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Here you will find the latest posting of the CICCA Courier.

The CICCA Courier is published 6 times a year.

You may download a copy of the CICCA Courier in Adobe Acrobat format.  Newsletters that are more then one page are compressed into a zip folder.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or better and a Zip Extraction Program (such as Win Zip or Zip Magic) to use either of these formats.  Both maybe obtained for free by visiting the following sites.

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader at: http://www.adobe.com

Get Winzip at: http://www.winzip.com

Download Your CICCA Courier

Feb 2004

if download doesn't start automatically click alternate link below

Feb 2004

Older Editions of the CICCA Courier

Feb 2003    March 2003


Streator Camera Club

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