths can also forge ingots of metal (traded so another smith can forge them into a particular iron), basic ironware tools like tongs, spits, and pokers, pots and pans, jacks for use in making studded leather or brigandine armor, simple skullcaps, and heads for arrows, spears, javelins, and crossbow quarrels.

Blind-Fighting:  Those seeking to become proficient in blind-fighting must first learn sound analysis.  Blind-fighting reduces the penalties for fighting while blinded.  To hit penalties are reduced to -2 and the AC penalty is ignored.  In situations in which only a slight penalty from partial blindness is in effect, such an orc in bright light, this NWP has no effect.  Blinded underdark dwellers such as drow and svirfneblin sill suffer full dexterity penalties in bright light.

Boating:  This NWP means the character is skilled in the use of small vessels, from canoes and kayaks to longboats to sailing vessels that can be operated by 5 people or less.  Longboats and lesser vessels fall into this category.

Boatwright:  The character is skilled at designing and constructing boats up to 12' long (a longboat for a ship).  These may be powered by sail, oar, paddle, or any combination.  A failed NWP doesn't necessarily mean the boat isn't seaworthy (though it may) but it is less than ideal in some way.

Bowyer/Fletcher:  The user can make darts, crossbow quarrels, bows, crossbows, and arrows.  The user must be familiar with an item before they can make it and to learn a new item must have an example of a skilled instructor and must practice it.  Thus surface dwellers rarely know how to create hand crossbows and underdark dwellers can rarely make longbows.

Brewing:  Brewing includes not only the ability to produce beer, ale, and mead, but also how to produce wines and other alcoholic beverages.

Carpentry:  Carpenters are skilled at building large wooden structure like buildings.  Creating or adding carved wooden columns, doorposts, and so on requires a woodcarver, though the carpenter may install the item beforehand or after it is complete.

Charioteering:  Skilled charioteers are able to use chariots, dog sleds, and similar devices.  There are two types of charioteering, aquatic and surface.

Cobbling:  Skilled cobblers can make shoes and boots with soles.  Soft-soled boots, moccasins, and such that are made from a single piece of leather or two are made by leatherworkers.

Dancing:  Those skilled in dancing can dance dances they know and can learn new ones with an instructor or by observation without spending an additional NWP slot (provided the dance can be performed by their species).  Non-skilled dancers are never elegant while dancing though with some instruction can wobble their way through it.

Diplomacy:  This skill covers all diplomatic situations, from dealing with large crowds to haggling with merchants.  There will always be situational modifiers.  Many everyday occurrences (like those merchants) will be handled by die roll and this skill will be used as a modifier since I don't want to roleplay them.  More critical negotiations may not use this skill directly at all, though the person will know the ettiquette of their culture and any culture they have the local lore skill in to help them deal with the situation as they wish.

Direction Sense:  This skill allows the user to attempt the dead-reckoning of a compass direction without obvious reference such the sun.

Endurance:  This skill aids the user in endurance based checks such as swimming, forced marches, and so on.

Engineering:  Engineers understand the basic design and construction of buildings.  They have some knowledge of underground delving as well but need both this proficiency and mining to be truly skilled at it.  Engineers are required to oversee any major construction project, including significant or complex repairs.

Fire-Building:  Those skilled in fire-building are often able to create a fire without flint and steel.  Given the correct materials and situation (e.g., to focus the sun, a lenses is required) they can do so with a proficiency check.  Additionally they are more familiar with what's flammable, how to control a fire (including fighting one), how to ignite wet materials, and so on.

Fishing:  Those skilled in fishing know how to catch fish they are familiar with with either line or net.  Additionally they are able to tell what areas, times, and conditions are best for fishing those species and recognize species they are familiar with on examination (and sometimes on sight).  Familiarity with a new species and its habits requires a tutor or extended observation but not the expenditure of a new NWP slot.

Foraging:  This skill allows the user to locate edible plants they are familiar with.  Learning about new plant types and the plants of new environments requires training or observation.  Even in a new area, however, observation for a limited time and examination of the area (which is much easier with the tracking ability) may allow them to determine the edibility and poisonousness of some plants.  There are three types of this proficiency:  salt water, fresh water, and terrestrial.

Fungus Identification:  This skill is basically the same as the foraging NWP detailed above but it applies to fungi found above or below the surface.  This NWP has no types.

Gem Cutting:  This skill requires the proper tools to use, but allows the user to cut gems of all types.  A proficiency check using an Intelligence/0 base allows appraisal of gems though the appraising and local lore NWPs may also be necessary for an accurate evaluation as noted under the appraising NWP.

Healing:  The healing NWP allows wounds to be properly treated and bandaged without magic.  Its use can reduce the chances of infection, disease, and parasitic infestation as well as increasing a creature's healing rate by 1 hp/day.  If a wound is tended within 1 round of being received 1-3 hps (up to the maximum the wound incurred) may be regained one a successful proficiency check.  Note that this NWP requires the proper materials to use in most cases.  This NWP also grants knowledge of hygeine.

Hunting:  The hunting NWP allows the use to hunt creatures for food.  The user need not be familiar with the environment to hunt, though it helps.  The tracking ability and animal lore and animal noise NWPs can significantly aid in the use of this NWP.

Juggling:  The possessor of this skill is able to successfully juggle simple items.  Juggling knives, flaming brands, live spiders, and so on as well as performing tricks may require a proficiency check.  Multiple jugglers who've practiced together (not just practiced juggling with others in general) can also perform basic team juggling without requiring a proficiency check.

Language:  Once a character's language slots from intelligence are used up additional languages can be learned by expending NWP slots.  All the other rules on learning a new language (time, study, etc.) still apply.  Written and verbal communication, if any for the language, are both learned.

Leatherworking:  Leatherworking allows for the treating, curing, and preparing of leather as well as making items out of it.  Some items, like studded leather, may require the aid of a person skilled in other areas (in this case, a blacksmith).  Skinning an animal is generally known by anyone skilled in leatherworking or hunting and anyone, even not skilled in either NWP, can skin an animal poorly.  Leatherworks can also be called on to work with the hides of scaled creatures, though depending on the creature they may need some practice (and thus spare skins) before they master the techniques.  This does not require an additional NWP slot, however.

Local Lore:  The local lore proficiency must be applied to a single interacting area.  Usually a large city, a barony, or similar area is chosen.  If a larger area is chosen (such as if the character chooses an entire country because they travel the entire country or their teacher does) the level of knowledge will be much less detailed about any area therein.  This skill includes all the basic types of knowledge of the area, from common religions, heraldric devices, etiquette, politics, and so on.  Some knowledge may require a proficiency check and even incur a penalty.

Locksmithing:  This skill allows the user to construct locks given the right materials (they generally fashion their own parts).  Thieves with this skill gain a +5% to lockpicking chances on a successful proficiency check (indicating they've correctly identified the lock mechanism).

Mining:  Those skilled in mining are skilled at surveying for mines to determine if an area contains useful minerals, the actual process of mining, and how to work in a mine safely.  The last includes everything from air quality to ensuring the mine's stability.  Generally only a proficiency check is required when surveying the area.

Mountaineering:  Mountaineers have learned to use climbing equipment to scale cliffs, large trees, and so on.  They also gain a +10% bonus to climbing without equipment (including thief climb walls).  The possession of the rope use NWP can be very useful in less than ideal situations or in case of danger.

Musical Instrument:  Possession of this skill means the character is able to properly play one musical instrument.  Bards gain one slot in musical instrument for free.

Navigation:  There are three types of this NWP:  aquatic, star, and subterranean.  The first allows the user to navigate underwater based on currents, temperature, light, and aquatic landmarks.  The second allows navigation by the stars and is used most often by sailors.  The right equipment prevents severe penalties to use this proficiency in this manner and highly increases accuracy.  The last allows navigation of underground areas including knowing what sorts of passages are most likely to do certain things (like dead end, rise, and so on).  Proper charts and maps can be an extreme aid in any of these though crude navigating can be performed without them.  An aquatic or subterranean navigator that gets lost may have to rely on direction sense while star navigators must learn the stars as they travel into new areas or their proficiency becomes useless.

Necrology:  This NWP details knowledge of the dead and undead.  For the undead knowledge of usual powers, abilities, immunities, types, and even their nature (to limited extent) is known and they may sometimes be identified on a successful NWP check.  This NWP also includes knowledge of dead bodies and the functioning of living ones, however, much like the 2nd Edition NWP anatomy.  A successful ability check allows the skilled necrologist to determine the length of time since death (within a margin of error that rises quickly as that time goes on).  By cutting open an unfamiliar creature, a necrologist can also often tell much about its diet, abilities, and so on.  This knowledge of the workings of the body is very useful when determining the possible weak spots and "vital" areas of undead, which may be sometimes determined with a successful NWP check if the undead's type is known.

Planar Lore:  Planar Lore is derived from the 2nd Edition Netherworld Knowledge NWP but is much more general.  Quite simply, it is general knowledge of all the planes and their occupants and hazards.  A successful ability check will provide details such as the effects on magic on a different plane and the planes neighboring planes (always important for clergy trying to regain spells).  Heirophant druids able to survive on a specific plane automatically make all checks with this proficiency with no chance of error with regard to any plane they can survive on, even if they don't take this NWP.

Plant Lore:  More accurately named herbalism in 2nd Edition, this proficiency allows the identification and use of plants and fungi in healing.  Appropriate specimens can be located, identified, and their proper application is known.  Familiarity with new healing plants and fungi requires instruction or random testing.  This NWP can also be used to locate poisonous plants and fungi and is frequently combined with foraging, fungus identification, healing, and alchemy for the widest possible range of applications.

Pottery:  This NWP is used in making ceramic items.  Elaborate shapes and decorations can be created and unusual ceramics weapons have even been discovered.  Basic glass such as for windows can also be made though glass blowing is a separate, artistic skill.  Glass blower often learn pottery as both deal with the same base substances and similar techniques of patterning and color can be used in each.

Reading Lips:  Each time this NWP is taken a given mouth type (humanoid, illithid, minotaur, etc.) must be specified.  Only languages the character knows can be deciphered with this ability and a clear view of the mouth is required.  Many deaf creatures develop this ability for obvious reasons.

Religion:  Each time this NWP is taken a specific pantheon must be chosen.  Some deities have overlap in multiple pantheons but this is rare.  The religion proficiency provides basic knowledge of holy days, dogma, symbols, attire of the clergy, taboos, ceremonies, superstitions, attitudes, representations of the deities, conflicts between churches, church structure, and so on.  Religious characters may gain bonuses with their own faith and have false perceptions of other faiths.

Riding, Airborne:  A different mount type must be chosen each tie this NWP is taken.  In addition to knowing how to handle the mount in combat and riding on ground or in the air, the skilled user also knows the basic care and feeding of the mount and the equipment used to care for and ride the mount.

Riding, Land-based:  This NWP is the same as the airborne riding NWP except that is applies only to terrestrial mounts.  Riding proficiencies are required to control a mount in combat and cavaliers get many for free as they rise in level (starting with horse riding at 1st level).

Riding, Sea-based:  This NWP is the same as the land-based and airborne riding NWPs but applies to creatures that live in the water or are amphibious.  If they can fly as well as travel in the water and/or travel on land the airborne riding NWP must also be taken for the mount.

Rope Use:  This allows the skillful use of ropes of all types for all purposes.  Obviously the primary feature is the tying of a large variety of knots.  As well the character can tell the condition of a rope and make simply repairs to it.  The strength of an undamaged rope and its weight can also be determined.  The character is skilled at untying knots as well, including those binding their hands.  Those with skills requiring the use of ropes, including engineering, mountaineering, lasso, fishing, and seafaring find this skill particularly useful as it reduces their chances of mishap and can speed up what they're doing.

Running:  This NWP means the character is trained in running long distances.  The character may even been mildly encumbered and the ability to set and maintain a pace will allow them to travel further and faster over a long time than those not skilled in running.  Runners always find the endurance proficiency extremely helpful.

Seafaring:  Seafarers make up the crews of full-sized ships.  Generally any seagoing vessel larger than 20' long (larger than a longboat), including many fishing vessels, have sailors skilled in seafaring.

SeaLore:  Those skilled in sea lore understand the tides, currents, migratory patterns of various aquatic animals (and what actually drives thee migrations), and so on of the sea as well as certain large inland bodies of water (such as the Dragonreach, Sea of Fallen Stars, Moonsea, etc.).  Some observation and a NWP check must be made to determine such things as the most likely local species of fish, the exact time of the tides, local currents (major and minor), underwater and shore terrain (in this case the determination is more of the type, will there be air/water filled caves and if so where to find them), and so on.  Note that to effectively master certain other sea related abilities such as animal lore and aquatic agriculture, except in very limited areas, this NWP is required (a kelp farmer could learn to farm kelp in one place but doesn't generally understand the sea well enough to determine other good locations in which to farm kelp under it's been observed for a year or few).  This NWP isn't required for water navigation (whether aquatic or star-based) but its possession gives a +2 bonus to NWP checks with the navigation NWP when using the stars to navigate on the water without accurate tidal and current charts and when using the aquatic navigation NWP.  A successful NWP can sometimes allow sailors to determine probable naval hazards (like the likelihood of hitting a sand bar, reef, or the like) in an area as well.

Shipwright:  Shipwrights are trained in designing and building vessels larger than a longboat (i.e., full-sized ships).  Their craft can be oared, sailed, or both.

Signaling:  Those skilled in signaling understand how to use a variety of methods to send messages over long distances.  Methods including semaphore (both strings of flags and waved flags), tapping on stone, flashes of light (or heat for those with infravision), smoke signals, musical signals (such as loud trumpet or horn blasts or whistles), and so on.  Each "set" of signals to be used must be worked out beforehand as there are no standards and new methods the user is unfamiliar with require a teacher and example but no new NWP slots need be spent.

Sleight of Hand:  Those skilled in slight of hand are able to perform a variety of tricks, from palming small objects, to card tricks, to making coins appear in thin air, to shell games, and so on.  Thieves skilled in sleight of hand gain a +5% bonus to pick pockets while many spellcasters use this skill to add a little more flash to their spellcasting and rituals.

Slow Respiration:  Those skilled in slow respiration know how to reduce their activity level and rate of breathing so as to conserve air.  They can even perform some activities more efficiently (air-wise).  Possibly the greatest benefit, however, is that their familiarity with situations in which air is limited means they are much less likely to panic.

Smelting:  Smelting is required for turning mined ore into [relatively] pure substances.  It is generally a necessary part of any sort of metal mining operations and produces toxic fumes and lots of waste.  Knowing what you're doing is a requirement to successfully separate good metal from waste and to make a smelter work at all.  It also requires lots of fuel so wasting time and getting nothing can be expensive.

Sound Analysis:  Those skilled in sound analysis can attempt to determine the size and dimensions of an area they're in based on the reverberations of sound they make.  They can even attempt to determine the composition of the area.  Even for the skilled, however, unusual conditions can cause success to vary significantly.

Stonemasonry:  This skill is required for those choosing to build with stone, quarry stone stone, or cut large blocks of stone.  Stonemasons are also the ones that install stone sculptures or place pillars and columns that are then sculpted.  Stonemasons usually work with carpenters as the latter build much of their scaffolding and the supports inside the structures they build.

Survival, Cold:  Those skilled in cold survival know how to tell the signs of frostbite, hypothermia, and other cold related conditions as well as how to treat them.  They understand how to stay warm, build shelters, and so on.  As a side benefit of their training in cold environments, temperatures below 40 degrees F are always treated as though 20 degrees F warmer for them.

Survival, Desert:  Those skilled in desert survival have learned the best times and ways to travel on the desert as well as how to locate food and water.  They are familiar with the desert's activity cycles though they need animal lore to become truly familiar with its creatures.

Survival, Heat:  Those skilled in heat survival understand the stages of heat stroke, how to identify it, how to treat it, and what must be done to avoid it.  They know what's actually best to wear in the heat and why and they understand the differences in types of heat, from moist clammy jungles to dry, barren areas.  Due to their extended exposure to hot conditions all temperatures above 80 degrees F are treated as though 20 degrees F lower for them.

Swimming:  Possession of this skill is necessary for terrestrial creatures to swim.  Amphibians get this proficiency free as do some other species that aren't aquatic but live in close contact with water (such as lizard men and kuo-toa).  Aquatic creatures actually have to learn to walk on land and can talk a land walking NWP.

Tailoring:  This skill includes all sorts of sewing, design and construction of pieces of clothing, dying cloth, assessing the value and appropriateness of materials, and so on.  Tailors and seamstresses rely on weavers for cloth and leatherworkers for leather so many choose to learn some of one or both.

Tracking:  This is the same as the ranger's tracking ability.  Beginning at the level the skill was learned, the character has 1/2 the tracking ability of a ranger of equivalent level (a fighter that learns tracking at 3rd level has 1/2 the ability of a ranger 2 levels less).  If a second slot is used a +10% bonus can be gained while a ranger who spends a slot on tracking gains a +20% bonus.  After one slot is spent for a ranger or two slots for a non-ranger, no further NWP slots can be spent on this NWP.  Hunters are, of course, treated as rangers and barbarians track as rangers in natural areas and if they take the proficiency can track as non-rangers (with a +10% bonus) indoors.  Barbarians can only take this NWP once.

Ventriloquism:  This skill allows the character to appear to throw their voice up to 10' away per NWP slot spent on this skill -1 (so if 3 slots total were spent they could throw their voice up to 20').  On a successful NWP check this can be done convincingly (though penalties apply against some creatures with exceptional hearing or unusual skill in determining the source of sounds).  If the sound is supposed to be thrown without moving the mouth, the character suffers a -2 to their proficiency check.

Wainwright:  Wainwrights build wagons, carts, chariots, and similar conveyances.  In most advanced cultures they are essential to the functioning of commerce as well as the supplying of armies on the move.

Weaponeer, Siege:  Siege weaponeers design and build siege weapons, including trebuchets, catapults, scorpions, rams, siege towers, and ballistae.

Weaponsmith:  To possess this skill the blacksmithing NWP must first be possessed.  This skill allows the production of all weapons of iron, steel, or other hard metal (as with the armorer and blacksmithing NWPs mithral and adamantite require their own NWPs that can't be learned by PCs).

Weaponsmith, Crude:  This proficiency allows for the creation of primitive weapons other than a club or sling and creating weapons under less than ideal circumstances.  Blowguns (and their needles), atlatls, spiked clubs, stone and bone weapons, and so on are all possible with this skill.

Weather Sense:  This skill allows those who are familiar with the local conditions to attempt to guess the weather in the near future.  Even a successful NWP check does not guarantee more than general information.

Weaving:  Weaving is required to make rope, cloth, and a large variety of other items.  Weavers are the base people in the garment industry and support the more influential tailors and seamstresses by providing them with materials.

Whitesmithing:  Whitesmithing is the creation of objects and designs with the softer metals, including silver, gold, and lead.  Jewelers must have basic skill at whitesmithing as well as with gems.  Whitesmiths are usually the ones who provide the elaborate decorations for armor and may be called upon to produce gold or silver thread.  They are also the ones that silver weapons and make silver arrow heads for adventurers to use against undead.

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