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Close Book  Story One PAGES 40 - 64 Click on Close Book to EXIT

For a Better World©
Book Two: The Preparation
Original draft by Shay Everton
Current draft Version 4.46
(Gives you access to pages 1,10,20,30,40-49,50,60)

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Rosita and the professor had scheduled yet another meeting with the Traditionalists. This fringe group was noticeably different from the rest of the planet, as they had taken the initial set of historical records that the professor hastily scrambled onto microfilm and applied some of these past traditions, as best they could figure out, in their lives. Unlike the other inhabitants, they had fashioned themselves clothing to wear and had adopted laws from the biblical references uncovered. The professor and Rosita felt that this was a good place to start, as their task in convincing the people of the events to come would be made much simpler.

The Traditionalists had graciously organized a videoconference involving all of their members in and around the various cities. Each town had set up holographic projectors in open fields of land to display a life-sized image of the professor, while each individual could alternatively view the entire broadcast on his or her Signal Bracelet, if they so preferred. Professor Ranjith would thus be broadcast, in the form of a hologram, to all of the separate groups.

Ho Ling, Masilo and Adam were also engaged in a meeting of their own. Converging in the Library building conference room, they discussed the planet’s future and the measures that would be needed to deal with the situation once the year was up. Adam suggested a continuation of life as it was but Ho Ling and Masilo strongly objected to this. Having experienced the Old World, the two students were keen to help avoid the mistakes of the past. As such, they went about convincing Adam that he could both rely and depend on their expertise and dedication in assisting the people of the New World.

Professor Ranjith and Rosita, on arriving at the Traditionalist meeting spot, first warmly greeted the lead figures and then went about preparing for this all-important conference. As the Traditionalist members routinely held such conferences, they easily went about setting everything in place. The professor was scheduled to take questions from viewers in the various locations by means of the Library network.

Meanwhile, Ho Ling and Masilo, in their private conference with Adam, explained that the entire social structure would have to change. As this society was highly developed, they went about assuring Adam that the transition would be relatively smooth. In fact, many of their suggestions had already been implemented and they needed Adam’s approval to implement even more far-reaching changes.

The entire planet was assigned work to do. In addition to these measures, Ho Ling had gone about demarcating all non-essential factories for conversion, increasing production of the androids that performed the labor-intensive tasks required by the society.

Recorded broadcasts, periodically put out by Ho Ling and Masilo, focused on dealing with the challenges that everyone would face in the upcoming year. Hence, most of the inhabitants kept track of any new development in this regard.


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The professor now stood ready to address the crowds seated on the grass. Three cameras, remotely controlled by the Library, hovered about the professor, continually adjusting position and angle to capture the best available holographic picture. Shifting periodically, these three hovering cameras relayed his message to the viewers in the various locations.

Initiating his conference address, Professor Ranjith explained that within eleven months the lifestyle that the planets’ inhabitants were accustomed to would be drastically altered. In view of this, he and Rosita were mounting a concerted effort to minimize the effects of this forthcoming disruption. In preparing for this adjustment, and for a more in-depth explanation, he encouraged the inhabitants to freely visit his room accessible on the Library.

Many of the inhabitants had virtual rooms out on the Library Cybernet. Visiting these, one could gain personal knowledge of individual citizens and their interests. The host gave you a guided tour of his world, beamed straight to the holographic projector of your personal Signal Bracelet.

Professor Ranjith urged his viewers to acquire every bit of available information about the future that was set to come. This, he went on to explain, would greatly assist them in dealing with the obstacles that they were set to face.

In addition to this, the four newcomers had succeeded in transforming much of the Old World history, taken from the databases of the Energy Reversal Chamber, into holographic form on the Library. Many inhabitants, having viewed these intriguing stories on their Signal Bracelets and in the holocinema, were thus familiar with past events.

Using their knowledge of the past, along with the historical information downloaded from the Reversal Chamber, Ho ling and Masilo had drawn up intricate plans to fence off large tracts of land for the various animal groups. Having persuaded Adam to give the go ahead, they initiated these programs and, together with the engineering staff of the Library, had all available androids move all the animals that were close to human settlements to safer distances from the towns.

The two separate pairs of newcomers, though not having the same frequent contact they had previously enjoyed, agreed that in view of the impending virus, they should ensure that the normally tame animal population, which could become a real threat to the townspeople, was fenced off in the wild.

Ho Ling and Masilo, going a step further, covertly set up a remote top-secret laboratory for research and development. In an effort to mimic the expected effect of the virus, they had androids conducting clandestine surgical procedures on the various animal species.

The professor, after concluding his short introduction, spoke directly into the hovering cameras, vocally requesting questions from his viewers.

The Library selected and patched through a caller from the automated queue on its system. The caller’s image instantly appeared on holographic screens around the globe, positioned directly alongside the professor, while the caller’s personal Signal Bracelet notified him that he was on air.

‘What are the main effects of this virus we hear about on the daily broadcasts and what should we be concerned with?’ he inquired.

Professor Ranjith, having prepared for such questions, proceeded to answer as best he could.


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‘The virus that will come into effect’ he began ‘will introduce this World to the knowledge of bad. Currently, all of you - the inhabitants of the planet - have only the knowledge of good. As such, your eye is simple and you live ignorant and innocent towards doing and perceiving what is bad. Once the virus has taken effect though, your perception of the world will change and you will have to decide for yourselves whether to do and feel good or to do and feel bad.

While you now only perceive the world with a positive range of thoughts and emotions, the virus will introduce you to the negative range. You will then be flooded by new feelings, becoming ashamed and fearful, together with confusing thoughts and resultant emotional turmoil. Presently you choose good in the absence of bad but you will, in only eleven months time, have the knowledge of both good and bad.’

Professor Ranjith now requested the next question, at which point the holographic image of the caller next to him faded away.

A female voice came forth, her image popping up next to the professor.

‘Why are you newcomers relocating all the animals away from the towns?’ she asked. ‘Many of us do not understand the reason for this, as we have always had them with us and would like our children to grow up around them.’

‘The knowledge of good and bad’ explained professor Ranjith ‘will effect everything around you. The world, the plant and animal life, will revert to their natural state. So while the animals have a calm temperament at the moment, it will not be the case when this virus takes effect. You will have to prepare for these changes, as the animals will once again run wild, while the ground will grow thorns and thistles. These are just a few of the pitfalls of the natural world that is set to come into being. Look at the history of the Old Earth from which we come for clues. You must, as of now, prepare for life in the real world’

A new image popped up as the professor took another question.

‘What preparations are we expected to make for the future?’ he asked.

‘Well... you must not allow the knowledge of bad and its consequences to overwhelm you. I am forewarning you so that you can make preparations for the things to come. It is important to build up a strong foundation of values and trust amongst yourselves, because once trust and understanding dwindles; your world will start on a downward spiral. You will henceforth have to choose between the natural world and the righteous world. As such, you must continually persist in doing what is good and put faith in the knowledge of good, even in the face of feelings of fear.’

The professor, looking up at the hovering camera in front, issued forth his instruction to the Library:

‘Next question...’

‘I have seen in the holocinema’ stated the caller ‘that you lived in a world rife with sin. What is this sin that they speak of?’ he asked.


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‘Sin’ explained the professor thinking quickly, ‘are actions that you take that have a ripple effect of negative consequences. Therefore, there are available guidelines in avoiding such actions in history and in the commandments, which as Traditionalists, you are aware can be read off the Library. You need to examine all of these and apply them to your life so that, as a society, you can prosper. In addition, you will gain favor with God if you do not sin.’

‘Since we have never before had the knowledge of bad’ the caller queried, ‘how are we meant to discern what is good and what is bad?’

‘Though we cannot cover every instance or scenario and determine for you what is good and bad, you will be aware of what is bad by your observations. When you move away from what is perfect towards what is polluted, then you are moving toward sin.

If what you do is not good for you, not good for neighbor, not good for the earth and not good for righteousness then it will result in detrimental consequences and it will not be good for God. Ask what the consequence of your action would be if everybody on the planet persisted in doing exactly the same. Would the situation improve or regress? Continually look to the consequences when embarking on any activity. Also… review our historical errors and the commandments for help in this regard.’

The Library patched through the next caller.

‘What are we meant to do differently when this world that you speak of comes into being?’ he asked.

‘You will need to effect a change in lifestyle and follow rules that work to establish a moral society. These rules are designed to protect and provide healthy living for everyone on the planet. If you fail to do this, you stand the risk of becoming victims of the knowledge of bad.

The knowledge of bad, if you persist in its use, will give rise to wicked reasoning, murders, adulteries, fornication, thievery, false testimonies, blasphemies and all sorts of dark motives that stem from the heart. This, in the future, will manifest itself in the form of poverty, social distress, crime, urban slums, broken homes, child abuse, abortion clinics, thievery, murder, rape, pollution, bigotry, selfish nationalism, wars, a lack of concern and consequential suffering for all of your future widows and orphans. In such a world you do not have to stand waiting for the devil to come from the ground. All you need do is take a look around!

To get a broader idea of what I’m saying you must imagine a world of possessions, a world of separate countries, a world of people who have some cause to kill or die for - a world of people fighting over all the world…

Now I know that presently all of this seems like a dream to you - but that is precisely the kind of world you will wind up with. This, I assure you is the true representation of things to come if you press forward and persist in the use of the knowledge of bad! Check the Library for all the information uploaded from the past. We’ve been down that road. You see, the world that we came from - that’s the sick place. The world you live in now is the way the world should be.’

The professor paused, then prompted the next call...

‘If you could discern the detrimental consequences of the world you lived in’ inquired the caller ‘why did you persist in a course of action that was of no benefit to you?’


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‘It’s hard to say’ responded the professor thoughtfully. ‘There were many individuals who tried to warn us that the path we were taking was wrong. Some of the noticeable examples of our time - people like Martin Luther King JR, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela… also Mother Theresa - these were some of the individuals who showed us a way forward.

And then there were environmental organizations that campaigned for the welfare of our planet but… even with all of this, we didn’t listen. In fact, there were many preachers of righteousness; yet, in many instances, our wicked world tormented or murdered these voices of reason... even as some asked: How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look...?

- Perhaps we just spiraled out of control…’

Masilo and Ho Ling were meanwhile refining their policies and presenting them to Adam. Some were spur of the moment, others works in progress.

‘We are going to require extra rescue and policing services’ recommended Ho Ling to Adam, ‘as well as establish an electorate and you as the legitimate ruler of the people. All of this is better done before the knowledge of bad comes into effect.

In addition, we have to divide the planet’s resources equitably among all the people as possessions are sure to be a major point of contention as history itself has taught.’

‘Oh surely such drastic measures are not really necessary’ queried Adam. ‘Our people have always shared everything on the planet. And they have at all times shared equitably with each other. You certainly need not be concerned in this regard. We will never ever leave our fellowman unattended - not now - and not after this knowledge that you speak of is introduced’ he confidently assured.

What?’ queried Masilo astounded, wholly taken aback by Adam’s casual comment. ‘You are certainly not contemplating living in a world without possessions - You do not even begin to comprehend the gravity of what you are saying…’

Masilo paused, sighed, quietly placed his hands on the back of his head and leant into his chair.

‘This needs to be done’ he declared, ‘to prevent widespread conflict. The general nature of man is to snatch wealth and gain power over his fellowman in any form or disguise he can conjure up. That world that you speak of… It exists only in the imagination of John Lennon.’


‘Never mind. This is something that needs to be done - you have to trust that we know what we are talking about.’

Adam, however, was not totally satisfied.

‘If you divide up the planet and its resources you will drive all of the people apart’ he queried. ‘For ten centuries we have co-existed as one united nation. Certainly we must work to keep everybody closer together’ he suggested. ‘Your proposal will dismantle our society at a time when we need one, united, family of people.’

‘Mm.... Perhaps you do have a valid argument there’ Ho Ling concurred thoughtfully. ‘Maybe we could somehow manage all of the resources to the benefit of all?’

‘Oh no you don’t...’ interrupted Masilo strongly. ‘This has been tested before. People have tried having one world corporation, with one board of directors and a working class’ he pointed out, looking in the direction of Ho Ling, ‘They called it Communism, remember! Since that system collapsed we don’t need to bother with it a second time.’

Masilo relaxed and breathed a smile along with Ho Ling.


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‘Look’ he continued ‘history has taught us that if you try to force people together, they invariably move apart. On the other hand, when allowed their freedom, they tend to voluntarily move closer together. If you want to form a state and want to be a statesman, then the individual must be more important than the state and not the state more important than the individual.’

‘So, what does all of this mean?’ asked Adam, confused.

Ho Ling intruded, responding to the question before Masilo could even process its fuller implication.

‘It means’ he presumptuously elaborated, ‘that we have to set up a whole lot of separate corporations so that the workers can play one capitalist against another or become capitalists themselves.’

He nodded at Masilo in conclusion of his crisp retort.

‘No…’ corrected Masilo ‘I’m not suggesting a return to corporate socialism! We must work to eradicate all forms of economic injustice and abolish economic slavery in all its varied disguises. We have to start off with a different mindset and combine the best aspects of both systems.’

‘And how do we do that?’ asked Ho Ling, seeking greater clarity on the matter.

Masilo had already considered various alternatives and now presented an option to the two men at the table.

‘We will adopt a system that best serves the interests of the corporation as a whole - and not just a privileged few. Such a system will rid us of the old feudal system of corporate management and take the interests of the workers into account. Now, the way to best achieve this is to introduce a Wage Scale system. Workers will be paid on a scale that is in direct relation to the performance of the company. Thus, when the company performs well and profits increase, the wage of the individual worker will fluctuate in direct accordance with the profitability of the undertaking.’

‘That, I need not remind you,’ intruded Ho Ling ‘will be fine when all goes well - but no one will accept this arrangement during leaner times.’

‘Well,’ clarified Masilo ‘for such times each individual will be obliged to make compulsory payments into a Wage Insurance Fund; to cushion their basic wage until the financial fundamentals improve or the business eventually closes its doors.’

‘Yes, that’s well and good’ agreed Ho Ling ‘but if you spread out all of the profits as they are generated, how do you expect these companies to grow without building a substantial capital reserve.’

‘That’s fairly simple to overcome’ replied Masilo. ‘In the absence of readily available external investment possibilities, the corporation will borrow capital from the Wage Insurance Fund in exchange for shares issued to the employees.’

‘Excellent!’ replied Ho Ling, comprehending immediately that Masilo’s proposal contained aspects of the socialistic protections he wanted to introduce. ‘Every individual in the corporation will be both a worker and a capitalist, so he or she will give their best effort to the company as a whole.’

Ho Ling paused, caught momentarily in visionary thought. ‘I think we need to work on this proposal and enact it into law.’

With that he tabled it as the Capicom project.

Meanwhile, back at the public conference, the holographic image alongside professor Ranjith changed again, connecting the next caller.

‘The media informed us,’ began the caller ‘that we have to start using a monetary system as well as elect leaders to rule over us. We have never before had any need for this, so why are we doing so now - what purpose are these things to serve?’

‘These two systems’ answered the professor ‘will be introduced as a direct result of the new knowledge that you will receive.’

Professor Ranjith paused momentarily to mentally find a way to infuse a greater understanding of these principles into the mind of his audience.

‘In your world you are all willing workers’ he began, ‘and you all have a good spirit of co-operation. But, this might not be the case in the near future. Because your behavior is sure to change somewhat, you will require various systems to continually ensure your future co-operation. The monetary system serves to do this! It will therefore be implemented to reward everyone in relation to his or her contribution to society as a whole. Well, this is what the financial system is meant to do anyway.

Fortunately for you, you will be able to easily do all of your transactions via your Signal Bracelets. For this reason a bank is currently being set up on the Library. This centralized bank will serve to regulate and control all of your necessary financial dealings. You must understand that in the natural world, co-operation among men is not always as it should be, so this system will hopefully serve to fairly reward you for your labors.’

The professor moved slightly to his right. The hovering cameras followed like tail-wagging puppies excited at the arrival of their master and, once again, were positioned in the optimal spot.

‘The reasons for the electorate’ he continued ‘follow along similar lines. Once you encounter the natural world, you will require leaders among you who will hopefully protect your freedoms and serve your social interests. In a truly democratic system you, the people, are entitled to freely vote for any candidate of your choosing.’

Ho Ling and Masilo, liaising with the Library engineers, had already finalized the arrangements for the banking system on the Library.

‘We’ve decided that we should hold elections in the tenth month’ Ho Ling explained to Adam. ‘It will ensure that they are free and fair as none of you have the knowledge of bad as yet’ he elaborated. ‘The four of us, as newcomers, will be excluded from the entire process and you will rightfully be elected as the first president of Eden. The two of us will, of course, continue on staff as your personal Advisors, to aid you in overcoming any hurdles that could be encountered and to offer our experienced input.’

The three men nodded in agreement as Adam raised the next issue.


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‘I have been looking at the new rate of production of androids that you’ve initiated’ he began, addressing Ho Ling, ‘and with these increased production targets the Library engineers have estimated that they will outnumber the population of the planet by four to one. Could you explain to me why we are producing such a large quantity? Surely, from any given perspective, you must realize that such an action is not prudent?’

‘This is simply a temporary measure’ reassured Ho Ling. ‘We need to stimulate growth and achieve as much development in this year as we possibly can, before the things that are destined to come occur. The additional androids coming out of our Genetecosis project will do all of the labor-intensive activities required to ensure that the transition to the natural world is as smooth as possible. In addition, we need to train a percentage of these androids to do rescue and policing services, until such time that we have trained a sufficient number of the population to replace them.’

Sensing that he wasn’t properly understood, Ho Ling clarified his position.

‘It will not be possible to live from day to day as you presently do. You will no longer receive all of the good things in life on a silver platter. As of now, you have to plan weeks, months and years ahead. We have to increase our total productive output, build storage facilities, refrigeration devices - water and energy facilities. We must produce and store every available resource for as long as all the planetary conditions remain slanted in our favor. While the weather is presently consistent all year round, you will find that because of the environmental changes due to occur, inconsistent weather and seasonal changes will arise. Arrangements have to be made to endure the much harsher conditions of an unforgiving earth. It is therefore imperative to build up our wealth, preparing for the worst while we hope for the best. And after the whole process is complete, we will simply destroy all the droids that are of no use to us.’

‘Destroy the androids?’ queried Adam alarmed. ‘We have never unnecessarily destroyed anything in our entire history. We pride ourselves on that.’

‘It’s the best option’ reassured Masilo. ‘We do not have the time to decommission and store all of the androids that will be created. And once the knowledge of good and bad is prevalent in this society they could, at a future time, fall into the wrong hands and be used for subversive purposes. It would be much safer to make the unneeded androids obsolete.’

‘I cannot agree to that’ Adam persisted. ‘You will have to find another way to preserve them for future use. The ideology of create and destroy - isn’t that the very mentality that brought your world into disrepute and ruin?’

Ho Ling looked up at Masilo with knowing concern. They had already discussed this at length and presumptuously instructed their Alpha team of androids to construct a fiery furnace, in a design reminiscent of those used by the Nazis during the Holocaust of the Second World War. Located in a remote part of the planet, the project was well concealed so that the destruction could take place without undue interference. But, as Adam was firm in his decision, they knew, without needing to speak, that the project would have to be kept secret. They therefore hurriedly gave him their assurance that they would find an alternative means of dealing with this problem.’


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‘And finally’ said Ho Ling, ‘we have to settle down on a written constitution and a judicial system. We’ve already run ads on the Library and in the holocinema asking for input. I’ve also got some of the engineers currently running smart algorithmic sequences using constitutional models of the Old World to facilitate the entire process. So I’m confident that by the time everyone goes to the polls we will have a set of rules that we can all live by...’

Back at the public conference the professor patched through the next caller.

‘Professor Ranjith’ he started ‘we constantly see advertisements, among other things, that in the near future we will have constitutional rules that we will be bound to live by. This seems to be a complicated process that serves no practical purpose. We have, for centuries, passed our ways down from one generation to the next. Could you please explain why we need a system that is so much different from the one that has worked from generation to generation?’

‘I’m glad you raised this point’ responded the professor with interest. ‘This is precisely the reason that I am addressing you today, to share with you the options that you have available when this year ends. The constitution’ explained the professor ‘is designed for the protection of all the inhabitants in the future set to come. As you ready yourselves for the introduction of the knowledge of good and bad, when all things revert back to the state of the world that we are from, it is important to keep what I say in mind. You will again be living in the natural world and it is vital to prepare for this and avoid the mistakes of the past!

We come from a world steeped in historical lessons and by learning from these; you can avoid many of the calamities it suffered. You have a unique opportunity to sidestep every conceivable error that was made back then and we, who come from that past world, can aid you to do this.

The constitution to be set up for you is also designed for the natural world and caters for every individual on the planet. You must remember however, that this constitution was written by men, for all men and, as such, is designed by and for individuals who have the knowledge of both good and evil. It will therefore contain many natural ‘rights’ that are righteous ‘wrongs’. While the constitution will guarantee you a degree of freedom in the natural world to come, you can, with wisdom, seek a life far above and beyond that which any constitution has to offer. I am here today to get you to look beyond the natural and reach for a life far in excess of what any constitution has to give.

This is an opportunity for you’ he continued ‘to work for a future that will get you enormous benefits and make you a great and prosperous nation. Firstly though, I must present you with a few warnings that I’ve gathered from our past. Remember that if you do not learn from history, you are very likely to repeat it.’

The crowd looked at the professor with renewed interest.

‘The first and foremost lesson is to develop a consciousness of the world about you. You must be vigilant, maintaining an awareness of the potentially detrimental effects that the knowledge of bad can have on your life. Should you fail to take cognizance of this, your life is bound to be a somewhat unpleasant one, while the danger exists that you could lose your hope in the world. It is for this very reason your firm responsibility to, at all times, keep your spirit strong.’


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The professor then went on to give his listeners a few guidelines to counter the internal turmoil that the knowledge of bad would bring, knowing full well that this recorded message would be of greater importance to the crowds in the future that was set to come.

‘As of next year’ he stressed ‘you will live in a different world. This is a world where opportunity and risk ride side by side. It is therefore to your advantage to know now what things can help you and what things can hurt you when you work for your enrichment.

Safeguard yourself’ he warned, ‘and be careful not to develop a poor self-image. A poor self-image results in negative thoughts. And if you excessively contemplate what is bad then your mind will be made over to those thoughts’ he advised. ‘Such thoughts will then influence your choices and you will become a servant of your choices. This could cripple you, leaving you in danger of becoming a victim of the knowledge of bad.

The knowledge of bad serves only to dampen your spirit, cause you emotional pain, depression, despair, loss of self respect, to focus on failure and in some instances lose your will to live. Subsequently, this could result in sin as you attempt to overcome the effects of these negative emotions on you.’

Professor Ranjith paused momentarily, maintaining eye contact with his global audience by way of the roving cameras.

‘Keep a strong watch on your emotions. Emotional wants and desires can corrode your inner-worth and lead you to surrender to evil, deterioration, destruction and death. Therefore,’ he emphasized ‘safeguard your hearts and do not let feelings of bitterness, frustration, rage, anger or hatred cripple you or undermine your self-worth.

If you should exist without self-love, then you risk hating the world and your neighbor as much as you hate yourself’ professor Ranjith counseled in a more somber tone. ‘Remember that you cannot love anyone else properly if you despise or degrade yourself. A defeatist attitude, along with negative thoughts and emotions, will make your problems appear unsolvable and you will block your true potential.’

‘If you instead develop a spirit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, mildness and self-control then you will find that the knowledge of bad is further removed from you.’

‘For this reason’ he emphasized, ‘it will be imperative to avoid spending your time considering what is bad and instead consider what is good. Develop for yourselves a joyous spirit and a positive life-style. Guard your hearts and minds and contemplate on whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are of good report, whatever things there are of virtue and whatever things are praiseworthy - think on these things. Maintaining strong principles within your hearts and minds will protect you - for as a man thinks, that is what he is. And as a man thinks, that is what he becomes.

When you work through difficulties and adversities to overcome obstacles, you become a stronger person. Belief in you makes for happiness’ he advised. ‘Gain and hold fast to the traits of love, care and compassion. Work to develop for yourself a culture of caring and understanding by constantly looking out for and working towards aiding your fellowman.

People need love to survive in the world - so be love-givers and raise their self-esteem. Always do for others the things that you want them to do for you - and love your neighbor as yourself.’


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Professor Ranjith paused and smiled outwardly at the crowds sitting before him.

‘You…’ he continued, pointing to the crowds with his outstretched, overturned hand ‘are like healthy babies born in the natural world. They have a high opinion of themselves just as you do. This will endure, as long as you do not allow the stumbling blocks of the world or the effects of the knowledge of good and bad to rob you of your inner-worth.’

Professor Ranjith looked away from the front camera, placed his hand in front of his mouth, and cleared his throat.

‘Self-discipline is your key to success’ he affirmed ‘as the greatest victory is the victory over self. You can’t separate your faith from the lifestyle that you lead - for where the mind goes the body follows. Following your natural tendency could ultimately leave you defeated in the world.’

Professor Ranjith, now feeling slightly more relaxed, freely walked about on the stage.

‘God did not make man so that he could crawl through life in the dirt’ he enthused. ‘So feed your mind and maintain your self-image. Use the Library and get your consciousness filled with the true knowledge of God. Keep in mind that God still wants what is good for man - even in the natural world. If you prove yourself worthy of God’s love, you will walk tall as men and women with dignity.’

Shifting position, professor Ranjith continued with his address.

‘In your new environment’ he cautioned ‘you will encounter many problems. From within yourselves you will need to find answers to these.

Remember, though, that as you live in the natural world you will be tempted to look for short cuts, quick fixes and temporary solutions. These are precisely the mistakes that were made in former times’ he emphasized ‘so do not you make the same errors in judgment. For a secure, prosperous and worthwhile future keep a righteous disposition and focus on the greater good, not on your own self-centered aims.’

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The professor, who had intended keeping his presentation as brief as he could manage, was currently lost in the moment, and continued to counsel the crowds who listened with endearing patience.

‘In this time to come’ warned the professor ‘you must be cautious of your countrymen who, in following their human nature, choose to make use of the deceptive power offered by the knowledge of bad. In their hearts lies wickedness - and they merely reserve themselves for the judgment.

Beware of men - products of the natural world - who come with teachings and philosophies that appear good but are tainted with the knowledge of bad. For they will raise your self-image and self-worth with a twisted reasoning that is borne from selfish interest and ignorance. Your fall is certainly coming! And those who led you down that road are sure to desert you at that time.

Don’t let them fool you… Or even try to school you! The Word of God will raise your self-esteem with truth. While philosophies stemming from the natural world all contain a mix of both good and bad, the teachings of God stem solely from what is good.’

Be wary of men who promote war instead of peace, hate instead of love, and exchange bad for good and good for bad. Be cautious of those who makeover the truth to suit themselves. Many will twist the Word to their preferences; to be lazy and avoid their duty to God, to maintain a life of luxury in the face of widespread poverty, to justify their greed in the face of famine. Men will continually make themselves seem wise and God seem foolish. You, however, must not seek out ingenious ways of not facing up to the truth simply to continue a sinful lifestyle with a clear conscience.

Do not adopt the mentality of the natural world where the principle of the fittest survive overshadows care for the weak, glamour is admired more than mercy, wealth takes precedence to compassion, and a show of force is preferred to peacemaking - for these traits find favor with the wicked one, who introduced the knowledge of bad into the world.


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The professor positioned himself closer to the crowds.

‘Avoid the traits of the world that existed before this one’ the professor reiterated, feeling somewhat weary. ‘For there many greedily raced to the top of the hill of financial success. It is fairly easy for successful ones to forget God, being taken in by the deceptive power of riches and believing them to be self-reliant.

When your financial systems come online, do not be like men of former times who strove to make more money than God, but did not have the mercy or compassion of God. Ensure that your lives are not all about the money for these are the things that nations of the world were eagerly pursuing.

Instead, let all of your trade be done with love and do not center it on the dog-eat-dog mentality of the rat race of the past. Do not forsake the doing of good and sharing with others, for then God will be well pleased with you. Continue to use the unrighteous wealth of the world to gain for yourselves treasure in heaven; for where your treasure is, there your heart is also.

The manner in which you make use of your wealth will display where your priorities lie. Work to eliminate inequality among each other and let your lives be free from the love of money. Many who usurp the prominent places in general society do not necessarily sit well with God, and many of the things held in high esteem by men are detestable to God.’

Professor Ranjith now moved closer to the crowds sitting before him.

‘Keep checking the Library and learn from the evil of sin and its hurtful nature - It leads to ruin. Continue to lean on God’s Word for true knowledge and maintain your faith in the principles of justice, mercy and righteousness.’

Professor Ranjith paused momentarily, walked over to the nearby table and took a sip of water from the glass stationed on top of it, caressing his dry throat with a new vigor. He then unconsciously strolled back to the same spott in which he was initially standing.

‘Keep in mind that you will need strong faith and a resolution to swim against the tide of natural human tendencies and appear for God, even if everyone else refuses to do so. Noah did this in his day when all kinds of sin were found among men. They corrupted God’s worship and sin filled the earth with violence and lawlessness. Wickedness spread like a contagion and when it became general, the ruin of the world was not far off. This, in turn, served only to justify God’s resolution to destroy the world.

When there is a remnant of righteous individuals in a nation, to cause God to empty out his cup of anger before it overflows, then judgments may be long kept off. But when all hands are at work to break down the fences, with wrongdoing, and no one stands firm in building up, then a flood of wrath should be expected. If the harvest of the earth consists of nothing but chaff, then there is no option left but to scorch the earth and burn up the weeds. So you, do not do as was done in the world of before. You must continue doing what is good, not only for the fear of wrath, but on account of your conscience.

You must place God and His interests ahead of gaining the approval of the world, men and even your neighbors. Produce fruit and fine works that befit righteousness. Then, at the harvest, you will be a crop worthy of the storehouse of God.

Do not be like the generations that came before who could see right from wrong but didn’t listen to their hearts and reason. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil! All forms of sin will have a ripple effect on your society for generations to come. So, follow the discipline of God and make yourselves over to the truth, bearing peaceable fruit and acting according to the faith and the belief in righteousness.


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A constant pursuit of sensual pleasures will dissuade you from righteousness. Do not attempt to escape the effects of the knowledge of bad with licentious living, wine, drugs or drunken revelries as many did in the past. These sins let in a multitude of sins that can deeply scar your inner-image. Look at the consequences of what you do. If everybody took the action that you were taking, would your world situation improve... or regress? Continually look at the consequences of your actions.

If what you do is not good for you, not good for your neighbor, not good for the planet or not good for righteousness then it is not good for God. Make your mind over to the things of benefit to all and your happiness, not resorting to sinful, self-gratifying distractions. God will look down with an eye of favor only on those who look up to Him with an eye of faith.

God is proving Himself to be both righteous and truthful. If you are mindful of his ways, then your world will develop, grow and prosper, as it should. Fail to do this and your world will start on a downward spiral of disharmony. Either path will reveal that God’s ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts. All of God’s purposes will be realized so, while God is fulfilling His part, do yours! Then you can share in His joy when the knowledge of bad is permanently removed from your lives and righteousness prevails to time indefinite.

God is Supreme and will have the Final Word, so make use of the opportunity on offer to be recognized and saved by Him. God holds righteousness above all things and it is only through the power of God and His spirit that you continue to walk the earth. If you persist in using that power for unrighteous purposes, do you honestly expect God to hold back His wrath from you and indefinitely tolerate such abuse of His spirit? What will you pay in exchange for its use? And what can you pay?

Every unprofitable act that you perform, if you do not repent of it, will be etched in stone and held against you at the judgment. Therefore, when you have committed wrong, repent of your sins so that you are forgiven your debts and your slate is wiped clean. For, if you do not, your debt will pile up, leaving you unable to settle what is owing to God for the lease of your life. What will you pay in exchange for it? And what can you pay?’

Professor Ranjith paused at this point and walked to sit down on the nearby high stool positioned at the start of the conference address. The cameras followed and quickly moved into position as he continued.

‘Be aware that the constitution you are presented with exists for all men, both the righteous and the unrighteous. It is based on logic, not love, and will therefore fail to properly serve all of your physical, social, mental, psychological and spiritual needs. A two-thirds majority vote will be all that is required to effect laws that conflict with those set forth by God. In allowing you to do things that conflict with what is required to develop a harmonious society required by God, it could jeopardize you developing a harmonious relationship with God.

Thus, for your own sake, when you’ve acquired the knowledge of good and bad, adopt instead the Constitution offered by God. Imprint it in your mind and write it on your heart. In this way, all of your needs as a people will be met. This Constitution was there in the beginning and will be in place at the end. It is the first and the last!’

Professor Ranjith, realizing the need to wind up his conference address, made his final points.

‘Men who formerly lived in the natural world strove to be civilized’ he declared. ‘You, however… do not settle for being civilians. Instead, live within the knowledge of good in evidence all about you and be counted worthy of being Citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Citizens have love, and the courage to make the well being of their neighbor their personal responsibility.


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The natural world, with its values grounded in the knowledge of good and bad, will have you living with the nature of a Beast. Don’t settle for being a citizen of the animal kingdom. Accepting the values from the natural world with its knowledge of good and bad, introduced by Satan, will incline you to things earthly, animalistic, devilish. Satan only offers you freedom.

The pure world, with its values grounded in the knowledge of good, will have you living with the nature of the Lamb. Become instead citizens of the heavenly kingdom and strive to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. Accepting values from the perfect world with its knowledge of good, introduced by God, will incline you to things pure, righteous, holy. God is offering you the true freedom that is everlasting.’

Professor Ranjith, having successfully managed to keep the crowd’s attention for the length of his presentation, moved on to his final point.

‘Now, in all things, after you have acquired the knowledge of good and bad and can decide for yourselves what is right and what is wrong, you must strive to be Truthseekers. Formerly you have been known and living as Traditionalists, but as of now, for your future well-being, you must become Truthseekers.

Look… I could stand before you and tell you to believe in any ideal I choose to present to you, but that would not bring you any closer to what is the truth - so examine the facts, search yourselves, observe the world around you and find truth in every action and everything that you do. Do not allow anyone, even those closest to you, to tell you a truth that proves fruitless. Search for the truth yourself - always supporting the truth ahead of man’s narrow-minded ideals.’

Having now proposed the Truthseeker movement, Professor Ranjith paused to take a sip of water, once again shifting his focus.

‘Now, together as Truthseekers, we will gather in support of one another to put these principles into practice. In forming support groups we can provide a refuge that serves and aids everyone to learn a way of life that is beneficial to both them and their communities. You must henceforth practice traits that will prove helpful at the end of this year. Make immediate preparation for the harsher world to come by strengthening your minds and yourselves. For the things that you freely do now will not be as simply done when you reside in the natural. In making preparations though, you will develop good habits that will persist and see you through these difficulties.

In the future, when you’re living in a world in which there’s not enuff love to go round, make sure that you don’t let this cold, cold world get you down. Assemble regularly, developing, building and practicing good traits. Also, it is important to inform and encourage others to work together with us, because if we can motivate others to someday join us, then the world will live as one.

Realize that all of the future generations will be born with the knowledge of good and bad. Thus, to ensure that your children have an understanding of the knowledge that brings forth righteousness, instruct them in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening before they go to bed. You cannot expect your children to grow up if they’re not raised. If we learn now and continue into the future to practice these important traits, while daily giving gifts of mercy, then peace and goodwill will reign on the earth. These are the essential actions that will serve to preserve the world that you live in now.

The professor now plainly laid out his plan of action.

To fulfill this objective in an orderly fashion’ he explained, ‘all of you who want to participate in building such a future will be divided into teams of twelve. Each team, selected at random off the Library, will thereafter select the wisest or eldest man from within their group to serve to direct activities for them…’

The crowds gathered together on the open fields now listened to the professor with keen interest, paying careful attention to his every word.

‘Those of you who choose not to get involved are free to leave the conference area at this point. If, however, anyone listening from outside of any of the conference areas wishes to participate, they should make their way to a conference point closest to them. We will, in the interim, take an hour long break before we commence.’


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While the crowds at the conference made their decision, the androids walked about handing out luncheon packs, which had been ordered via their Signal Bracelets. Many of the planet's inhabitants, who would not normally attend a function being held by the former Traditionalists now streamed in, having watched the professor’s nationwide broadcast, joining those on the open fields in the various cities. As a result, the crowds swelled tenfold.

The professor stepped out of the spotlight to join Rosita who was on hand to congratulate him on his fine delivery. She hugged and then kissed the professor on the cheek, knowing full well that public speaking was not his strongest point. Eventually she relinquished him to the Traditionalist grouping that had gathered to compliment him for his fine contribution to their cause.

One of the studious Library reporters vigilantly approached professor Ranjith. Library reporters could always be identified by their specialized headbands, which had sixteen separate embedded holocams that presented a panoramic view of the surrounding scene to their global audience.

‘Professor Ranjith, professor Ranjith...’ she frantically gesticulated. ‘How do you and the other newcomers deal with these instances of negative feelings?’ she inquired, holding her wrist closer to the professor to get a clearer audio feed into her signal bracelet.

‘In such instances...’ Rosita heard the professor replying over and above the commotion, ‘...without rashly acting on any emotion, continue to focus instead on feeling and experiencing that emotion humbling you and it will dissipate...’ his voice trailed as they all drifted off.

Masilo, during a lull in the discussions with Ho Ling and Adam in the Library conference room, patched into professor Ranjith’s conference.

‘Hey, the professor seems to have drawn quite a crowd!’ he exclaimed in astonishment, speaking out loud.

Ho Ling rolled his swivel chair alongside Masilo and looked deep into the holographic image emanating from the Signal Bracelet.

‘What a waste of time…’ moaned Ho Ling, shaking his head from side to side.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Masilo puzzled.

‘We are sitting here with the latest technology and he’s out there giving these worthless seminars’ he complained. ‘The professor should be in here with us making the meaningful decisions that pertain to our future! It’s such a huge waste of a great scientific mind…’

‘He could be of help to us, Ho Ling’ suggested Masilo. ‘He is after all inculcating worthwhile values into this society.’

‘Oh please… The last thing we need is the reintroduction of religion into this world. We have sufficient resources to deal with any crisis we are faced with’ rebuffed Ho Ling. ‘We do not have the time to deal with a bunch of fanatical lunatics who’d be happy to believe that the sun revolves around the earth.’

‘I’m not so sure about that’ queried Masilo. ‘Moral values are important in every society.’

‘Get real, Masilo!’ he shrieked. ‘Awaken to reality mate! - Religion is the opium of the people!’

‘I don’t see that it can hurt’ rebuffed Masilo.

‘Spare me!’ retorted Ho Ling, dismissing him offhand. ‘Religion is poison!’

The conference resumed with the crowds now greatly increased and professor Ranjith returned to the platform, getting himself ready to go on air.

‘What you are embarking on is a lifestyle change…’ commenced the professor. ‘On the Library, to aid you in your endeavors, we have set out a room for you to visit for guidance and support. This is The Way of Life service that has been set up for you and is available to serve all of you’ he pointed out.

‘While formerly you were members of the Traditionalist group, you cannot be members of The Way of Life ministering service, as you do not require any form of membership tag to declare your allegiance. It is by way of your actions that you will be identified as being part of the Truthseeker fold.’


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The professor paused for a moment to give the crowds a chance to absorb his intentions.

‘I will present to you some of the traits that you will require to be Truthseekers ’ he continued, ‘while you can receive more information by accessing the Library network. You must realize that many of these traits will only be of value to you once this year is up.’

‘As a Truthseeker you must leave the past behind. Do not emotionally link yourself to your past experiences, whether they be good or bad. Sufficient for each new day is its own badness; so start all your days with a level playing field, continuously looking forward - never behind!

Secondly, you must consciously shape and define your character, imbuing strong values into your self-image and thereby raising your dignity; not acting in a mindless fashion that is in accordance with the desires and urges of the flesh. If you do not adhere to this guideline, you will adopt whichever lifestyle is most fashionable at the time and not one that strengthens your character, taking care of your mental, emotional, physical, social and psychological needs.

Life is for learning - so don’t give it away… or throw it away. Instead, shape your character to the one recommended by God. Let sound knowledge be your guide as you journey on in your quest for spiritual perfection; not relying on your own real beliefs and real feelings, which can mislead, but on the true beliefs and true feelings encouraged by God. In many instances, when you follow your heart, you do the will of the devil.

Finally, as a Truthseeker you must work to do what is good towards others. Continuously follow the Unseen Law of God and give up the impulsive pleasure of activities that bring down your health, your self-worth, and your dignity or that are detrimental to the earth and your neighbor. It is by means of your works and your words that you will be judged - so keep advancing towards the front in the race for a righteous reward.’

The professor now addressed the crowds collectively.

‘As Truthseeker teams we will work together, giving full support and co-operation to one another. On your Signal Bracelets’ he continued, pointing towards his wrist device, ‘you will receive a message that will reveal the grouping to which you have been assigned.’

With that the professor gave the instruction and the Library randomly selected individuals from the crowd, dividing them up into groups of twelve. Using their Signal Bracelets as a homing guide, all the separated people now sought out those in close proximity to them and team servants were selected. The professor thereafter instructed the various individuals in each team to greet one another in a brotherly fashion. Having concluded his public address, he requested that they gather together the following day for further instruction.

With that the conference was concluded and the crowds, after establishing their respective meeting spots, gradually dispersed.

Rosita walked up to the professor who had stepped out of the spotlight, the Traditionalist members behind him already having started to gather up all the camera and projection equipment for storage.

‘So which team are you leading’ she asked enthusiastically.

‘Lead?’ queried professor Ranjith. ‘No, the group that I’m assigned to has a competent figure to serve us’ he exclaimed nonchalantly. ‘But, as a consolation, I’ve arranged for the two of us to be placed in the same team’ he quickly reassured, in response to her puzzled expression.

With that they made their way over to the ten others sitting in the open field and introduced themselves, deciding to meet at the same spot the following day. The professor and Rosita thereafter went to sit down at a table specifically set aside by the Traditionalists for their guest speaker.


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‘I think this whole conference went rather well professor’ grinned Rosita. ‘We’ve managed to get such a huge response in just one day...’

‘Yes we did, didn’t we’ he consented. ‘Nevertheless, we have to sustain and build on this before this year is up. If we can get everyone to work together with us, we will garner a strong resolve and not fail in the future’ he emphatically stated with such a rigid determination that Rosita was taken aback. ‘All we need is one righteous generation before this virus takes effect and we’ll have a chance of perpetuating all that is good for many generations to come. Just one to...’

‘A sort of a Generation Z’ proposed Rosita, interrupting.

‘Yes!’ responded the distracted professor, ‘that’s exactly it - I couldn’t have put it better myself.’

‘Well, as much as I hope that that’s a real possibility, you must keep in mind that all it takes is one rotten apple to ruin the whole bunch.’

‘Well, that is precisely why we will do everything in our power to ensure that we succeed in bringing all of this about’ the professor stated, raising his finger. ‘And succeed we will, by putting forth the greatest possible effort or if not… I’ll simply have to knock sense into every person on this planet.’

‘C’mon professor, you’re getting ahead of yourself!’

‘Ahead of myself?’ retorted the professor undaunted. ‘Rosita, do you want a return to a world where men encased in steel cans launch rockets at each other and die in the smell and heat of melting molten metal? Or do you want to go back to a world that incarcerates men and women in prisons - creating a playground for the devil? Really, do you want to go back to a world in which the word of God is made totally invalid. And do you honestly want a return to a world of people living in united states of collective captive stupidity?’

‘Well no...’ she thoughtfully responded, shifting her position. ‘So you want to set the captives free...?’

‘Yes… We have to put forth the greatest effort to achieve exactly that!’

‘Well... for now,’ declared Rosita, ‘the two of us are going to grab a pot of tea and watch one of the live bands playing in the park.’

‘We are…?’

‘That’s right’ she reaffirmed, grabbing his arm. ‘C’mon, let’s go an’ get us a table...’


The following day the crowds again gathered together and stood ready to hear the professor’s address. Professor Ranjith went about explaining that it was up to them to go out and make their world what it should be. Making use of the Library, he had studiously mapped out various areas for the separate Truthseeker cells to go out to.

The professor decided that, in the interim, each of the task teams would go out and make a positive contribution to their community by helping to round up the various animals and visiting the various households to distribute clothing. While clothes were being manufactured in large quantities and could be freely collected for future use, none of the inhabitants took much heed to this. So while the Truthseeker teams went out in pairs to distribute these clothes, they made the inhabitants aware of the professor’s address if they had not seen or known about it. While discussing the events of the future that would befall them, they encouraged the householder to bookmark the link to the professor’s recorded speech. This was a popular topic amongst all the people in any case and the inhabitants had a keen interest in the message of events to come.


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In light of the fact that his planned production targets were being successfully met, Ho Ling decided to legislate the first four days as the official working week. Thus from Sunday to Wednesday the inhabitants were required to fulfill their necessary work obligations. While most of the planets citizens would indulge in leisure activities for the remaining three days, the Truthseekers would gather together in teams and could be seen roaming about engaged in various activities that extended beyond what was required by the town planners. Their Saturdays were set aside as a day of rest, to give the Truthseekers time to recuperate and to prepare for the official working week ahead.

While these activities were taking place the professor organized a special conference via the Library for all of the team servants. In it he explained that while each independent Truthseeker cell could fundamentally operate on its own, they needed direction in order to be most effective. Hence, each of the team servants would have to sequentially serve a three-month term on a Council of Twenty-Four. This Council would undertake the task of drafting various proposals for a vote and make decisions for the benefit of the Truthseeker organization as a whole. As the Council servants would still be required to fulfill their full set of duties as both team servants and Truthseekers, they would be rotated quarterly.

The Library then went ahead, randomly selecting twenty-four of the team servants for the first term, at which point professor Ranjith relinquished all control of the Truthseeker organization to them.

In the first matter to be handled by the Council, a request was put forth to have professor Ranjith’s team redo their vote on the issue of choosing a team servant. In this way they felt that the professor, who would almost certainly be selected to assume the role, could use his superior knowledge in a more effective capacity. His cell would then be given the task of monitoring all Truthseeker activities, together with an additional five cells that would be assigned to work alongside his.


In the tenth month the Truthseeker family had grown, comprising up to fifty percent of the planet’s population. They could be seen roving about doing landscaping projects, building play centers, recreational centers, gardens, parks, constructing communal dwelling places and holocinemas. In these huge circular structures the Truthseekers would repetitively play life-size holomovies of the full range of Biblical stories, which could be freely viewed by all attending inhabitants anytime of the day or night.

Rosita had also succeeded in setting up meditation centers across the entire planet. Open twenty-four hours a day, the inhabitants were encouraged to freely attend these for spiritual refreshment. Individuals could enter and leave at half-hour intervals throughout the day or night. After changing into one of the available gowns, the attendees would sit cross-legged on the floor with hands on knees.

These sessions would begin with all of the attendees, under the guidance of an instructor, chanting: ‘I expect to give to the world, not receive from the world.’

This was repeated three times after which the Library would play a twenty-minute reading from the Bible, selected at random. At the close of the half-hour session the attendees would end off the service by once again chanting together in the same manner as they had done in the start.

Truthseekers would, at different times during their working day, slip away from their duties and gather at these centers for meditation.

In a privately arranged meeting the professor managed to convince Masilo to agree to extend a similar service into the newly constructed prisons. Masilo was willing to let the Truthseekers set up an audio broadcast link from the Library to all the various prisons around the planet. With these structures in place, the Truthseekers would be permitted to play biblical recordings, which would be heard throughout the prison, for eight hours of each day.

When this suggestion was presented to Ho Ling, he enthusiastically agreed to the proposal but only on condition that they broadcast sixteen hours a day.

‘Anybody who is foolish enough to commit a crime in our new society deserves to be tormented by this religious garble’ he firmly stated in an unforgiving manner.

‘In light of all this, Rosita suggested to the professor that they should, to keep their presentations lively and fresh, include additional material in their broadcasts to the prisons and for the meditation centers. Professor Ranjith however was adamant in his rejection of this proposal.

‘The Bible consists of sixty six books’ he would say, ‘we don’t need to expand it into six hundred and sixty six books of theoretical rubbish!’


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The scheduled election had taken place. Ho Ling divided the various towns into constituencies and meticulously fielded candidates from the firstborns on the planet, inviting opponents, via the Library advertising network, to stand against them. The inhabitants, however, failed to respond to these calls, feeling that the individuals who were already in charge of the planet should continue as they were. Amid all his appeals, coaxing and many personal tours of the towns, Ho Ling was unable to get the inhabitants involved or interested in this process. The inhabitants were far more concerned with getting on with the business of living out their own lives. On the scheduled Election Day, as there were no competing candidates, the fielded candidates took office by default. Ho Ling, infuriated, complained to Masilo.

‘We’ve gone through all this trouble and they don’t even bother to participate’ he moaned. ‘I even set aside time on the Library for some lively electoral debates. You know, nobody appreciates what we do around here. It’s just like that darn corporate fiasco all over again…’

Ho Ling and Masilo had meticulously gone about setting up both corporations and businesses for the inhabitants, creating management and employee structures, painstakingly working out fair basic salaries and wages for everyone. The inhabitants in return simply chose to ignore these salary arrangements, agreeing instead to pay every member of the company the same basic wage, feeling that they all contributed to the productive output.

‘I just don’t understand these people’ ranted Ho Ling, fuming. ‘They just don’t get it! - They do everything back to front.’

‘Let them be’ countered Masilo. ‘Let them work things out for themselves. They do after all have a right to self-determination. Anyway, what are you complaining about? Since the people we’ve been working with fill all the positions in government, everything will continue as it was and it will be simpler for us to achieve our objectives. Wait for the election in four years time after the virus has taken effect. Then people will have a reason to take an interest in electing different leaders; after we are plagued by corruption, governmental mismanagement, bribery, secret deals, scandals… and all those good things.’

‘I suppose you’re right’ conceded the somber Ho Ling, ‘it’s their loss…’

After the electoral fiasco Rosita humorously joked with professor Ranjith.

‘Hey professor,’ she asked, ‘do you recall that old movie - I think it was called: Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?’

‘Yes!’ said the professor in surprise, feeling that it was a production made for a generation of his era. He was taken aback by the fact that, as a young person, she knew of it. ‘I remember that one.’

‘I think we need to do a remake,’ she continued ‘…except we’ll entitle ours: Suppose they gave an election and nobody came?’


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With all the necessary production targets having been exceeded the newly elected parliament gave all the citizens of the planet the following week off, leaving the huge production team of androids to continue with the preparations for the following year. Ho Ling and Masilo took advantage of this festive mood to initiate their secret reduction program by decommissioning and shipping off the unneeded androids to the fiery furnace situated in the remote part of the planet. Their program was well concealed, as they had constructed a few makeshift storage facilities, leaving the leaders believing that the androids were being shipped for this purpose.

The Truthseekers made use of this vacation time to arrange gatherings amongst their partner cells and the professor was actively praising and encouraging the various groups in their endeavors. Now a strong spokesperson for the movement, he had made a discernable impact on their growth.

At a meeting of the Observer cells, the ones who were given the task of monitoring all of the Truthseeker progress, Rosita called professor Ranjith aside to converse privately with him.

‘Say professor’ she started ‘I think we’re doing quite well, don’t you…? We’ve already gathered fifty percent of the planet into our camp and there is tremendous support from all the other sectors. Don’t you think that we should consider taking the rest of the week off?’

‘Take this week off!’ screeched professor Ranjith, appalled. ‘With only two months left to go before the virus takes effect, we have to do a lot better than fifty percent. We have to redouble our efforts to reach one hundred percent. If we can only manage fifty percent while conditions are perfect, what kind of percentage will you settle for once the knowledge of good and bad is prevalent in society?’

‘We’ve been working so hard at this,’ she moaned, shaking her head. ‘And a higher target may be unreachable.’

‘If we do not put in a concerted effort now,’ he reminded ‘then we will never see a day when there is no more crying… no more bias violence… and no more dying - where people are treated fairly, living life as one… So c’mon Rosita, we cannot get this wrong!’

Rosita, however, was not totally satisfied with his response.

‘You cannot expect us to sacrifice everything’ she gloomily protested ‘in order to try and reach some kind of revolutionary ideal.

‘But that is precisely what is needed here, Rosita!’ emphasized the professor, compassionately looking into her saddened eyes. ‘Rosita, do you honestly believe that I am simply going to abandon this Revolution after all the work that we’ve put into it? - I will never do that! Even if everyone on the planet were to abandon this Revolution,’ he emphatically reiterated, ‘I will not abandon the Revolution! - I will be the sole revolutionary!

‘While I’m sure that your intentions are noble professor’ she sulked, looking as though she would burst into tears at any moment, ‘attaining a figure of that magnitude - that falls into the realm of a fairytale!

‘Well… we’ll simply have to keep at it’ he pounced, ‘until such time that the Prince kills the Dragon and marries His Bride and we all live happily ever after in the Kingdom!’

‘Very funny’ smirked Rosita in response to professor Ranjith’s opportunistic analogy.

‘Listen, all you people!’ shouted the professor, looking towards the members of the six Observer cells that were responsible for monitoring the activities of the entire organization. ‘While I know that many of you feel that this week should be one of relaxation, I am telling you that it is imperative to continuously press forward.’

The crowd turned towards the professor.

‘You are the ones responsible for your world and your survival. While evil may never entirely be rooted out of any society, it can be countered and subsequently suppressed only by espousing the purest form of good.

You are the light of your world. You do not take a lamp and conceal it from view, do you? Of what benefit is it those in darkness round about you?’ he questioned. ‘You are the salt of the earth. If you do not season the earth, who will be left to do so? And if you lose your saltiness, of what use will you be?

Continue to shine your light into the darkness and bring hope to the hopeless when there is hopelessness and faith to the faithless when there is faithlessness. If you can manage this, more will be given to you - But if you cannot even manage this then even what you imagine you have will be taken from you.

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. If you are idle, indifferent, or neglectful with the unrighteous wealth, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

Do not leave your neighbors as dead men walking. Win them over heart by heart and call them to righteousness. For those who do not gather with us, scatter.

Biological in nature, men are but trees that walk about. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be chopped down and cast into the fire. However, any of you who turn a sinner back from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

We will accept nothing less than success! Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem! God will not support you as a nation if your society is filled with lies, deceit, dishonesty, chaos and disorder. It is well known that God does not listen to sinners, but if any man fears him and does his will, he will hear that one. God backs the righteous, the blameless and the upright ones. Make no mistake! By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honor, and life. So, do not cast away or despise the law of the LORD of hosts.

Either you make the tree fine and its fruit fine - or you make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten’ he stressed. ‘Therefore, always work to make the road straight.’

‘To succeed in all things your society must work to display the nature of God and establish righteousness! Every man must try to lighten the suffering of others, instead of adding to the sorrows around him. Look out for the good in others. To triumph in building a strong foundation, follow the Unseen Law and prevail in all things.

‘This generation can collectively succeed where all of the previous generations have failed. As there is only one way to raise your children with good traits and values, there is only one way for God to raise men and women with these same qualities. Actions have consequences! - If you do not listen and are defiant of His ways, you will be counted as sons of your stepfather, the Devil, and suffer the discipline of God’s wrath’

Professor Ranjith paused for a moment to ensure that he had the full attention of his audience.

‘Get off the highway to hell by taking the narrow exit to ensure that your righteousness exceeds that of all the unrighteous generations that have gone before. The knowledge of good and bad will ultimately serve to separate those who are making major moves towards righteousness from those who are fronting. So guard all of your hope with a passion and try your utmost to get in through the bottleneck - For many are called, but few are chosen!

Keep on marching, marching, marching… and if you are stumbled, keep a tear in your heart as you keep on moving closer to the light!’

Pausing again, Professor Ranjith took one step closer to the crowd and softened his tone.

‘Once you’ve obtained the knowledge of good and bad, because of resultant sin, you will fall short of God’s perfect Standard of Good. Yet, due to an underserved kindness and His mercy, those of you who turn away from bad to do the will of God will receive a pardon and be declared worthy. It is this very Standard that will eternally secure your safety in an indefinite future. If righteousness does not prevail in all things, then Absolute Power becomes corrupt - and there exists no future for anyone!

Make a fresh start as the Generation of tomorrow. You do not have to follow in the footsteps or carry the burdens of the unrighteous generations that have gone before. You have a unique opportunity to overtake all of the generations of the past and achieve so much more.

Without mutual co-operation you will not build anything of value - you will instead corrosively sow the seeds of your own destruction, wind up with very little of true worth and be forced to endure much in suffering. With co-operation though, you will strengthen each other, satisfy all of your physical requirements, enhance your spiritual resolve and keep on living.

Sidestep the stresses and strains of an unmanaged life. Live in a society and a world that is each and every day filled with the fullness of moments that are born of beauty, peace, joy, harmony, tranquility - on an earth furnished with love, where apple trees and honey bees grow in the warmth of a righteous sun.’

Pausing momentarily to highlight some of the conditions that existed in the world gone by, professor Ranjith resumed his address with passionate resolve.

‘You have the opportunity to build and live in a world where the beaches are always free - a world full of heartwarming moments of hope, contentment, compassion, kindness, faith, tranquility, joy, humility, inner peace, gratitude, trust, caring and where there is an overflowing of affection.

‘Why should you put yourselves in economic, social and philosophical prisons? Prevention is not only better than cure - prevention is the cure! Use your talents wisely and take interest in investing in others,’ he advised, his tone once again calm. ‘Make yourself over by being refashioned and remodeled in the ways of God.

If you have no inner life you will be a slave to your surroundings. Don’t let this world cage you and keep you from gaining your true freedom! Be happy and content from within yourself and love each other, letting your spiritual growth exceed your physical wants and desires. As your deliverance is by means of your spirit; do not live your life by means of the flesh. For in this way, from deep within, the truth will set you free…

You are a generation that can free yourselves from the mistakes of yesterday. The world will only offer you a shallow, superficial freedom - a freedom that is free of true righteousness. And if you take it, you will blow about in a mist of ever-changing, evanescent emotional turbulence.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery as none but yourselves can free your minds. Live, not as victims of mistrust and fear or jealousy and hatred - but with love and honor. Live within support groups that keep you spiritually strong and all of your fears at bay. In this way, you will be the defeaters of all that is bad, and work to establish righteousness.’

The professor took a step toward the crowd and spoke with a renewed vigor.

You’ve got to understand people; the world is not for long! We don’t have the time to wait - You’ve got to pray and meditate! Let there be peace… and love… until the scheduled day arrives in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise; and the heated elements, being on fire, melt away with fervent heat, and all things are thus dissolved - at which time there shall be a restart, a refining, a restitution, a renewal, a rebirth, a renaissance, a revival, a reformation, a reconciliation, a rectification, a replacing, a restoration, a recreation, a regeneration and a remaking of all things new, as new heavens and a new earth come into being - and you gain your promised inheritance! For God is not the maker of imperfect worlds full of misery and strife; but the maker of perfect ones - in which righteousness dwells.

This is your life!’ emphasized the professor. ‘There is no rehearsal, no second chance, no false start and no better circumstance. This day is for living your own life! Don’t let this world capture your heart and find your passion lost to a thousand fears. Remember your hopes… and your dreams… or they are no longer your own!

You cannot start on this journey and look behind… a Truthseeker perseveres and never looks back! So c’mon - Don’t come back empty handed! Get up, go out… and come back with a people who display the joy of a glorious God delighted in his creation!’

With that the professor waved the crowds away, signaling them to resume the tasks that they were doing.

Rosita turned to attend to her duties but, catching sight of a bright, glimmering light shining down from the heavens above, she looked up. The professor, in response to her action, followed suit together with the nearby crowd.

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The team of six androids landed close to the group, rapidly taking up offensive positions with their weapons raised. Professor Ranjith now turned all the way around to face in the same direction as Rosita and the crowd. One of the androids, clearly the leader of the expeditionary force, stepped forward to converse with him.

‘You are required to come with us professor’ he stated firmly ‘…and Rosita as well.’

‘What is all this about?’ questioned professor Ranjith. ‘And why are your weapons pointed at us? Your programmed conscience does not permit you to do harm to humans.’

‘We are from the Delta Air Infantry Division’ rebuffed the leader ‘and we have been fully trained to deal with all foreseeable scenarios, with the provision to use force if necessary. My men have taken up positions required for riot control.’

‘What?’ exclaimed the professor confused - ‘By whose authority are you here?’

‘We are under the direct orders of Commander Ho Ling’ replied the leader.

‘What the heck is he up to now?’ mumbled the professor under his breath, gritting his teeth as he patched through to Ho Ling’s Signal Bracelet.

‘Hello professor’ responded Ho Ling.

‘What is going on here?’ asked the professor as calmly as he could manage, ‘I am standing here with weapons pointed at me!’

‘Oh, I see. My guys have obviously contacted you’ replied Ho Ling unperturbed. ‘Don’t take them to heart - it’s merely part of their training.’

With that Ho Ling instructed the android division to stand down.

‘What are we doing with a military contingent when we have no enemies to fight against?’ questioned the professor. ‘The peaceforce is sufficient to handle all safety concerns in the future...’

The peaceforce was a combined unit of humans and androids whose task was to actively liaise with the public and take steps to prevent crimes before they occurred, as opposed to policing the situation after the fact.

‘Oh yes, we are certain that they’ll do a superb job’ responded Ho Ling confidently. ‘The rapid reaction infantry divisions are merely emergency forces for situations that threaten our internal stability. Anyway, this is precisely the reason I’ve arranged a high profile meeting. We’re gathering to discuss all of the national security concerns of the future and would like both you and Rosita to be in attendance. The android division will escort you to the meeting point.’

‘I can’t just leave right now - I’m in the middle of planning some important future…’

‘That will have to wait’ barked back Ho Ling. ‘This conference takes precedence over all other matters. I’ve already arranged for all parties to be here. You will have to postpone whatever it is you’re busy with…’

With that, Ho Ling abruptly cut off the transmission.

The androids helped the professor and Rosita into a two-man flying vehicle, locking in their destination. The craft rose steadily and flew off, with the androids flying in escort, three on either side.


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The professor and Rosita, escorted by the team of androids following closely behind, walked along a lengthy tunnel that led up to the reception area of the building. The acoustic echo of the lit passageway caused Rosita to instinctively lower her voice to a tremulous whisper.

‘We’re being treated like common criminals’ she mumbled. ‘Do they honestly believe that we are in fear of their weaponry when we have the protection offered by the fruit of the tree of life?’

‘No Rosita…’ cautioned the professor sternly ‘you must take care of yourself. Make no mistake… If they were to discharge their weapons we would be instantly killed, as first death and the graveyard have not yet been taken out of the world.’

‘Oh…’ she exclaimed in surprise. ‘Then what will happen when the virus is in full effect in the world? Won’t all of the inhabitants start to age - and die?’ she mused. ‘And shouldn’t we ensure that all of the planet's inhabitants have immediate access to the fruit of the tree of life at the exact moment that the virus comes into effect?’

‘You needn’t worry about that’ reassured the professor calmly. ‘Satan will release the power of the two trees at exactly the same time.’

‘Why would he do that?’ she argued. ‘Why would he help us? And why should we trust him?’

‘Because Satan does not believe that anyone can succeed or make a success of the world as long as they possess the knowledge of both good and bad - And I fear that he is correct! Nevertheless, we must do everything in our power to safeguard this crop. We must take every conceivable action to ensure that the light is not hidden from them - and they then dwell in the darkness - so that they may escape the inevitable fate that awaits many of those who dwelled on the Old Earth.

Rosita nodded.

‘I do wish’ she strayed ‘that we could have at least come up with a way to live in a world without money. I still remember the days when my dad was laid off from work and we would go to bed hungry. Those were tough times for my family,’ she reminisced, ‘and I’d hate to think that we can come up with no better solution other than to go back to a world in which money’s too tight to mention.’

The professor and Rosita, on taking the corner, entered the reception area and found Ho Ling milling about.

He immediately moved in closer and warmly welcomed the professor, vigorously shaking his hand, visibly pleased that they had arrived on cue. Masilo, staying further back, waved a greeting.

‘Where are all the others?’ asked the professor impatiently. ‘And what time is this meeting meant to start?’

‘There is no conference’ apologized Ho Ling. ‘I needed you here for a matter of greater concern.’

‘And what would that be?’ asked the professor upset, yet sufficiently curious.

‘We’ve come up with an antidote…’ Ho Ling smugly announced ‘…to the virus!’

Masilo, remaining in the shadows, turned to check on the reaction of their two visitors.

‘Really - And how did you manage to do that?’ asked Rosita, bewildered.

‘This building, despite appearances, has some of the most sophisticated lab equipment on the planet,’ Ho Ling explained. ‘We’ve been undertaking experiments to find a cure and, with the successes that we’ve achieved and the substantial progress made, we are confident that we can remedy the anticipated effect of the virus before it strikes. We’ve been working on this for a lengthy period of time and are at a stage where we can easily manufacture sufficient quantities to immunize the entire population.’

‘What sort of successes have you managed?’ asked the professor intrigued.

‘Working with an extensive animal population, our research teams have managed to get them to display some of the less desirable behavior that we are accustomed to. But after treatment, these same subjects quickly return to their gentle state. Needless to say, living within this overly sensitive population, we’ve been forced to keep this lab’s existence a cardinal secret.’

‘Even though you’ve succeeded in this regard,’ suggested the professor, ‘it would not be advisable to administer such a wide scale treatment to a human population without further testing. That, it goes without saying, would be irresponsible and potentially catastrophic’

‘Well, that is precisely the dilemma we are in’ Ho Ling pointed out. ‘The four of us being the only ones who possess the knowledge of good and bad - we are the obvious candidates for any such trial. But before we delve into that we must firstly show you all of our research data to date.’

Ho Ling instructed one of the nearby androids to activate the cinematic holographic projector set to display a prepared presentation that could be viewed by all. Ho Ling intermittently interrupted the recorded footage to clarify certain points as it played through. This was followed by a guided tour of the facility, which left the two visitors noticeably impressed.


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‘You’ve made some remarkable progress’ admitted the professor, ‘all of the findings are pretty conclusive.’

They sat down to enjoy some refreshments as the androids went about their duties under the charge of Masilo.

‘Yes,’ responded Ho Ling, ‘we’ve put great resources and our greatest effort into this endeavor.’

‘Well, I really appreciate your sharing all of your achievements with us’ commented the thankful but weary professor Ranjith. He got up to leave, already feeling that he and Rosita had overstayed their welcome.

‘Where are you rushing off to?’ queried Ho Ling. ‘We haven’t even come to a decision as yet.’

‘A decision - On what?’

‘We still need to test the antidote on a human subject’ commented Ho Ling.

‘Even with all of the progress you’ve made,’ advised the professor; ‘it will require many more years of research before you reach that stage.’

‘Under ideal conditions’ responded Ho Ling, ‘we would have that time frame - but unfortunately we don’t have that luxury. There are only two months remaining before this world is changed.’

‘The world will still be around when it is time to do your tests’ reminded the professor. ‘There is no need to blindly rush forward for some sort of a utopia.’

‘We’ve done enough research!’ screamed Ho Ling impatient. ‘This is the time for action!’

‘Well I wish you luck in your endeavors’ responded the professor, taking Rosita by the hand as he moved to leave. ‘We have duties to return to...’

‘Wait!’ pleaded Ho Ling, ‘don’t leave yet. I am confident that we can succeed in this. All we need is a preliminary test and I was hoping that the two of you would stay and assist us in this regard.’

‘Assist you… In what way?’ asked the professor, stopping and turning to face Ho Ling as he spoke.

‘I was hoping the two of you would volunteer for this important task.’

‘Volunteer…?’ exclaimed the professor. ‘Absolutely not!’ he affirmed. ‘If your antidote has your full confidence, I do not see that you have a problem. Both you and Masilo are equally viable candidates.’

‘Well professor, as you well know, there are always unforeseen risks in first time endeavors. If there were some minor side effect or complication we could not afford to spend our valuable time in recovery. The people of this planet depend on us for leadership and guidance.’

‘Look’ consoled the professor ‘as much as we would like to be of assistance to you, we have duties of our own that must be attended to.’

‘You consider what you do to be a duty!’ rebuffed the emotive Ho Ling. ‘Embarking on a frivolous campaign of spiritual enlightenment is not a duty - it is a foolish waste of valuable time. We are the ones fulfilling a duty - We are the one’s taking charge of all the crucial matters affecting this society!

Today I am generously offering you the chance to make a valuable contribution to this cause - to play a vital part in doing something of worth! If we succeed in this, we will, within only seventy-two hours, immunize the entire population of the planet and secure the future of the world. This is clearly a phenomenal achievement by anyone’s standard.’

‘Well, I’m sorry that you feel that way…’ sympathized professor Ranjith, ‘but we will have no part in this!’


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Professor Ranjith and Rosita walked towards the open door but their path was instantly blocked by two of the Air Infantry Division androids that had earlier escorted them to the lab.

‘I’m afraid I cannot permit you to leave’ cautioned Ho Ling. ‘What we are doing here is of greater importance for the planet’s future and sacrifices will have to be made.’

Professor Ranjith spoke into his Signal Bracelet in an effort to initiate a call but it failed to function properly.

‘Your Signal Bracelets will not transmit from within this building’ said Ho Ling smugly, ‘All communication to the outside world has been blocked.’

With that he ordered the arrest of the professor and Rosita, instructing the androids to take them to the operating room.

‘You cannot possibly have governmental approval for such activity!’ shouted the professor as they were being dragged off.

‘Governmental approval’ smirked Ho Ling. ‘I am the government in here!’ he fervently boasted. ‘Once this antidote is widely distributed, everyone will be forced to acknowledge that what I am doing here today is for the saving of this nation. I will certainly be vindicated - and in a short space of time, we will have a society that would take you an eternity to build! In only three days I will raise up a spirited nation, free from the plague of emotional distress!’

‘You can't let him get away with this...’ professor Ranjith cried out, appealing to Masilo's greater sensibilities.

‘It's the only way we'll start making changes...’ Masilo blurted out in response. ‘Take the evil out the people - they'll be acting right!’ he retaliated, hesitantly looking up at the professor. ‘That's just the way it is...’

‘Darn!’ groaned the professor, angered by the fact that he and Rosita had been so easily fooled. ‘Why is it the more things change… the more they stay exactly the same?’ he grumbled.

Professor Ranjith and Rosita were taken off to their separate rooms. Ho Ling instructed the inoculation team to administer their separate doses two hours apart, starting first with the professor.

He then walked off to sit down on his favorite chair that usually stood close to one of the large reception area windows. Quietly he recalled a past conversation in which a fellow student had related that, during the critical moments of the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy had walked over to stand by a window and, for a brief moment, stared out into oblivion.

Masilo walked into the passageway and sat down on a chair by the window on the opposite side. Staring briefly at the outside scenery, he shifted his attention to Ho Ling. Then, looking down, he removed his Signal Bracelet and, as was their norm, initiated a game of gin rummy. During these tense hours, the two men operated their networked devices in silence and, though it was possible to glimpse each other in the window reflection, they felt as though they were continents apart.


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Four hours later an alarm popped up on their respective holographic displays. The two men turned and faced each other. Momentarily frozen, Ho Ling jumped up and rushed towards the laboratory area with Masilo at his heels, both men chasing the stream of androids flowing into professor Ranjith’s room.

The two medical teams, working with a rushed coherence, frantically attempted to stabilize the professor who was demonstrating signs of allergic shock. The room was filled with a stifling suspense, exacerbated by the fact that the androids communicated using their in-built radio devices.

Ho Ling frantically sought an explanation, shaking the hapless androids for a clue, interrupting their progress while at the same time barking instructions for even more teams to assist. But amid his panicked reaction, the androids stepped back in unison and stood in two neat rows at the side of the professor’s bed.

‘What are you all doing…?’ screamed the fanatical Ho Ling, ‘This is no time to be idle!’

The lead android of the first team turned to respond to his stressed inquiry.

‘There is nothing more that we can do’ he explained, turning to face Ho Ling. ‘He’s slipped into a coma.’

Ho Ling, responding forcefully, scurried about ranting and raving while spurting abuse, instructing the androids, in no uncertain terms, to keep working until they had revived the unconscious professor.

Masilo grabbed his hysterical compatriot and scrambled him out of the room, pushing him into the adjoining hallway. Subdued by this overpowering force, Ho Ling gave up the fight and, with a knowing dread, slid lifeless to the floor, collapsing hands held over face in repentant delusion.

  Closing Theme:  As we strive to tame the environment around us...
                           Is it not the beast within that needs to be subdued? 

Watch this space for additional pages periodically added to continue the story currently underway..
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