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The thought of creating an organization which would unite local area camera clubs and promote the photographic interest of their members, was the early dream of several of  Illinois Amateur Photographers.

Some of the earliest people to conceive of such an organization were dreaming as early as 1945.  Clarence Einhaus, Frank Fuller and Spee Wright, were each actively, though without the knowledge of the other, trying to promote such an organization.

However, it was Spee Wright in the early 1950's who was instrumental in the birth of what is today known as:

The Central Illinois Camera Clubs Association.

In it's early stages Sam Levy, served as the CICCA President as the organization under went many changes until it's first official fall meeting in November of 1950.   Soon after this meeting a Constitution was born and adopted, giving legal status to the CICCA Organization.

From it's beginning with a club membership of ten local area clubs.  CICCA now boast an active club membership of twenty-one local area clubs, which constitutes a membership of over 600 local area Amateur Photographers.

November 1950 also marked the beginning of the first annual Fall CICCA Salon.  This Salon promotes competition in both color and monochrome, and has continued to be held yearly between mid October and mid November.

CICCA also promotes a Individual Spring Salon, which is held annually between mid March and mid April.

Each of these Salon's are randomly sponsored by a membership club in their respective cities or cities of clubs choice.

In the brief span of only five decades CICCA has become well known the country over for it's record of service to it's member clubs and amateur photography in general.  CICCA provides a wide variety of services to it's member clubs.

CICCA's record of achievement could not have been accomplished without the selfless efforts of many faithful individuals.  Their contributions large and small are greatly appreciated.

Members may view a complete record of the Organization by requesting a copy from the Club's Secretary.

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