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Close Book  Story One PAGES 1 - 20 Click on Close Book to EXIT
Opening Theme: As we race ahead to explore the world around us,
                 Are we not merely rediscovering the past...?

For a Better World©
Book One: The Knowledge of EviL
Original draft by Shay Everton
Current draft Version 4.46
(Gives you access to pages 1-9,10,20,64)

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(10)Professor Ranjith gazed through the large window, staring out past the low-lying buildings to the Highway Bridge. The distant, miniature cars moved hypnotically along the road, racing to and fro, to and fro... Yet this painting, true to the basic nature of a picture, was still. Drawn to such an image a thought can effortlessly drift away to a pacific land, gloriously basking in its tranquil abundance. But stirred by the entrance of three students, it snaps back like an outstretched elastic band and jars the sleeper from this pure, entranced state.

His obscure project, having taken years of self-sacrifice, was to the delight and relief of professor Ranjith, finally complete. Turning with an anxious uneasiness towards his three loyal students strolling into the room, he shuffled back and relinquished the scene outside.

It had been a yearly custom for this diligent intellectual to filter out newly enrolled students, meticulously seeking out promising candidates who met with his exacting criteria. A specialized talent paved the way for any scholar wanting to secure membership into his elite, achiever clubs. Owing to his recognized brilliance and the years he had dedicated to the learning institution, none of his colleagues thought to question his motives, supportive of the fact that his interest extended beyond the classroom. With such extensive free reign and unchecked authority, he quietly advanced a goal of significance only to him.

The professor urged his separate achiever groups to work, unknowingly, on the components for a prototype model of personal design. Students would happily sacrifice their time and creative skill to construct engineered components in response to the professor’s persuasion. This exhaustive process ultimately ran its course and the professor was keen to advance to the next phase.

After gaining the full attention of the three students in the room, professor Ranjith revealed that their efforts, along with that of the many others who had gone before, collectively contributed to the construction of the first ever Energy Reversal Chamber.

‘This machine,’ he pointed out ‘had great significance in that it could totally transform the way everything existed on the earth and replicate any given point in history. It was what most people would view as a time machine’ he elaborated, attempting to give the students a firmer grasp of the device.

Giving a more detailed explanation, the professor mentioned various possibilities of what could be achieved and all of the places that they could visit. Taken in by his intriguing words, the students were bewildered by this concise yet informative briefing. It was far more than what they’d imagined though. With an energy reversal chamber at his command, the professor could willingly alter the existing structure of the universe by reversing it to any point in the past.

The setting sun signaled the approaching departure time. Keen to head over to his launch site the professor, having planned out this day beforehand, wanted his skeptical students to get a glimpse of the new device. He, in fact, intended to do a live test of the prototype and the unwary students were in for a rude surprise. Motioning for them to follow him to his automobile, he was soon driving to the outskirts of the city where the time machine stood.

‘And here is my Energy Reversal Chamber’ beamed the professor, pointing at the machine with his overturned palm.

‘Wonderful...’ remarked the skeptical Ho Ling with intentioned sarcasm, motivated largely by the apparent simplicity of the design. ‘Let’s see what this contraption can do.’


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‘The Energy Reversal Chamber’ the professor explained ‘will reverse the state of the entire universe as it exists in its current form. As energy around us transforms from one form to another, it leaves behind a trace, or to be more precise, an interactive energy signature.

By using these interactive energy signatures that all past energies have left for us, we can easily follow the trail. In closely monitoring these trails and continually reversing the field, we create the illusion of time travel by reversing the present and journeying into the past. This is why I call this device an Energy Reversal Chamber. We can accelerate and manipulate this transformation positively or negatively and uncover a totally new environment around us.’

‘So, professor’ understood Ho Ling, ‘if this actually works we could accelerate the energy field around us in a positive direction and end up in a forward dimension of time. We could, in that instance, travel to the future, while the chamber encasing us would keep us from being affected by this change.’

Ho Ling's face lit up as he considered this possibility.

‘That’s a fascinating prospect!’ he continued intrigued. ‘But will this Reversal Chamber really isolate us from every effect on time and space?’

Turning to Ho Ling, the professor grinned knowingly.

‘Theoretically we could advance into the future’ he pointed out, ‘but that procedure is somewhat dubious. You must consider that the future hasn't yet occurred, so we have no energy trail to follow. To venture into the future you would have to predetermine a path and would thereby create a future of your own making’ he explained, pausing momentarily. ‘It is virtually impossible to get an accurate picture of any future world!

When you travel backward, however, you follow an established energy trail that is the result of events that have already occurred. This I believe, for reasons I do not have time to fully go into, is a safer, more reliable direction to follow.’

(18)But professor,’ persisted Ho Ling, ‘all the benefits to mankind lie in the future! Of what use is it for us to journey into the dreary past? And, in any case, what convinces you that this device will actually do what you've claimed?’

The professor paused and then, with a glimmer in his eye, proceeded.

‘What I am showing you today, I have shown to no one. Understandably you will have your doubts, but I assure you that all of what I have told you is based on accurate scientific research. I have endured countless hours in the lab running simulations and repeatedly testing this design. It is the direct result of years of painstaking research.’

With the remaining daylight steadily fading away, the professor quickly rushed to the point.

‘Anyway’, he concluded hurriedly ‘the true reason I have you all gathered here is that I intend to do a live test of the machine today. I am offering the three of you a unique opportunity to undertake a journey with me to film a period in history. You have a simple decision to make - opt to either come along... or remain behind. It is entirely up to you.’

The three students consulted privately as they pondered the professor's proposal. His claims were ludicrous! Swayed only by his bubbling enthusiasm and unwaivering optimism, they gave him the benefit of their doubt.

‘Well Prof.’ inquired Ho Ling, ‘if what you say is actually possible then, should we decide to remain here while you alter the state of the earth, we won’t be around to witness these changes. Is that correct?’

‘That is correct.’

‘And’ he continued, nodding agreeably, ‘by going along we will get to see the results!’

‘Right again!’

‘What if it doesn’t work?’ asked Rosita intruding.


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‘If nothing happens then we lose nothing’ answered Ho Ling, confidently stating what appeared to be blatantly obvious to him. ‘Our choice is pretty much a forgone conclusion - wouldn’t you all agree?’

With this sentiment prevailing the professor opened the door leading into the chamber. They climbed inside, the students first, making them as comfortable as the available space allowed. Confined within these walls a fearful sense of adventure prevailed.

The Energy Reversal Chamber, on the inside, appeared to be nothing more than a large square room that the professor had modified to suit his purposes. Presumptuously making all the necessary preparations for this trip, the professor ensured that both his and the students’ needs were met to the best of his ability. As they settled into these new surroundings, the professor, wanting to waste no time, went about initializing the necessary controls.

The entrance door lifted towards the chamber and sealed, leaving the internal lights as the sole source of illumination. The first phase of the process, which involved the decontamination of the inside air, began.

The professor thereafter activated the shield protector which, in isolating the occupants of the chamber from all external energies would leave the confined unaffected by the reversal process and the consequential change.

At this point the chamber’s computer took automatic control of all the necessary functions and they patiently waited as the machine charged up slowly with a dragging, whining sound. The students sat quietly, glancing occasionally at each other in suspense and amusement.

It only then occurred to Ho Ling that the professor hadn’t actually settled on a final destination.

‘Which time in the past are you planning to go to?’ he shouted out above the progressive whine of the machine.

With all the triggers set, the professor ran over to his seat and motioned everybody to buckle up while shouting an answer.

‘Almost left that as a surprise’ he yelled back, equally loud. ‘We’re going back as far as this machine will take us’ he concluded ‘- roughly, I estimate - one thousand years...’

The steadily increasing hum of the generators soon made all conversation ineffectual. The reversal chamber, with the absence of any warning unexpectedly rose and, with a sudden burst of speed surged forward, floating off on an energy wave. Caught unawares by this action, the occupants instinctively gripped at the base of their seats in surprise. The ride, over almost as soon as it began, lasted under one minute and seemed even shorter.

The chamber slowly came to a stop. Professor Ranjith hurriedly checked that each student was all right before slowly rising and walking over to the console to take a look at his instruments.

‘Instruments seem to have taken quite a beating’ he muttered to himself.

‘Is there a problem?’ inquired Ho Ling.

‘No, no...’ the professor reassured. ‘In fact everything seems to have gone surprisingly fine. Hell, even I didn’t expect it to work this well! It’s astonishing...’

‘But nothing seems to have happened’ interjected Rosita, unconvinced. ‘When do we go outside and check?’


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‘We just have to deactivate the energy isolator and then we can interact with the New World outside’ replied the professor.

‘Or basically just go home - right Prof?’ Rosita teased.

‘Have some faith young lady’ he groaned. ‘The deactivation has just ended and, after my probes test the outside atmosphere, we can proceed.’

‘How far back did we go?’ she inquired.

‘I don’t actually know. From what I gather, I’d say we’ve gone back about a thousand years! But the computer’s time determination program doesn’t seem to have properly interacted with the measurement unit... so I’m not actually sure.’

‘You do seem to be naively optimistic professor. How do you know we are not in the middle of a volcano-strewn land?’

‘Well... I’ve already deactivated the protective shielding... and nothing’s happened to us.’

‘That’s so reassuring’ she smirked.

The unit’s computer beeped and lit up, signaling the completion of all the environmental tests. The professor turned toward the console and punched in some data.

‘That’s it. We can open the door’ he announced. ‘All the readings indicate that it’s safe to go out.’

The chamber door slid open. (12)The sunlight streaming in was a striking contrast to the darkness of the evening they had left behind. Looking outside quickly verified that their world was gone and they were in another point in time.

‘Where are we Prof?’ asked Rosita shocked. ‘You must have some idea!’ she anxiously pleaded.

‘If everything’s gone according to plan’ he responded ‘we should have moved somewhere close to mid-Asia. As the energy shift occurs the reversal chamber is able to slide along the energy wave and position itself wherever you choose. I picked this as a suitable location to venture to.’

‘Well that doesn’t help us much considering that you’ve just changed the world as we know it! What are we meant to do now?’

‘We’ll have to take a look around’ recommended the professor ‘to determine exactly that. Fortunately I’ve equipped this chamber with all-terrain mobility, so moving about won’t be a problem.’

The professor instructed the students to walk down along the chamber door, which doubled as a ramp. He, in turn, gathered up the two rifles that he had brought along and, clutching the chamber's remote control, followed behind. Once outside, the professor accessed all of the reversal chamber’s computerized functions with the push of a button.

The roof of the chamber pulled back, slowly exposing the solar panels to the inviting sun. Thereafter it lifted off the ground revealing a set of wheels. The land, fortunately flat, would enable the reversal chamber to follow with relative ease and, as the travelers trudged along the grassy terrain, the chamber rolled obediently behind. Above, the spread of cloudless sky was crystal clear.

The professor handed one of the rifles he was carrying to Ho Ling.

‘Where are we heading?’ inquired Rosita.


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‘To that clump of trees!’ instructed the professor, pointing into the distance. ‘We need to take a look around for now.’

They pushed off towards the forest with the professor leading the group in conversation.

‘My instruments may get a better fix on our location when the stars come out’ he reassured. ‘For now, we need the sunlight to replenish all of our power supplies.’

The group of explorers drew close to the trees. Professor Ranjith intermittently checked the remote he was carrying, desperately hoping that his instruments would detect beneficial information. And finally they did...

‘I’ve got a reading’ said the excited professor, surging with optimism. My instruments have detected sounds emanating from that clump of trees up ahead. The computer has analyzed them already’ he gleefully exclaimed. ‘There are birds ahead of us!’

‘I can’t hear anything’ remarked Rosita, puzzled.

‘We're still out of earshot’ clarified the professor ‘but I assure you they are up ahead.’

(9)The weary group burst forward with renewed energy and quickened the pace. The chamber sped along behind and they reached the forest in what seemed like minutes. At the edge of the forest they observed birds nesting and moving from branch to branch.

‘Let us proceed with care’ said the professor. ‘There could be wild animals lurking about.’

Ho Ling acknowledged the caution and readied his rifle. The other two students instinctively stood behind the armed men.

‘Look at the regularity with which these trees are spaced’ whispered the professor ‘it’s clear evidence there’s intelligent life within this vicinity.’

Slowly they proceeded into the forest. The birds were unperturbed by the overcautious intruders, showing their familiarity with the presence of humans. The dense forest trees now gave way to a clearing in the center. Bordering the clearing on either side, the structured trees formed a lengthy corridor that stretched out in two directions.

‘Which way do we go?’ asked Ho Ling.

The professor, awed by the discovery of the passageway, took a moment to respond.

‘We’ll go left’ he finally answered, indicating that they would follow the slight incline.

The travelers made their way up the corridor, leaving the reversal chamber to roll along on the outside of the dense trees, until they could find a break wide enough for it to fit through. In this way they retained the use of the chamber’s functionality and monitored their environment.

‘Have you received any new readings yet?’ asked Rosita.

‘No’, replied the professor. ‘I’m still only getting readings for different species of birds at present. The chamber hasn’t located any new sounds as yet, except of course for those it’s already identified.’

‘How many different types of sounds can that gadget of yours analyze anyway?’ asked the intrigued Ho Ling.

‘The computer analyses far more sounds than I could mention.’


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‘Maybe we should consider setting up camp instead’ recommended Masilo. ‘We’ve been walking for hours and the sun will be setting shortly.’

This idea appealed to the other students but the professor wanted to press on, even though weary himself. He felt that they should make full use of the time that they had to explore as much of their surroundings as they could. His persistence finally paid off as the remote he was carrying beeped a warning.

‘The sensors are picking up a new sound’ said the informed professor, ‘and it looks promising.’

‘What have you got Prof?’ asked Ho Ling.

‘The computer is still processing these new sounds, but it’s definitely not a bird this time.’

It took a few minutes for the result to become known, but eventually the screen display on the remote control confirmed what the professor had suspected.

‘It’s the sound of human voices’ he exclaimed. ‘There are people up ahead!’

‘How far ahead?’ inquired Ho Ling.

‘I can’t tell exactly’ whispered the professor ‘but we should meet up with them soon, so we must be very cautious as of now.’

The students were weary but alert. Thoughts of resting were replaced with feelings of fear and expectation.

‘The signal is getting clearer now. We are going to meet the source on the other side of the incline, so we must conceal ourselves and continue from within the forest corridor. The noise of the birds will mask our approach while the trees will keep us out of view.’

(6)The travelers crept closer, crouching. The birds quieted as the day drew steadily to a close. Professor Ranjith set his language analyzer program to suppress all audio output. Instead, it converted all interpreted sounds to a visual form on the screen remote.

Quietly they moved to the inside edge of the forest, close enough to peer at the two distinct figures standing by a fountain under the shadow of a small tree.

The two naked forms, one male, the other female, suggested a somewhat primitive culture. Engrossed in conversation, they were unperturbed by the onlookers and, despite the professor’s best efforts; the computer failed to match their dialect. The watched couple remained oblivious to the four observers until Rosita gasped, discharging a muffled scream. A bird of the forest had, unnoticed, flown down from above, landing on her outstretched hand. Fearing the worst, she was unable to contain her reactionary outburst, which was enough to expose their cover.

(5)The woman looked towards the forest. Her frantic motioning to the man alongside her indicated that the observers had been spotted.

‘Damn - they’ve seen us! What do we do now Prof?’

The professor looked toward Ho Ling and shrugged his shoulders. There was no escape. If they should try to flee and hide they would leave the Reversal Chamber - which the professor was not prepared to put at risk - behind.


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‘Let’s try not to scare them’ he pleaded. ‘My instruments could trace only two voice patterns so it's unlikely that there are many others with them, even if they’ve remained silent. We must walk out together in a non-threatening manner.’

The couple were already making their way towards the party of four, the woman slightly ahead of her companion. Clearly, they were not in fear of the intruders and, on the contrary, walked boldly as they approached.

‘They don’t seem surprised or afraid of us professor’ commented the nervous Ho Ling. ‘Are you sure they are alone?’

Ho Ling refused to take situations at their face value. Being from a different period to this, he felt that they should appear strange to the people of a former time. Yet, in spite of this, the couple didn’t flinch, and this afforded him serious cause for concern.

‘Don’t be so paranoid’ advised Rosita. ‘(7)You sound like you’re going to wind up on their dinner table.’

‘Better safe than sorry’ he smirked.

The couple reached the group quickly, not giving them a chance to get much distance into the forest clearing. The woman looked directly at the four people as she walked around them and felt at their garments. She spoke without hesitation, expecting the travelers to understand. The man soon joined in, repeating some of the questions that the woman had already asked.

‘I think they want to know where we are from’ whispered Ho Ling.

The professor was secretly glancing at the chamber remote while the pairing enacted their ritual. Soon the couple realized that they were making no headway with the group and standing aside, they debated on the appearance of the four strangers.

‘My language analyzer still hasn’t come up with anything,’ sighed the professor, (17)disenchanted. We have absolutely no way of understanding what it is they are saying. If we can’t communicate we’ll have to find some other way of determining what time period we are in.’

The couple, having come to some agreement amongst themselves turned towards the time travelers. Rosita stepped forward, frowning to understand while presenting questions of her own. With the absence of any meaningful dialogue they soon entered into the short-phrase phase of communication. The result was noisy confusion.

The professor interrupted, suggesting that they walk to the fountain and refresh themselves. Using mostly hand signals and three word phrases, the professor conveyed this intention to the couple. He hoped to get a fix on the time period they were in by scanning whatever possessions these people might own.

Moving to the center area of the corridor presented the professor and his team with some good fortune. Masilo was the first among the group to spot the break in the forest wall, wide enough for the Reversal Chamber to fit through.

Reaching the fountain, the professor looked about but didn’t see anything he considered a personal possession. Subsequently he sat down on a large rock, within earshot of the others who had settled on the grass. Professor Ranjith planned to guide the Chamber through the forest opening before sunset. For now he was quite happy to relax and enjoy whatever remained of the day.


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Rosita continued in her attempt to communicate with the couple, together with Masilo, while Ho Ling found contentment laying back on the grass and staring skyward. He felt more at ease now, looking forward to getting some rest.

‘Try to find out where they live’ the professor shouted out over the top of the conversation group.

Everyone turned toward him in stilted silence. Rosita eventually gave professor Ranjith the nod, visibly unappreciative of his rude intrusion. She contained her frustration, even though she felt that she was making gradual progress.

The professor clarified his interference:

‘It’s the only way we can establish which age we are in...’

His focus shifted abruptly and everyone, in response to the professor's startled reaction, turned towards the figure that mysteriously appeared six meters in front of him. This new arrival seemingly materialized out of thin air. It was the figure of a man, dressed from top to bottom in full white. Ho Ling shot up off the ground.

‘Who the heck is that?’ he exclaimed.

That natural inclination to move closer to the new arrival was offset by the first words he uttered:

‘Please don’t rise on my account!’

Stunned, they remained seated.

Having perceived that everyone understood the stranger though he spoke only once, professor Ranjith considered the frightening possibility of a side effect to energy reversal. Somehow this individual could communicate with both parties at the same time. Perplexed by this, hurried scenarios raced through his mind - some absurd, others reasonable.

Was it possible that the energy reversal process had created a new individual to whom the laws of the universe no longer applied? Perhaps it had taken them to an ancient, alien civilization that had a different set of physical and scientific laws? Or had the machine malfunctioned, taking them instead to a time in the future? The answers to these questions lay with the stranger.

The stranger moved in closer and turned toward the professor.

‘Well professor, it seems that you have finally achieved your lifelong goal’ he stated admiringly. ‘Let me be the first to congratulate you on your remarkable achievement.’

The stranger held forth his hand. The professor reciprocated and hesitantly accepted the compliment with a weak handshake.

Turning away, the stranger now addressed the time travelers as a group.

‘Well, you are probably wondering who I am at this point. I will get to that part later. For now let us consider the precarious position that you find yourselves in. Your problem, at present, is that you have altered life on the earth as you know it but unfortunately have no idea where you are. Well fear not! The good news is that I am just the individual to fill you in on that. You’ve traveled way back to the time of the perfect earth - back to the time when humans have recently been brought into existence.’

The stranger looked down at the couple they had been observing earlier.

‘These two individuals are the first human creations.’


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He affirmed his statement with a nod and continued: ‘I am aware that all of this is a little strange and that is why I am here to help you. Possibly, we could help each other...’

‘How would we help you?’ wondered Rosita inquisitively.

‘I will explain in time. In the interim, I will arrange for you to communicate with each other - so, as of now, any spoken language will be understood by all. Go ahead, test and see that what I say is no lie. Then you should get some rest. You have another journey to undertake tomorrow...’

‘Where do we have to journey to tomorrow...?’ asked Ho Ling intrigued, ‘and....’

The stranger abruptly stopped Ho Ling before he could get his follow-up question in.

‘The professor will be able to fill you in on that...’ he pointed out, interrupting strongly. And just as the stranger had appeared, he disappeared.

The students looked towards the professor with Ho Ling being the first to speak out.

‘This situation is getting extremely weird Prof. That guy almost seemed to know everything about us and our situation - but that’s impossible in my mind! How do you explain that if we really are back in the past?’

‘This is no time for panicky reactions’ responded the professor evasively. He needed to calm the situation. If things got any more peculiar than what they were right now, the students could be spooked into wanting to leave.

‘Let’s check his story out’ he urged, hoping to ease the tension and relax everyone. ‘We’ll try communicating with our newest friends.’

The couple had already turned towards the professor with interest. This gesture made it clear that his words were understood. They proceeded to greet the professor and his companions in their native tongue.

‘What a relief!’ cheered the professor. ‘We can communicate!’ The stranger hadn’t lied.

Professor Ranjith looked to the students to share in his delight but his joy was lost on the apathetic group. The stranger, especially his knowing referrals to the professor had left the students wondering whether some details concerning this trip had been withheld. They sought to probe the professor for answers, suspecting a man they trusted may have misled them.

Professor Ranjith, risking the possible detriment of his character, shrugged them off, focusing instead on the couple that he, at this point, saw to be the more interesting subjects. They too were overly eager to speak to him.

The couple now laboriously explained the details of their lives, capturing the travelers’ total interest. After a thorough interrogation on the part of the professor, everything began to take shape.

‘Do you understand the magnitude of what we have done here today?’ exclaimed the self-absorbed professor who had enlightened understanding. ‘We have gone way beyond all of my anticipation.’

The students’ awe allowed the professor a brief moment in which to express his self-absorbed contemplation. But this was quickly replaced with a renewed eagerness to obtain satisfactory answers from the man who had brought them back to the beginning of time.

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‘It’s really very simple if you take all of these things into account’ the professor explained, having taken the time to suppress the emotional energy that was raging within.

‘My original intention, to travel back in time and make visual recordings of history, has accidentally landed us on the perfect earth - the original Eden. This - if all is as I suspect - gives us a potentially enormous opportunity to reach for something even greater than what we set out for. The opportunity that has presented itself is one that we are compelled to grasp with both hands!’

‘You making absolutely no sense, professor’ interjected Rosita. (30)Ho Ling and Masilo concurred.

With that the professor realized the need to proceed slowly to achieve a greater understanding among his prodigies.

‘The malfunction that occurred in the monitoring equipment’ he explained ‘caused us to reverse the earth’s structure a little more than I had intended. The result, though, could possibly be fortuitous in that we are in a time period that exists before the Original Sin ever occurred. We are back in the time of the perfect earth. Well at least, that is my best deduction based on all that we’ve seen and heard.’

‘So you’re not exactly sure about this’ queried Masilo.

‘No, but with at all the available evidence we can easily find out. In fact, with everything that I’ve been told, it all adds up.’

‘You’re still one step ahead, professor’ interjected Rosita. ‘I still don’t understand. What if everything is as you suppose? What is this opportunity we are presented with?’

Rosita could sense that the professor was deviating from their intention to film historical events and, whatever he had in mind would be better known now.

‘We can change the course of history!’

The professor unwittingly blurted it out and so continued as calmly as he could.

‘Look, I know it may all be a bit confusing to you now, but you will come to see that what I propose is the most sensible course of action. Anyway, before we even contemplate going that route, we must first be sure of all the facts.’

This was the (21)cornerstone of the professor’s character. Never accepting anything at face value, he would examine, check and double-check all the facts. Even as a youngster, he would probe into and take apart his toys - seeking to understand the magic that lay within them. In later years he picked life and the universe apart, as if it were some puzzle he needed to solve. Therein lay his true greatness.

With the information he had obtained from the couple, the professor correctly deduced that they were near the center of the garden in Eden. The tree within their sight was the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Further up, just over the slight incline, they would find the tree of life. The professor needed to check on this and got Rosita to accompany him. Ho Ling and Masilo stayed with the couple.

Reaching the topmost point of the incline the professor and Rosita, looking down, could see these two prominent trees, one on either side, alone in their magnificence, glistening in the distance. They walked down to the tree of life, which stood close to a fountain. The professor looked up at the tree, slowly reached towards a low hanging branch and plucked the fruit off the end of it. He then brought the fruit towards his mouth to take a bite. Rosita caught his arm concerned.

‘We don’t know if this is poisonous, professor.’


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‘Rosita, you must realize that, if we are indeed back in a perfect world, then there is in fact nothing that could endanger us.’

‘And if we’re not? We can’t let anything happen to you professor. You’re the only one who knows how to modify the structure of the earth - and therefore our only hope of getting home. It’s better that I try this first.’

The professor conceded.

Rosita hesitated. ‘What are you hoping to achieve by doing this, professor?’

‘I’m not sure - but I suspect that the fruit will cause some physiological change that we should feel, if not see.’

Rosita, somewhat skeptical, went ahead and bit into the fruit while the edgy professor Ranjith watched with anxious interest.

‘How do you feel?’ asked the overzealous professor.

‘Fine, I’m fine. In fact, I feel better than fine. I feel good - you know you may just be right about this. There is something different, extraordinary - no, vitalizing in this fruit, professor!’ she said intrigued, pointing her finger at the half-eaten delight.

The benefits of the fruit of the tree of Life were far greater than Rosita could describe and she urged the professor to experience it for himself.

(27)The professor bit off a sizeable chunk of the nourishing fruit and savored the taste, the intense concentrations showing on his wrinkly, old face. Chewing rhythmically to the tick of a clock, he swallowed.

‘This is extremely tasty’ he remarked, relaxing while moving to take the next bite. He stopped abruptly.

Rosita stood looking wide-eyed at the professor in disbelief. The shock on her face, her blank stare and wide-open mouth made the now subdued professor somewhat fearful.

‘What’s the matter!’ he ejaculated, jerking his neck to one side, fearfully peering past his left shoulder in subconscious anticipation of the notoriously dark, shadowy bedroom monster lurking behind. Observing no imminent danger, he clutched Rosita’s shoulders, shaking the shocked, senseless girl for a clue.

It worked! Rosita came to her senses, grabbed his arm in turn and pulled him toward the nearby fountain. She pushed on his shoulder, motioning for him to look down. The professor, perplexed, stared down at his reflection and slowly touched his cheek. The effects of the fruit had far greater impact this time. It left him not only feeling young, but looking, in appearance, not a day over twenty.

‘It’s truly amazing’ a soft voice of wonder came from behind.

‘Yes, it truly is.’ reiterated the professor turning to face Rosita. With the initial feelings of shock and disbelief having worn off, displaced instead by rapid analytical, explanatory thought, he commented: ‘we shouldn’t have been so surprised, really - What would go with eternal life... but eternal youth?’

‘I suppose I’m still too young’ reasoned Rosita, looking at the professor, ‘I mean, to reverse my age.’


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‘I suppose so’ nodded the now youthful professor Ranjith, (33)looking in disbelief at his arms and absorbing the results.

‘What are the others going to say when they see you now?’ Rosita wondered.

‘Lets go and find out’ he answered, rolling with enthusiasm.

‘Wait professor!’ gasped Rosita tugging at his shirtsleeve, while turning to lean her back against the wall of the fountain all in one fluid motion. The professor stopped and spun around, showed surprise at the fact that he was now facing her, and raised his eyebrows in boyish confusion.

Rosita paused, still not having fully digested the professor’s change in appearance. She shirked off this feeling, steadying herself.

‘Professor,’ she started off and then realized ‘it’s actually sort of strange referring to you in this way, now that you look - um - never mind.’ She paused for a moment, vigorously shaking her head to unclog her mind. ‘Anyway - um, it does seem that you were right about being back at the beginning - of creation I mean...’

Her unintentional focus on the professor’s new appearance caused a rapid displacement of her thoughts and as much as she tried to put this out of her mind, it remained.

‘I mean all the evidence suggests this’ she continued. ‘(19)Yet, I thought that you scientist types generally didn’t favor creation theories - so... how is it that you seem to be taking this whole experience at face value? Are we fooling ourselves or are we really here, I mean... at the beginning?’

‘Well, it’s not what you or I believe that really matters at the moment, is it? We have to look at the evidence. And, like it or not, everything adds up to that so far!’

‘What about that stranger - can you explain him?’

‘No, not as yet. We’ve come so far that we shouldn’t dwell on every unknown’ he reassured her, content with the results of their little fact finding mission. ‘Where is your trekkie spirit, young lady?’

Amused, they laughingly made their way over the incline to join the others. Their journey back was much quicker, as the youthful professor had boundless energy in his now youthful body. Tearing off his shirt, more suited to his frail physique, he moved more freely across the plains.

The four individuals in the distance were engrossed in conversation as the professor and Rosita approached. Ho Ling looked up at them stunned.

‘What’s going on now?’ he asked dismayed, gaining the attention and interest of all three bystanders. ‘Where is professor Ranjith?’

‘It’s me you idiot!’ the much younger professor Ranjith jokingly responded.

This remark exposed his identity. Rosita chuckled as she explained everything to the satisfaction of the disorientated observers.

Ho Ling was greatly relieved (15)to discover that the young man was the wrinkly old professor they had traveled with and not another freaky stranger. He wasn’t fond of all these surprises, which his entire day, since after class, was all about.

The professor handed Masilo and Ho Ling the fruit from the tree of life that he had carried with. Rosita vigorously promoted the benefits, and with her unwaivering insistence, they indulged.


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Sunset approached, so they guided the reversal chamber in between the forested corridor. Putting off going to bed until the very last, it was late when they all retired for the night. The couple slept in the garden, inviting the travelers to do the same. The temperature in the garden remained unchanged, being the same at night as during the daytime.

The time travelers opted instead to sleep within the confines of the reversal chamber. (24)It offered a feeling of emotional comfort and protection against the foreign world outside.


There was loud knocking on the door of the reversal chamber the next morning. The sun rising on the horizon streamed daylight in through the tiny windows, and Ho Ling, accustomed to waking up in his bed at home, took a few moments to get orientated.

‘Damn! I could have used more sleep’ he groaned.

‘Just get the door’ insisted the professor.

Professor Ranjith was tinkering under the main console, checking on the machine’s circuitry. All of the noisy morning commotion was sufficient to awaken Rosita and Masilo. Ho Ling hit the door switch, if only to stop the incessant knocking from outside. Moaning, the hydraulic supports gradually eased the door to the ground and blinding sunlight streamed in.

The stranger of the previous day stood at the foot of the open door, which once again doubled as a ramp.

‘Oh, how nice to see you so early in the morning’ groaned the grouchy Ho Ling.

The stranger was upbeat, his pleasant mood contrasting that of the sleepy students. Having achieved his objective, he strolled off to chat with Adam and Eve. The grumpy students soon followed, refreshing themselves in the clear fountain water. They splashed each other, joked, had fun and finally settled down to a prepared breakfast.

The stranger evaded everyone at this point and quietly strolled over to the chamber in search of the professor.

‘Checking up on the equipment, I assume?’ he blandly started off, initiating conversation.

The professor turned, nodded and continued working. He was absorbed in the particular task at hand and couldn’t afford a break in his concentration. The stranger, knowing that his presence was of far greater importance, waited expectantly; continuing only when the professor had his body turned and was fully focused on him.

‘Checking on your timing device, professor?’ he rhetorically inquired. ‘Wouldn’t want it to malfunction again, would we? Who knows where you could wind up on your next trip?’

The professor considered pinching himself as he suspected that the stranger, who he felt had insight into his thoughts, was a character created in his subconscious mind. He had heard - or read - he couldn’t quite remember which, if even at all - that one cannot pinch oneself in a dream.


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‘You seem pretty certain that we will be leaving here soon’ probed the professor, in a quest to obtain information of worth. ‘It is sort of nice here, you know - we may just decide to stay!’

‘Stay? I certainly doubt that, professor. You and I both know that this opportunity is both phenomenal and crucial to your future. You intend to grasp it with both hands.’

The professor had a multitude of questions jostling in his mind, yet amid the haze, they all fizzled down to one.

‘Who exactly are you?’

‘For now, professor, I am the guiding light amid the confusion that surrounds you. I am that - how do you put it, oh yes - friend in need.’

‘So, you’re our little guardian angel,’ said a familiar voice. Rosita had snuck up from behind, straight into the discussion. Coming to gather the professor for breakfast she caught the tail end of the conversation. This interruption served to be the stranger’s cue to leave and once again, as was usual for him, he promptly vanished.

‘I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to scare him off,’ sympathized Rosita, pointing with her thumb to where the stranger had last stood. ‘You could have continued your conversation over at the fountain.’

‘Don’t worry about it. You can’t scare off the likes of him. In fact, I suspect our friend has an agenda - I just wish I knew what it is.’

‘I do hate the way he disappears on us like that though... - so rude!’

The professor shook his head laughing, amused by her innocent comment. They walked over to the others chatting by the fountain. Gradually the conversation shifted to the mysterious stranger. Nobody knew for sure what his role in this entire affair could be, though it seemed he had incredible resources. Rosita pointed out that he had, on the bright side, helped them to communicate, so he was most probably more friend than foe.

The professor interrupted the conversation, hailing everyone’s attention. He had an important announcement to make, aimed mainly at his students. (23)Not a strong public speaker, the professor notified everyone that he would simply speak his mind.

‘We’ve come a long way from home’ he began ‘and I want to thank you all for hanging in there. As you all are aware, reaching this point in time was unexpected for me in this... um... time travel adventure. And I know that you all expected to travel back to our own time at some stage; but a new opportunity has presented itself. We are in a time when the world, in its pure form, is perfect and within this environment, mankind can again thrive without any of the anxieties of - how shall I say it - the Old Earth? In any case, we presently have a unique opportunity to make a fresh start in a fresh New World. To summarize’ he abruptly concluded, already experiencing an uneasiness over the length of his speech, ‘we have to travel to a time in the future - also, we have to leave as soon as we possibly can.’

(29)And that was it. The professor, who didn’t have a way with words or tact in speeches, had decided their future.

‘Wait a moment, professor’ reminded the observant Masilo, ‘I seem to recall you saying that we couldn’t venture into the future - because there was no energy trail to follow!’


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‘True... forward travel can be risky, even disastrous... as you can never foretell what possible disaster has befallen humanity; but that is in an imperfect world. In a perfect world, it wouldn’t matter. Any future path we choose to follow will be a successful one.’

‘Surely we do not have to risk another trip so soon’ challenged Rosita. ‘We control time! What difference would it make if we left a month or two from now? We can tour... and learn about this world a bit’ she pleaded.

‘That prospect, as interesting as it seems, is not a practical one’ retorted the professor. ‘The longer we remain here, the more we contaminate this New World with our presence. This world is in its infancy. We have to give it a chance to develop first.’

‘So that’s what the stranger meant when he mentioned our second trip!’ recollected Ho Ling. ‘He does seem to be a step ahead of us...’ he ruminated. Then, quickly shifting his focus and warming up to the prospect of traveling forward, he asked: ‘Exactly how far into the future are we intending to go?’

‘Hmm.... I suppose we could travel about... er... one thousand years forward. That should do!’

‘Thousand years - again!!’ teased Ho Ling.

‘How soon are we leaving then,’ inquired Rosita frowning dejectedly.

‘We leave before sunset’ affirmed the professor. ‘That gives us the rest of the day to prepare. I have to do some routine checks on the reversal chamber that will take a few hours.’

‘What can we do to help?’ asked Ho Ling eagerly.

(3)Nothing really’ responded the professor. But turning suddenly, with one brow raised and a dawning realization in his eyes, he reconsidered. ‘Well actually, there is one thing that you and Masilo can do for me!’

(11)At this Ho Ling and Masilo turned towards the professor awaiting his instructions with interest.

‘We need some insurance that the future world will remain untarnished.’ So, pointing to the tree standing by the fountain, he said: ‘I’ll need you to cut down that tree!’

‘You want us to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and bad?’ retorted an astounded Masilo.

‘Yes - destroy it completely! Down to the root’ commanded the professor emphatically.

On hearing this, Masilo frowned in puzzlement.

‘We can’t just cut it down, can we?’ queried the equally surprised Ho Ling. And secretly pointing his thumb in the direction of the couple he whispered: ‘Won’t they object to that?’

‘Let Rosita explain the situation to them’ was the professor’s abrupt reply. ‘Now do as I’ve said!’


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Ho Ling and Masilo proceeded with their task while Rosita explained the reasons for their actions to the couple. The couple, who had come to trust the newcomers, presented no opposition and, as these events unfolded, the professor busied himself with all the preparations for their journey.

Ho Ling and Masilo worked with great zest taking turns to hack at the stem of the tree, breaking up the branches, roots and all, into pieces. Next they built a fire and threw the pieces, bit by bit, into it, ensuring that the tree was completely destroyed. (8)Rosita and the couple stood transfixed, their lighted eyes reflecting the dying flames of the first fire of the New World. In the final act of their task the boys poured water onto the smoldering ashes, burying them afterward. The couple then took the students on a tour of the planet returning much later that afternoon.

(2)The setting sun was evidence of the day’s quick departure and professor Ranjith intended to set off on their trip within the next half an hour. As the students approached in the distance, the professor, perched on a rock nearby the fountain, awaited their arrival.

By this time the couple were fully aware of the travelers intentions to leave and tried to persuade the students to stay longer, (13)realizing that they were more easily swayed than the rigid professor. Having won the favor of the students, they got to work on the professor, but to no avail.

When the students inquired as to why they would not be staying longer, the professor explained that it was a waste of time and would compromise their scientific endeavor. (16)Rosita was curious as to why he considered it a waste of time when they effectively controlled time, (20)while Masilo was hoping to get to know this World and the couple more.

(4)Although the professor’s reasons seemed credible, his abrupt manner and hurried speech left them feeling that there was more to this need to leave than he had stated. They were partly right too, as the professor had developed a resolute desire to in no way interfere with this unblemished environment.

Soon it was time to depart and the team of travelers made their way to the reversal chamber. On reaching the bottom of the doorway, they were surprised to discover the stranger perched comfortably at the top of the entrance ramp.

‘It seems it is time to depart’ he gloated, hinting at his earlier conversation with the professor. ‘You weren’t planning to leave without me - were you?’

The travelers stood puzzled by the stranger’s last remark. (32)Mystery, it seemed, was the driving force in the life of this imposing character. Sensing their apprehension the stranger remained unperturbed and moved further into the chamber as the group marched up the ramp. Clearly, he planned to stay.

‘Surely we’re not taking him with us’ groaned Ho Ling.

The complacent professor nodded agreeably, but felt that they should at least hear him out.


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Sitting comfortably on the floor of the chamber with his back firmly against the wall, his feet crossed and his flowing white garments resting nicely on him, the stranger watched as they entered the enclosure.

Ho Ling presumptuously started on him before anyone else could speak:

‘We need some serious answers from you before you even think of hitching a ride!’

‘What is it that you so desperately need to know?’ asked the stranger sighing, dusting his shoulder nonchalantly. His co-operative response was unexpected, taking everyone aback.

‘Firstly’ intruded the professor ‘what leads you to think that we can take you along with us? We cannot interfere with the conditions on the earth as they exist at present and, unfortunately, you are linked to them.’ And, in an attempt to be mildly persuasive, the professor continued: ‘Anyway, with the resources that you have displayed, surely you do not have need of us!’

‘Oh, you’re absolutely correct!’ confirmed the stranger. ‘I can find my way around without the help of anyone - I am merely adding color to your trip.’

‘How do we know this isn’t some sort of trick?’ queried Ho Ling. ‘How do we know whether or not he actually needs us to go forward in time?’

The stranger chuckled. ‘Do you honestly believe that I can be prevented from tagging along into the future? And as for my absence disrupting this world, you need not fear. I am no part of it.’

‘Are you from another world then?’ asked Rosita curiously.

‘In some respects’ he answered.

‘Are you an alien - I mean... from another planet - or galaxy?’

‘I know what you mean and no - I’m not!’

Rosita felt that the stranger could be trusted and pleaded his case. ‘I think he should come along, you guys. Look, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be able to communicate - remember!’ Rosita strolled over to the side of the stranger and faced the three men in an unconscious gesture of support. This, in part, was due to the fact that she found this mysterious individual to be extremely charming.

‘It is truly kind of you to come to my defense, young lady’ muttered the disinterested stranger. He stared up at Rosita and forced a pretentious smile.

The professor acquiesced.

‘Fine! But before I agree to this,’ he emphasized ‘we need to know, at the very least, who or what you are. While we may have no choice on whether or not you come along, you could, in all fairness, at least let us know. As it seems to me that you have an interest in us taking this trip, I am prepared to stay here indefinitely until we receive a little co-operation!’

‘All I wanted was a nice quiet trip’ grumbled the dismayed stranger in pretentious protest. ‘(35)Traveling along in this contraption of yours - it seemed an intriguing proposition. I suppose this will teach me to show my hand ahead of time...’

‘Quit stalling!’ interjected Ho Ling impatiently.


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‘Okay!’ responded the stranger absorbing Ho Ling’s stabbing comment. ‘Since it is clear that we are not going to get anywhere in this fashion, I’ll comply with your request. If you really must know - and clearly we’re not making any progress if you don't - I suppose I should let you know.’ He paused, raised his knees, slid his feet forward slightly, put his hands across his legs and answered: ‘I am Lucifer’.

Their combined gaze fell on the stranger all in one synchronized motion. The stranger in turn looked up at the four entranced individuals like a caged animal on show at the local zoo.

‘Are you all just going to stand there frozen or can we get going?’ he questioned.

(31)Wait.. ’ queried Rosita, swallowing the lump in her throat. ‘Did you just claim to be the devil?’

‘No... that is precisely what I’m saying. You asked - I answered! (25)You can’t travel back to the beginning of creation and totally leave me out of the picture,’ he taunted. ‘That wouldn’t be fair now, would it? I was part of the original script... Remember?’

(1)Rosita, holding her chest, stepped back uneasily from the stranger she was defending only a moment ago. A creepy chill raced down the back of her spine. ‘You’re really serious, aren’t you? You really are the devil!’

It dawned on the group that they could have figured the stranger for an angel earlier, considering all of what they had observed concerning him. The professor was the first to regain his composure and resign himself to the situation.

‘Okay, we now know who he is - let’s go!’

‘We not taking him along with us... are we?’ whispered the now timid Rosita who, horrified, had stolen her way over to stand alongside the professor. ‘What do you think he wants from us Prof?’ she anxiously asked with a rafty, almost inaudible voice.

The professor didn’t get a chance to answer her as Masilo, reacting spontaneously to the latest disclosure, spoke out, directing his question squarely at Lucifer.

‘Are you here to curtail our efforts - stop us from traveling a second time?’

The professor, drawn by this question, turned away from Rosita and answered on Lucifer’s behalf. ‘That’s not it, Masilo. The opposite is actually true. We are meant to travel forward. On that point we are in fact in agreement.’

‘I have no intention of interfering with your trip’ echoed Lucifer in support of the professor. ‘You are perfectly safe - I assure you. Is it not you who altered the state of the earth, curtailing my influence on the world by preventing the Original Sin? And did you not destroy the tree of the knowledge of good and bad? You see, you have nothing to fear!’

‘So we are expected to believe that all of this leaves you out in the cold’ queried the doubting Masilo.

‘Well, you’ve said it’ responded Lucifer. ‘In any case, if you didn’t believe that, would you not be traveling back to the world you came from? Instead, you are prancing off into an unknown future leaving behind everything you’ve ever really known.’

‘This is some sort of trick’ felt the suspicious Masilo unconvinced. ‘We are meant to abandon our mission.’


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‘Wait a minute’ clarified Lucifer, capitalizing on Masilo’s confusion, ‘First you says I’m causing you to go and now I’m trying to prevent you from going. Would you please make up your mind?’

The professor ignored this interchange of words and set the controls, being determined to complete their trip. The conversation played out round about him as he picked up a wooden box off the console and carried it toward the door. He reached the edge of the ramp where Adam and Eve stood watching and handed it to them. With a last goodbye, he re-entered the chamber and sternly interrupted the developing discussion.

(28)It’s time to close the door!’

The students all turned to look out and sadly waved to their hosts. Adam and Eve waved back as the door pulled steadily shut.

‘We’ll be seeing them pretty soon,’ comforted the confident professor, ‘as long as everything goes as it should. Right!' he concluded, 'I want you all to buckle up.’

(26)A mist of silence blanketed the chamber. The professor was now ready to throw the switch that would set them surging forward into a new realm of futuristic possibility.

(22)Wait a moment’ came an intrusive voice.

The professor turned towards Lucifer.

‘Allow me to please make a helpful suggestion’ entreated Lucifer, pausing. ‘Considering that your reversal chamber is capable of landing at a spot of your choosing, I should think that you would want to position yourself closest to where settlements were most likely to thrive in the future.’

(34)Damn! I wish I had considered that’ retorted the professor sarcastically. ‘Since there is absolutely no way of knowing that, it must have slipped my mind!’

‘Well actually professor, I took the liberty of coordinating a team of my angels to do some projective calculations. The most likely coordinates are these’ stated Lucifer, once again upstaging the now humbled professor.

Lucifer reached into his top pocket and withdrew a folded slip of paper. He flicked it into the air and it floated over towards the professor, who graciously caught it. Disenchanted, he looked up at Lucifer, looked down at the paper in hand, and then turned to the console to punch in the coordinates.

‘You’re not going to go with those coordinates?’ cautioned Masilo, distrusting.

‘Don’t be so alarmed Masilo’ reponded professor Ranjith. ‘Any coordinates I choose are a matter of speculation.’

And the professor proceeded, finally flicking the switch and starting the automatic countdown. Thereafter he dashed to his seat and buckled up. The reversal chamber first whined, then surged forward on a wave of energy the same as it had done before, finally coming to a halt in under one minute.


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The professor jumped up out of his seat to check on his instruments. The results met with his approval this time, everything having gone exactly according to intention. He openly joked that his newfound youth had enhanced his precision and, after going through all the necessary checks, he released the door and sunlight streamed in.

The occupants walked down the ramp of the reversal chamber to find their surroundings altered, changing like a scene in a big screen production.

‘Well, are we in the right time period?’ the professor grunted directing his inquiry squarely at Lucifer.

‘You should head that way’ Lucifer bluntly stated pointing ahead of the direction in which he faced. With that he disappeared, his presence being unnecessary.

Being in a state of limbo and having no concrete alternative they complied. It didn’t even matter, as long as they kept moving. The chamber again followed closely behind, remotely guided by the professor. The travelers were now overeager to find civilization and the new society that they had indirectly created. A distinct sense of order was evident in the surrounding vegetation - proof that cultivators had influenced the land - and this invoked a sense of ease within them.

Their journey turned out to be longer than anticipated. Spotting birds and small land animals frolicking in abundance along the way, they saw no sign of people anywhere.

At long last Masilo spotted a town in the distance, encouraging a change of pace. On the clear road ahead, they observed a jubilant group of people marching in their general direction. It was a welcoming committee, made up of townspeople who had meticulously kept on the watch awaiting their arrival.

Preparation for this event had gone on for some time and they let out all the stops. Determined to give each traveler a hero’s welcome, nothing was left to chance. The warm welcome and praise was totally unexpected, leaving the visitors stunned.

A familiar face stepped forward to greet them. It was Adam. He was not a day older than the moment at which they had left.

‘I’m so glad to see you all arrived safely,’ he babbled on in excitement, ‘we have a welcoming feast prepared especially for you - you know, I didn’t doubt for a day that you would arrive; I have so many, many exciting things to show you...’

The professor had got it right this time and managed to travel exactly a thousand years forward with their expected arrival date firmly marked on the social calendar. This was primarily due to the synchronized countdown clock that the professor had included in the box he handed Adam at the time of their departure. Still, it was a feat that overwhelmed even the usually immovable professor.

This box also contained a printed history of the Old World that the travelers had originally departed from. In addition to this it included volumes of records, images and literature that the professor had managed to hastily locate and compress onto microfilm.

Eve followed closely behind Adam and hugged each member of the group in turn, placing a gold medallion around their necks in the process. The welcoming procession thereafter made its way back to the city, (36)the newcomers being carried by eager hands in carriages like kings of old.

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