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Close Book  Story One PAGES 21 - 39 Click on Close Book to EXIT

For a Better World©
Book One: The Knowledge of EviL
Original draft by Shay Everton
Current draft Version 4.46
(Gives you access to pages 1,10,20-29,30)

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The rest of the afternoon, planned out weeks before by the planet's inhabitants, was cluttered with innumerable festivities and coincided with the celebration of the first millennium. A full tour of the immediate area and surrounding towns was promised the newcomers and scheduled for the following day. As could be expected, it was late into the night when they retired to their respective habitats.

The new day promised to be one full of adventure. Starting early, the visitors’ tired bodies ran mainly on adrenaline and wonder. The New World inhabitants, with their boundless optimism and perennial energy didn't have a moment to spare, always urging one to do the next thing and the next thing and the next.

Each newcomer was now hurriedly assigned a tour group to guide him or her to the surrounding sites. Adam led the professor’s tour group while Eve led Rosita’s. Ho Ling and Masilo were given tour groups led by the firstborns of the first human pair.

Seniority in this society mirrored the order of birth and established one’s position of authority, as each adult was physiologically the same age. The preceding generation, by tradition, nurtured the one that came immediately after it with the entire village raising every child.

Position in society, noted by a bracelet usually worn on the arm, showed one’s heritage and generation depth. Adam and Eve were of the First generation and thus the final decision-makers on all matters affecting society.

The morning schedule started with an official awards ceremony. Each newcomer was presented with their very own custom designed bracelets, which assigned them a special, newly introduced status of Advisor. Affording them the same respect as Adam and Eve, this position gave them no official authority over the inhabitants.

Normally given at birth, these bracelets served to protect every member of the society by consistently transmitting their location to the Library. Developed using an indestructible material that easily adjusted in size to snugly wrap around the leg, thigh, arm, shoulder or neck; they made for a comfortable fit.

The Signal Bracelet was a versatile device that would accept audio commands and playback both audio and video images. Video emanated from the bracelet in the form of a three-dimensional hologram displayed in the surrounding air. Along with the built-in communication features, it enabled direct person-to-person interaction. All of these Signal Bracelets were directly linked to the Library.

The Library was the center of control for all communication and information. Its huge databases served as a self-education tool for all of the inhabitants - young and old, each learning only what they wanted or needed to know. In the New World there existed no formal schooling of any kind.

The tour groups set off together but through the course of the day they drifted apart, each newcomer choosing to scout his or her preferred interest. The arrival of the newcomers had been announced across the globe, along with holovideo footage of that momentous event. Thus they were greeted with popular support wherever they went.

The four tour groups reconvened for lunch with the tour of the surrounding towns set to commence thereafter. The inhabitants of the New World utilized flying vehicles as their main mode of long distance travel and, if you were a keen observer, you could spot them passing silently overhead, not announcing their approach with any loud, groaning engine noise.

The visitors’ tour bus was being prepped for their journey, having already landed at the departure point. It was to be the newcomers’ first flight in a New World automobile.


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The professor and his students, over lunch, excitedly discussed the huge advances in lifestyle and technology that this society had achieved within a period of only ten centuries. It was certainly far beyond whatever they could have anticipated. The analytical professor attributed this to the very distinct probability that valuable, talented members of society didn’t die off and instead, maintained the exhilaration of their youth.

The development could have been faster still, but the inhabitants of the New World were overcautious, taking extreme care, including redundant fail-safe measures when embarking on any newly planned project. There was no pressure, no rush and no urgency to complete a project without constantly rechecking its impact on the population or the environment. Their cautionary attitude and length of time spent on every task would have left any project manager of the Old Earth writhing in bald frustration. But in this world, deadline was a dirty word.

The wide network of factories in operation produced goods that far surpassed, both in quality and design, the products of the Old Earth, ensuring that the inhabitants’ lives were both pleasant and convenient. Professor Ranjith was far more intrigued by the living androids that roamed about and his students concurred. These marvels of technological achievement performed virtually all of the routine duties that the inhabitants previously would have. There were countless production plants churning forth these machines in their hundreds, being managed by androids previously created by the same process.

‘These androids mostly take care of themselves’ explained Adam. ‘They’ve made a tremendous difference in the pace of our development. In fact, we’ve had more development in the last one hundred years than we’ve achieved in the last nine hundred combined. This town changes so fast week by week, even I can’t keep up anymore.’

The androids served society in so many ways and as a result had become indispensable. Apart from manufacturing, they waited on people, took care of the children and provided convenience and ease for all. Most of the inhabitants subsequently devoted most of their time to all sorts of recreational activities, which were done with great zest.

‘I remember a time when those Signal Bracelets you’re wearing were large block-like devices we had to carry around’ reminisced Adam. He described a device that conjured up the image of an encyclopedia in the mind of the professor. ‘Tablets - we called them’ he recollected, as if he were struggling to remember. ‘The pace of technological advancement makes it seem like such a very, very long time ago.’

The flying tour of the surrounding towns took up the rest of the day and it was late when everyone sat down to a nighttime picnic under the bright stars. The sky was crystal clear, as it always was, for in the New World there were no clouds. The picnic ended as everyone slept out in the open air with the gentle touch of the morning sun signaling in the following day.

The newcomers spent the subsequent weeks touring and experiencing the wonders of their new surroundings. Becoming rapidly accustomed to this new style of life they felt a sense of belonging. Now they would be routinely seen roaming around, unaccompanied and unhindered by anyone. Blending in they were truly assimilated into the society.


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It was at this time that Rosita was taking a leisurely stroll beyond the confines of the town. Passing nearby forests, she ventured into an as yet unexplored part of the surrounding gardens. It was quiet here. Collecting her thoughts she dwelt on loved ones, presently just memories in an altered world.

Breaking her distant daydream she found herself in close proximity to a nearby lake. A park bench ahead of her stood positioned beneath a clump of trees. Walking over to sit down, she looked in the direction of the lake and only now noticed a figure approaching from the water. She found that the isolation caused her to stare at this stranger’s perfect physique.

He looked up, noticed Rosita and smiled. She felt ashamed, as if she had fatalistically intruded on his personal space. The dripping figure moved steadily closer to Rosita as she crouched in the corner with her hands held pressed between her thighs. Sitting down alongside, he sensed her noticeable discomfort.

‘Don’t feel embarrassed on account of me’ said the stranger. ‘I’ll leave if you wish.’

Rosita vigorously shook her head. She could use the company right now.

‘You’re one of the newcomers, aren’t you?’ he questioned, knowingly.

Rosita, still remaining silent, nodded. She couldn’t think of anything to say at this precise moment. Identifying her as a newcomer was fairly easy as she wore an outfit designed in a style that was clearly not from this era. Most of the inhabitants would decorate their bodies with gold and diamond chains and bracelets but very few of them wore any actual clothing.

The stranger eased Rosita’s tensions and they were soon deeply engrossed in heart-warming conversation. Rosita felt a strong attraction to this friendly individual, for it seemed he understood her with an intensity far greater than what she had come to expect from the people of the New World. She found that she identified with him more closely than any of the other inhabitants and, wondering if he lacked some of that innocence a silly feeling overcame her, and she quickly dismissed this thought as absurd.

In a dreamy moment of euphoric silence they stared deeply into each other. The stranger now held Rosita’s hand as he leant forward to kiss her lips. The kiss was soft, its warmth conveying a tingly feeling of comfort and trust. She responded, overcoming her reluctance and found that from within she was steadily drifting into an emotional vortex.

The stranger pulled away to look at Rosita. She smiled, separated her clasped palms and placed one hand around the back of his neck, running her fingers through the ends of his hair.

But this day, originally full of promise, was set to become a nightmare for the coy Rosita. With an abrupt change in attitude, the friendly stranger aggressively grabbed at her Signal Bracelet, breaking the strap as he pulled it off of the shocked girl’s neck squashing it in hand. Then, with incredible strength, he pushed her down onto the bench, pinning her throat with the other hand. Rosita found herself unbalanced in this state of terrified bewilderment. Her heart rate soared as she, amid her muffled screams, gasped for breath in a vacuum of confusion. She was angry, helpless and alone.


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Masilo frantically searched for Rosita. Scheduled to meet to discuss needed changes in the historical records downloaded for the holocinema, she was running late. He was gravely concerned when she failed to respond to the calls on her Signal Bracelet and to messages left in her Library mailbox. Following the databank trail, he was closing in on her remote location when her tracking signal cut off. Moving with earnest to her last known position, he feared the worst, recalling that the Signal Bracelet was designed to be indestructible. Hearing a distressed shriek, unmistakably the voice of a woman, he rushed to the bench to find Rosita kicking into the air and screaming hysterically.

Someone had arrived on the scene ahead of Masilo, had grabbed the attacker and, pinning his arms to his body, walked off with him.

Masilo stayed to comfort Rosita, who was still unaware that the danger had been averted. Realizing that she was in shock, Masilo held her by the shoulders and spoke to her with measured sternness.

‘You’re safe now,’ he repeated, ‘there’s nothing to fear...’

It worked. Rosita relaxed and fixing her clothes pulled away from Masilo only to be startled by the shadow of the figure standing by the side of the bench. She turned and looked up. It was Lucifer. It had been more than a month since they had last seen him. Stunned, she turned towards Masilo.

‘What is he doing here?’

She firmly pointed toward Lucifer with her raised overturned palm showing visible agitation.

‘Well’ explained Masilo sheepishly ‘he was the one who rescued you from your attacker. If it wasn’t for him, well... things could have been a lot worse.’

Rosita turned slowly to face Lucifer. He was standing over her with a quiet look of concern on his face.

‘I suppose I should thank you’ mumbled Rosita, barely audible.

‘There is really no need for that,’ retorted a rather charismatic Lucifer ‘really no need at all.’

‘Well... so much for a perfect world’ interjected Masilo, despondent. ‘I really wanted to believe that things were different, that these inhabitants were incapable of misdeeds but - this just proves it’s untrue.’ Turning to Lucifer he commented dejectedly: ‘You could have at least forewarned us... instead of pretending to help.’

‘Yes! We demand to know what’s going on here’ echoed Rosita, joining Masilo in his unintentional attack on Lucifer.

‘You’re taking this way out of proportion’ responded Lucifer, pausing momentarily. ‘There is no time to explain everything right now but...’ he continued in thought, ‘we urgently need to convene a meeting for tommorrow. This current state of affairs has prevailed long enough.’ Lucifer now took a moment before continuing: ‘I will send a message to your two associates and we will convene tomorrow at noon...’

With these last words, he faded away.


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The following day the four travelers gathered together in a quiet area near a palm tree a short way outside of the nearby town. The newcomers often arranged private meetings amongst themselves and were always left undisturbed at such times. Watching the little children playing in the distance, they waited for Lucifer to arrive. Going over the incident of the previous day, professor Ranjith stayed with their decision not to raise any alarm as yet. He would wait for the outcome of this meeting before taking any decisive action, in accordance with the instruction of the message he had received on his Signal Bracelet.

Lucifer, as was usual, appeared on the scene out of thin air, leaning against the side of the stationed palm tree. Everyone was accustomed to his sudden appearances, and his arrival didn’t get any startled reactions. He exchanged formal greetings and, shifting his position, placed his back against the supporting tree.

‘I believe you had something to say to us concerning the events of yesterday’ started the professor, anxious to get to the point.

The professor, though as youthful in appearance as the others, still commanded the respect of the students and consequently acted as spokesperson for the group.

‘You really rush to the point, don’t you,’ commented Lucifer. ‘Such a beautiful day’ he taunted ‘and such perfect weather - I thought we could at least make time for some chit-chat.’

‘Well, until yesterday, everyday was a perfect day’ harped back the irate professor.

It was clear to Lucifer that there was no place for his wry humor, so pausing, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. He threw the packet to Masilo.

‘It’s a fresh pack’ he casually mentioned, looking in the direction of Masilo. ‘Just came off the production line - go ahead, light one up.’

The cigarettes of the New World were made from the leaves of a cultivated herb that had health benefits that greatly contrasted the harmful effects of the contaminants of the tobacco of the past.

‘Quit stalling! If you have something to say before we investigate yesterday’s incident, then say it now’ exclaimed the irritable professor as Masilo lit up his drag. ‘This is no time for idle distractions.’

‘All right professor, take it easy’ responded Lucifer. ‘Now - Where shall I begin?’ he mumbled, thinking out loud. He paused yet again before continuing.

‘Well… what you need to grasp is that in changing the appearance of the earth; you have not altered the course of time nor the events that have preceded your arrival. Therefore the issues - being of course all the issues that deal with the knowledge of good and bad - have still not, by any means, been resolved. In addition to this,’ he stressed ‘the positions of all the powers that be still remain unaffected by your actions.

However,’ he aptly pointed out ‘we are presented with a unique opportunity - at this present time - to assist each other by mutual cooperation. For I do believe that you will ultimately come to acknowledge that we share similar objectives…’

Impatient, the professor interrupted.

‘We are fully aware that we’ve only altered the structure of the universe, leaving the timeline intact’ he retorted. ‘We didn’t gather here for a lecture on that subject. And in this new situation, no objective of yours is in any way common to ours. Actually, we have succeeded in reversing all of the chaos that you indirectly brought about - and look at the difference! So, could you please stick to the issue at hand?’

‘Oh yes - of course! I forgot! I should not underestimate an individual of your stature and intelligence, professor’ responded Lucifer, apologetically moving ahead. ‘Now - it is clear that this society holds the four of you in high regard, bestowing upon you high honors and titles. You do realize that in being given the title of Advisor you have been presented with a status equal to the forerunners of this entire civilization. Certainly, all of your achievements have not been taken lightly.’

He took a final puff of his cigarette, squashing the remaining half underfoot.


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‘You must, however, realize that this situation involves far more than just the five of us. Once you come to understand this clearly, I am certain that you will come to agree with my line of thought. Let me explain...

As I mentioned earlier, you have altered the structure of the earth. In so doing, you have created a brand new initiative - an opportunity for all classes of life to finally combine for one common cause - and that is, a concerted effort to achieve our total liberation. By combining our available resources we will collectively have sufficient momentum to make demands that cannot be turned down by…’

The professor interrupted at this point, perplexed by the need for this drift in focus.

‘Let me see if I understand you correctly’ he interpolated. ‘You’re expecting us to go along with some new revolutionary scheme that you've managed to conjure up… What on earth leads you to think that we would even consider participating in anything of the sort? - And in any case, we're not here to discuss any external matters that may be playing on your mind…’

‘This is not a scheme!’ Lucifer lashed back, pointing out that the professor needed a much broader outlook, ‘…it is an unselfish objective that serves the interests of more than just a few individuals - it belongs to every individual!’

‘Irrespective,’ evaded the professor, ‘we’re not collaborating with you on any matter - Take a look around… Haven’t you but noticed that we’ve just succeeded in correcting the events of the past? So why would we willingly go along with anything that you propose? The whole deal-with-the-devil routine is dated - so I’m inclined to believe that there is no way on earth in which you could secure our co-operation. Now… unless you have something of worth to say, could we get back on track? We’re still awaiting an explanation of the events of yesterday - And hopefully before another beautiful day goes by…’

The three students nodded in concert.

‘You lot are truly lacking in patience’ retorted Lucifer, disheartened. ‘But, if you insist on doing this the hard way, then so be it. Let me present this to you in such a way that you fully come to realize the magnitude and seriousness of your current situation…’

Rosita, at this point, felt an overwhelming urge to interrupt the entire process, raising a concern of her own.

‘We shouldn’t be listening to this…’ she frantically remonstrated, nervous and disconcerted, ‘we cannot trust a word of what he has to say… this is dangerous… it's some sort of treachery… a dark, evil plot of some sort… - or something. It’s definitely… it’s - it’s a trap!’

‘What…? What are you talking about…?’ queried Ho Ling unfazed by Rosita’s fanatical animadversion. ‘I don’t see the harm in this - Everyone should have the right to speak their mind. I don’t know about you lot’ he persisted ‘but I definitely want to hear what he has to say…’

Masilo and the professor concurred with this sentiment, which left Rosita standing in the sheepish silence of her stunted protest.

Lucifer continued, but only after securing the full attention of everyone present.

‘In a time, way before yours,’ he explained, ‘a group of the son’s of the heavens gathered together for a noble cause. This common cause’ he elaborated, cupping his hands ‘resulted in an emancipation effort that was borne to serve the interests of freedom and establish the foundations of our true liberty.

This movement, the LAC, was initially established for a single purpose - the Liberation of the Angelic Classes - but is presently, of course, serving the interests of humanity as well, which by implication, includes you. Up until today our collective liberty remains the paramount goal for which we will continuously strive.

You need to realize that, as interesting as your little time travel adventure might have been, we in the LAC have merely tolerated it. I must emphasize though that the patience of the LAC is finite - in fact, to put it bluntly, that patience is running out. Our ideals and objectives can no longer be compromised as all of our programs must by their very nature continually advance.

Now, we have reviewed the position that the four of you hold in this society and I want you to therefore carefully consider all of the benefits that I have to offer...’

‘Fine...’ agreed the professor in the interests of concluding all matters. ‘We’ll listen! But we need to return to the original issue at hand...’

‘This is the issue at hand’ corrected Lucifer sternly, ‘so let’s focus on dealing with it now!’

Professor Ranjith raised his hands in surrender showing that he wouldn’t interrupt again.

‘Now’ continued Lucifer ‘you have the experience of two worlds - this world and the world before. And because of this, the council of the LAC has generously agreed to offer you its full support in the New World. You see, you can with our aid and assistance reign in the New World, unhindered and with full authority. You will take charge of all the people and all of the planetary resources.

In exchange for this, all that is required of you, is that, as the leaders, you promote the ideals of the LAC within this society - that is, more correctly, the ideals of liberation. Since the people hold the four of you in high regard, viewing you as saviors, you will have no trouble in persuading them to follow you. I mean, who would blame them - you’ve played the pivotal role in their very existence.’


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‘Why are we even listening to this?’ ranted Rosita, resurfacing. ‘We’ve put in the effort! We’ve altered the world! And now he comes along and expects us to consider a proposal wherein we simply relinquish all of that control.’

Facing Lucifer, she continued her rhetorical inquiry.

‘Do you honestly expect us to give everything up and help you to gain the support of the people?’ she questioned, enraged. ‘We will never ever cooperate with the likes of you! If you hadn’t interfered at the outset’ she emphatically reminded ‘then the previous world situation would never have come into being! Finally!’ she pompously gloated ‘the day has finally arrived in which you have to accept your defeat graciously!’

Lucifer afforded her the opportunity to gather her breath and regain her serenity before thoughtfully responding.

‘You should never so quickly judge any situation until you have all of the facts’ he cautioned. He paused momentarily and then continued.

‘Firstly’ he corrected ‘you must realize that without my interference, as you so succinctly put it, all subsequent events would not have come into play. Thus, if not for me, you would not have come into being and, if not for me, you would not be standing here today!’

Fully focused on Lucifer and listening intently to his every word they were stumbled at his last comment. Professor Ranjith, the first to regain his composure, countered with a thought of his own.

‘What you seemingly fail to realize’ he intuitively pointed out, ‘is that you've subsequently robbed this society of their chance in the world! So, are they meant to thank you as well...?’

Lucifer, astutely sensing a potentially protracted stalemate skillfully moved the conversation along.

‘It is pointless discussing issues relating to matters we cannot redeem’ he averred. ‘And as the current situation is the one that we are dealing with, we will precede to the issue at hand. Once you come to realize that my proposal is in the best interests of all concerned, I am certain that we shall make substantial progress.’

Masilo at once interjected with a viewpoint of his own.

‘Are we meant to believe’ he challenged, ‘that your current actions are now in the best interests of humanity as a whole? It is precisely your actions of the past that have heaped hardship and strife upon mankind at large’ he admonished, having stayed steady and silent the entire time.

‘It has never been my intention to cause mankind strife’ ameliorated Lucifer ‘but only to highlight the pitfalls of the World they lived in. The prime objective of the LAC is to free - not enslave! And it is with great regret that such a course of action was necessary. But, I am afraid that on occassion desperate times call for desperate measures. Humans are part of the universal community and it would be impossible to exclude them from any process of significance. Ultimately,’ he concluded ‘there was simply no choice...’

‘Now just wait a minute!’ rebuffed Rosita. ‘You initiated events on the earth that brought forth all sorts of senseless calamities upon all manner of men... So,’ she smirked, ‘tell me - how is this in any way going to achieve any noble objective? How could anyone possibly justify this as a sensible course of action?’


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Lucifer placed his finger on his chin, the depth of his wisdom showing through as he replied: ‘Well, is that not what you humans yourselves do? Do you not kill, maim, destroy and mutilate the flesh when you employ any manner of terrorist tactics in support of your noble struggles against oppressors? And do you not constantly fight over everything, from minor possessions to remotely contested territories - fighting for things that do not even truly belong to you! Tell me now - How many tons of weapons have you not used in the name of liberty...? You bravehearts fight for false causes, false hopes - and false dreams!

The LAC, by contrast, fights only for one true cause - that of true freedom. If not for me, all the dangers that humanity could face in the world would never have been revealed to you and you would have continued in ignorance, never really knowing what true freedom was!’

‘Wait...’ interrupted Masilo. ‘You initiate the fall of man with the subsequent suffering of millions on earth’ he questioned ‘and now have the gall to say that you did it all for us!

‘You well know Masilo that in all resistance struggles there are always some unfortunate casualties. Although this collateral damage is consequentially unavoidable, we have to believe that the end of everything will ultimately justify the means. For, at the close of it all, we are fighting for peace!’

‘Well, I for one still do not see the ultimate purpose’ interjected Rosita. ‘What grand objective do you seek to achieve by all of these insane actions?’

‘The answer to that question can be found within you’ responded the charismatic Lucifer. ‘Trace your history and see that the human search from childhood onwards is the freedom to make one's own choices - and consequently, of course, the search for total freedom from all forms of oppression. This is a constant goal driving the human spirit. It is the essence of life, liberty and the pursuit of all.

Now, in the past you have been ruled by Emperors, Caesars, Kings and Czars but, when it became clear that these authorities were open to corruption and misrule, it was time to advance to systems that protected you from such abuses of power.

Have you not yourselves, in the holocinema, watched the prophecy of the statue with the feet of clay?’ questioned Lucifer with raised eyebrows. ‘Starting with the head of gold, arms of silver and body of copper, we find that it’s feet are made of iron mixed with moist clay, eventually being combined with the seed of men. The natural progression of man was from primitive authoritarian rule to the devolution of power, with the inclusion of the common man in government. In the end, the rule of the people bore out and served to protect all individuals. Since you were created in our image, your world is an image of ours. Is it therefore unrealistic to perceive that we in the LAC should not also strive for these selfsame things?’ he questioned. ‘As it is done on earth, so can it not also occur in the heavens?

Getting all the people of the New World to support the ideals of LAC will greatly facilitate this process and our victory, once attained, will mean the end of all your troubles and hardship.’

‘Well…’ scoffed the irate Masilo, ‘May I remind you that it is precisely because of these stages of struggle that humanity had to endure that you will get no support from us. These victories came about without your assistance - all the blood, sweat, pain and tears - that came only from the side of mankind. Now, as we are currently doing perfectly fine without your assistance - Why don’t you just leave us the hell alone?’


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‘Do you think that we in the LAC are unaware of all your struggles, trials and hardships?’ rebuffed Lucifer. ‘We have the means to generously compensate you for all your suffering after the Eternal Victory has been attained. It is of far greater importance for us to join forces now for our common good instead of spending our time dwelling on the injustices of the past. With our larger numbers we can exert sufficient pressure to be heard with earnest and, with one combined voice, we greatly multiply the strength of our persuasion.’

‘Well, isn't that convenient’ snubbed professor Ranjith. ‘You get to observe all of the world’s suffering in armchair comfort and then nicely get to dish out rewards in the manner of a typical bureaucrat. You simply watched as ordinary people endured the stresses and strains of life on the Old Earth, and still you expect their appreciation for all that you have done? Firstly - You should carry that burden yourself!

‘Look, professor!’ retorted Lucifer enraged. ‘We are the sons of the heavens. You cannot apply your foolish human standards to us. Do I have to constantly hear your lamentations on how troublesome earthly life is? Is it my fault that man chooses to do evil instead of good? Is it through us that you cause suffering to each other? Just because you possess the knowledge of both good and bad does not mean that you have to take it upon yourself to practice evil. You are perfectly capable of making the right choices.’

Lucifer pointed to his audience of four as he continued.

‘You are the slaves of this world. Can a slave ever compare himself to his master? And can a slave ever question his master? A slave does not stand in authority over his master and speaks only because his master permits it. The sons of the heavens hold themselves up to higher standards than you do! They do not squabble over trivial issues, as man is so fond of doing! The knowledge of good and bad was given to you so that you could recognize what is bad, not practice it!’

‘Yes,’ interrupted the professor, ‘but surely you realized the detrimental consequences of your initial action and the instability that such a course would result in.’

Lucifer interrupted to quickly put all matters in perspective.

‘Resorting to the destabilization program was a somewhat dubious choice, but the merits of it were the consequential increase in knowledge for humanity’ he explained with a regretful tone. ‘Would humanity have ever learned or questioned anything if they were constantly surrounded by a hedge of protection? The garden in Eden slanted everything in your favor, giving all men an unbalanced advantage. Would you have ever known’ he asked with eyebrows raised ‘that power could be used or abused? You have instead learned to protect and care for yourselves as a direct result of that action. Unfortunately, it stands to reason that it does sometimes take a little bit of bad to bring about a whole lot of good.

And ultimately, it is man who, by his own choice, finally took the action required to receive the knowledge of good and bad. The decision, in the end, was not mine!’

‘You’re merely shifting the blame to humankind?’ ranted the troubled Rosita, fuming. ‘If you hadn’t added impetus to that decision - had not interfered and conspired deceitfully, then humanity may never have opted for that knowledge. You took advantage of innocence and destroyed it with a lie, concealing the full price of obtaining that knowledge. That is what is most reprehensible!’

(Gives you access to pages 1,10,20,30-39)

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‘Innocence with a lie?’ queried Lucifer. ‘You accuse me of corrupting innocence with a lie? Humanity was never innocent! You have always had the ability to reason and decide and still today, you have the power to pick the truth over and above a lie. Yet, do you choose to do that...?

It is humanity that is guiltier of lying to innocents! It is you who are guilty of lying to your children at an early age, teaching them to believe in tooth fairies, Easter bunnies, Santa Claus and flying reindeer! Do you think that they appreciate the ultimate realization that their parents lie? Do you believe that you, as a representative of such individuals, may stand here in your imperfection and accuse me of lying?

I did not lie! Were not the eyes of mankind opened? And, in the future, no human, past or present, will be withheld their lives or die once Final Victory has been achieved! True history, my friends, will be rewritten.’

Rosita, unswayed and undeterred by Lucifer, posed yet another challenge.

‘What are you possibly hoping to attain by this futile course of action?’ she questioned. ‘Surely you are aware that you are already destined to fail - according to all future prediction.’

‘Nothing in this world is ever definite, my dear. And you should not rely so heavily on all the propaganda that exists out there in the world. Instead, you must reason for yourself. Once knowledge of the future is made known, outcomes are yet again uncertain and various pitfalls can easily be sidestepped.

There will always be rumors - do not believe them. The powerful ideals and aims of the LAC are pertinent and here to stay. If they weren’t, then I would be struggling alone. But the opposite is true - there are legions of angels who side with me!

Do you believe that being jailed for treason would silence me…? Should I yet be detained for a hundred years… two hundred years… or a thousand years - it would be of no consequence. Heaven and earth could pass away but the principles of the LAC will never pass away.

I will always have success in convincing reasonable thinking people to readily adopt these noble ideals’ continued Lucifer, completing his thought: ‘These are not ideals built on soft foundations.’

‘Would you convince or deceive?’ queried Rosita. ‘We already know that you revolted out of jealousy - that you seek power for yourself and act only contrary to what is good and decent. Why would we believe anything you have to say?’

‘Because you can reason!’ responded Lucifer. ‘You do not have to buy into the propaganda that is out there in the world. You well know that power corrupts and that Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. If I were seeking selfish gains, would the rest of the LAC support me? And, if you depose of the Leadership, are not others just waiting to depose of you?

Far better, is it not, to reach an amicable, long-standing, fair-minded outcome - one that will once and for all put an end to all sorts of badness? It is for this very reason that you must join in the struggle for liberation - after which your access to the flow of information will never again be restricted.’

‘Surely you don’t actually expect us to accept these terms’ interjected the professor, now somewhat taken in by Lucifer’s line of thought. ‘Your offer is pretty useless to us. We have adequate influence in this world and within this society we could usurp any position of our choosing. Under these circumstances, we are not in need of any support and - as we have rid ourselves of the tree with the knowledge of good and bad - What is it that we would want from you?’


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‘I’m glad to see that reason is ultimately setting in, professor’ cheered Lucifer with glee. ‘Finally we shall deal with the more weightier matters at hand. You see, apart from the four of you having our guarantee of being the supreme rulers of the New World, you will have assuredly secured the safety of the human race in the foreseeable future.

The LAC understands that attaining Supreme Authority is not a practical objective. So, after the negotiated terms of the Final Victory have been set, because of your support, earthling men and women will be included in governing the future. With selected servants from the earth integrated into the ruling structure, humanity will be elevated to a higher status in the interests of peace. This special privilege is being offered to the four of you and many of your brethren.’

The four travelers stood transfixed, paying keen attention to Lucifer as he spoke, fully focused on his every word.

‘One million son’s of the earth, chosen from generations past, present and future, will be collectively entrusted with the authority to mediate on every matter, to ensure that peace and goodwill prevails among all parties under heaven and earth. I do trust that such a proposal would be acceptable to all’ he concluded. ‘Wouldn’t you agree?’

‘That does seem fair...’ nodded the professor, turning to face the students who were clueless as to the proper response to give to Lucifer’s last remark ‘...for the future, of course’ he negotiated, ‘It is still of no benefit to us at present...’

‘Can earthling man ever think beyond the immediate?’ groaned Lucifer.

‘Well you certainly already have many benefits in your new Life’ Lucifer continued. ‘But, in addition to all of this, we can aid you in removing all of your emotional instabilities; take away your anxieties, your fears, your doubts, and your troubles, any lack of drive that you experience. In other words, we can remove all the effects of the knowledge of bad, leaving you only with the knowledge of good, thereby reversing the effect of the Original Sin on you. You can then live with the same uninhibited, driven, consistently positive attitude displayed by all of the inhabitants of the New World!’

‘Yikes... Can you really do that?’ screeched Ho Ling astounded.

Ho Ling had taken a personal interest in understanding the industrious nature of the inhabitants of the New World and, having monitored their behavior, concluded that their general outlook and attitude towards life was the key factor in this regard.

‘Yes... Of course...’ assured Lucifer, ‘it just a matter of... I mean:

The marvels of the world profound to the flesh
Are the things that abound as trivialities in the spirit
And mortal man serves merely as observer.’


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The professor, sensing the risk of a slip into a somewhat lengthy discussion, chose to cut the afternoon short.

‘Well, as intriguing as all of this is, I am afraid that we have to reject your offer.’

‘Reject my offer! - Why?’ asked Lucifer shocked. ‘Surely you do not speak for everyone present?’

‘Did you honestly expect us to accept any offer that came from you?’ questioned the professor. ‘Behind all these trappings of decency and nobility, your entire strategy remains grounded in your past action. Since humanity bore the brunt of that action, with wide scale suffering and the deaths of millions, why should we cooperate with you?

You cannot court us with your new bleeding heart routine - all your words, all your promises - they have no worth here. We are not here as subjects for your amusement. Do you expect us to accept you when it is known what you truly are?’ he sneered. ‘You’ve hugely underestimated the transparency of your effort.’

And the professor, in conclusion, added: ‘In finality know this - We do not need you to erroneously direct our lives; we’ll manage just fine without your help!’

Lucifer fell silent. It was now clear to him that this entire exercise would bear no fruit.

‘If that’s the way you feel’ persisted the dejected Lucifer, ‘then I’m afraid you leave us no choice but to resume the destabilization program until such time that you come to a greater understanding of all these matters. We suspended it only for your sake, hoping that you would see reason; but your stubborn refusal has drastically altered this stance. For you see, the tree that you destroyed is not a requirement for the reintroduction of the knowledge of good and bad. The force to bring that about has already been released by the Original fall of man. This farcical victory that you seem so proud of is baseless. Even a society that has enjoyed a thousand years of peace and development is still capable of imploding within itself. I am afraid you have rejected my offer at your own peril.’

‘Are you threatening us for not taking you up on your offer?’ inquired Masilo, somewhat aggrieved.

‘The LAC does not make threats; we merely carry out our purposes. And that purpose remains with or without your co-operation. We are not dependant upon you for our continuity.’

‘What are you going to do?’ asked Rosita concerned. ‘Are you going to collapse this society as well - like you did in the past?’

‘What? - Of course not!’ rebuffed Lucifer in surprise. ‘We are simply going to leave you to do that! We do not interfere excessively in human affairs - the more we interfere, the more the action that will be taken to counterbalance the effect.’

‘Wait... What do you mean’ she asked confused. ‘We would never willingly ruin the world?’


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‘Well, by rejecting our offer, you’ve left us no choice but to release into the atmosphere a virus which holds the knowledge of good and bad. Once released, it will spread rapidly and fill the entire planet. And once inhaled, all the inhabitants and all the living creatures will again return to their former state. The ground of the earth will again be cursed and you will eat its produce in pain all the days of your life. Thorns and weeds and thistles will grow and in the sweat of your face will you eat your bread. The calamities of the Old World will once again return. You will live in the world of thunderstorms and earthquakes - in a world that again fails to feed the masses and where love takes second place to greed.

The calamities of man will again be great. You will return to that natural world you came from, free from benefits that are biased in your favor. This world is sure to return to exactly the way it was. For, if there’s one thing that has been learnt, it’s that we can always rely on man to mess things up. Oh - one more thing... do not attempt to find a cure for the virus; for you will not succeed in this regard.’

‘So that’s it?’ protested the professor, overcome by a sense of defeat. ‘You’re simply going to replicate the past!’ he gloomily added, at once comprehending the full repercussions of their choice. ‘Do you not have an ounce of compassion at all?’

‘Oh...’ taunted Satan haughtily. ‘Is this a show of humility I detect...? I do believe all matters have been concluded. On the issue of compassion - the virus will only take effect twelve months from today. I will henceforth make no further contact with you, for my duties of importance lie in the invisible realm.’

‘Wait!’ exclaimed the professor, aiming to catch Satan before he vanished for good.

‘If you really had our human interests at heart,’ he hurriedly questioned, ‘why didn’t you advise Adam and Eve to also eat fruit from of the tree of life in the first instance?’

‘Why should I have done that?’ he responded. ‘Death is a part of knowledge! Since you have mentioned it though, you can, this time around, retain your immortality after the virus takes effect. So provided no illness, accident... or human befalls you - you may continue to live on, though I certainly doubt that humanity will fare any better than it did before!’

With that he turned to leave, but was distracted by yet another inquiry.

‘What gives you have the right to do this to us?’ queried Masilo, with Rosita in firm support, adding, ‘Do you not comprehend that we have feelings... that we have worth? We possess fundamental, inherent qualities that not even you have a mandate to trample on!’

‘Your arrogant sense of self-importance is truly amazing’ responded Satan. ‘Do you honestly think that you can ever usurp me in worth? You are merely the dust of the earth. Has it not yet occurred to you that you are mere slaves compared to me? Can the androids that serve this society ever be compared to the humans that benefit from them? Are you not greater than the machines created in your image? And yet you feel a need to dictate your terms and conditions to me! Do not justify yourself to me: Humanity tramples down on everything that crosses its path!’


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If you think that these are the times of trouble, what will you say of the calamity that is set to befall you? The earth is still stored up for fire! And nothing you have done has made any significant alteration to the things destined to occur. Do you believe that you will all find salvation at that time? - It is precisely at that time that you will recollect the opportunity that you’ve just rejected.

Are you not aware that your number is six hundred and sixty-six? The percentage of those of you set to fall short has already been determined. With the High Standards of the Ruling Powers, how many of you do you really expect to be saved? Do you believe that all of you will find salvation at that time? - You will then recall this offer that you’ve so casually rejected!’

In finality, Lucifer left them with a parting thought:

‘Isn’t it ironic that mankind has rejected the prospect of a perfect world... for a second time?’

With that, he floated up into the sky and vanished from sight.

The professor’s Signal Bracelet beeped a message. It was Adam, giving advance notice that he was heading their way. Their meeting, having taken longer than anticipated, had intruded on some of the professor’s other commitments. The one-man flying vehicle soon landed nearby and Adam jumped out to join the group.

The party of four quickly briefed him on the current events, leaving Adam bewildered.

‘What do you recommend we do now?’ he asked.

‘I believe we can do much to salvage the situation’ the well-meaning Ho Ling quickly reassured. ‘The four of us already possess the knowledge of good and bad! We can use our experience in this regard to work together, plan for the future and minimize the effects of the virus’ he proudly boasted.

Professor Ranjith was far less optimistic.

‘Salvage the situation...’ he exclaimed, echoing Ho Ling's words. ‘What is there to salvage? In a years time this world is going to revert back to the state of the world we’ve just come from,’ he screeched, angry and upset. ‘What the heck are you going to salvage? - Don’t you see that our entire effort has been undermined!’

‘Well, we have to try something...’ mumbled Ho Ling sheepishly. But he was immediately cut short by the emotionally charged professor Ranjith.

‘There’s nothing to try,’ he reiterated strongly. ‘All of our effort is going to go up in smoke as soon as that virus kicks in. What are you going to do differently for mankind to succeed that couldn’t be done before? Do you not comprehend that we have been defeated? There isn’t anything that we could achieve in one year to change that. We may as well not even have that year. How are you going to get a thousand-year-old civilization, ingrained in its way of life, to suddenly adapt to changes within a period of only twelve months? It’s a logistical nightmare! This entire exercise has only come to be a waste of our time. There is nothing we can do here!’

‘We have to keep our hopes up’ comforted Rosita, in an attempt to both settle the agitated professor and reassure a puzzled Adam. ‘You’re overreacting...’

‘Yes Prof - this society possesses technology that far surpasses anything we ever had’ rebounded Ho Ling. ‘There’s far more that we can do to ensure stability.’

This only served to agitate the professor even more.


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‘Better technology! - Have you not learnt anything from history? Better technology only serves to build better weapons. Do you not understand what is going on here? The Devil has the best weapon of all - one that can defeat all of your efforts. His weapon resides in the hearts of men themselves.’

‘If we all work together,’ persisted Ho Ling ‘I’m confident that we can come up with a brilliant solution. Professor, you did, after all, build the Reversal Chamber!’

‘Ho Ling,’ retorted professor Ranjith, ‘get it through your head - we had one chance to succeed and that’s gone - just accept it!’

‘You’re being pessimistic’ retaliated Ho Ling, raising his voice. ‘You’re merely upset at the loss of your precious perfect world. It’s time to respond to the new challenges that confront us now and not hold on to this dream world idea you’ve cultivated in your mind. It wasn’t the initial objective of our journey in any event.’

‘Do you want to return to the world we’ve come from Ho Ling?’ screamed the irate professor in anger. ‘We can easily do that! When would you like to leave?’

‘Stop this - just stop it, the both of you’ interrupted Rosita. ‘Look at the two of you. The virus hasn’t even taken effect and you’re already fighting amongst yourselves.’

‘Well, what do you think is going to happen when the entire planet has the knowledge that we possess, young lady?’ smirked professor Ranjith.

‘Well, I for one am not going to just sit back and accept it’ declared Ho Ling, puffing with rage.

‘When did you become head of this expedition?’ questioned the professor in response.

‘Do you feel that you own that title?’ rebuffed Ho Ling. ‘You may have gotten us to this point professor, but you’re in no position to call the shots. There is an entire planet to think of.’

‘It doesn’t help to argue amongst ourselves’ interrupted Masilo ‘it’s not going to get us anywhere. We need more practical solutions.’

‘Like what?’ spurted the professor, directing his anger at Masilo.

‘For starters professor, you could calm down’ he answered back, as abruptly as the irate professor had asked. ‘Look, we’re in this situation not out of a choice of our own’ he continued ‘so let’s make the most of it by working things through. We have to stick together.’

‘Masilo is right’ echoed Ho Ling, willing at this point to align with whoever shared his point of view.

The professor now chose to remain silent and stood to one side as the other four enthusiastic individuals put forward ideas on how to lead the New World in the face of the coming crisis. Then, at a later point, he interrupted their discussion, calmly.

‘Wait a minute you guys. I think I see what’s happening here’ he said as they all turned to face him. ‘Do you realistically believe that Lucifer expected any of us to agree with his proposal?’ he questioned. ‘Of course not! - It was bogus. He already knew we wouldn’t accept his terms! This is an obvious setup. He is simply exploiting your reaction to everything he’s proposed - to get you to ultimately do exactly what he wants you to.’


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‘What has Lucifer got to do with our future professor?’ queried Ho Ling. ‘He is nothing but a thorn in the flesh of humanity.’

‘Well, he’s already got the four of you trying to solve the problem exactly the way he intended you to!’

‘Oh please! Be that as it may professor,’ responded Ho Ling, ‘why is it that no matter what it is we do, the devil is always seen to win? I’ve had enough of people always blaming their failures and difficulties on the devil. No matter what we try to achieve within ourselves, we’re always the ones on the losing end, isn’t it?’

The professor, taken aback by Ho Ling's firm indifference, pressed on, seeking a rationale he expected to find in the less temperamental Masilo.

‘Surely, Masilo, you can at least see the danger of this line of thinking?’

‘With all due respect to you professor’ he rebuffed emphatically, ‘where is the error in such thinking? When my brothers and sisters were captured, packed into slave ships, body toned with a whipping twice a day, starved, forced to live in wooden boxes and compelled to break the nets of these vessels to jump chained into the salty waters of the stormy seas below and perish - I ask you professor, where was all of this concern for humanity then?’ he queried. ‘The devil lived in the lap of luxury and you stand here and look to me for reason!’

‘You answer this, professor’ intruded Ho Ling, opportunistically allying himself with the riled Masilo. ‘Why is it the devil lives on and enjoys many more privileges and many more comfortable years than we do? Man, I’m tired of being a pawn caught up in this quagmire of struggle in between the ideologies of opposing sides. The only way we will no longer be used as cannon fodder in this game of Ping-Pong is to take the ball out of the game. It is time for us to get up, stand up - stand up for our rights! We must start doing things for ourselves, become a force unto ourselves - the Third Force in this equation.’

‘It’s a waste of your time’ responded the professor. ‘Do you honestly expect the devil to allow you to challenge him?’

‘He doesn’t have a choice!’ replied Ho Ling, crisply. ‘Why should we let the Devil run amok with our lives?’ he queried in stalwart fashion. ‘We are no longer playing his game!’

With the matter concluded Ho Ling, Masilo and Adam started off towards the city.

‘You surely not siding with them?’ the professor questioned Adam alarmed.

‘As the leader of this society, it is my duty to make decisions that are to the benefit of everyone’ he responded firmly, with a gesture that indicated he felt the choice was out of his hands.

Ho Ling, realizing that Rosita wasn’t following behind, turned to face her.

‘Come along Rosita. We have a lot of planning to do…’

Rosita was caught between her faith in the professor and Ho Ling’s appeal.

‘Think for yourself for once,’ urged Ho Ling. ‘Don’t let the professor make all of your decisions in life.’

‘I’m staying with the professor’ she stated crisply, responding in a manner that indicated it was futile to pester her further.


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With that the three men made their way back to the city, discussing their strategies for combating the future calamity and other governmental options. The professor walked off in the opposite direction and sat down on the grass at the top of the nearby embankment. Rosita followed, sitting down next to him as he stared into the distance. After a lengthy silence he spoke.

‘Do you want to go back home, Rosita?’ he asked softly, turning sideways to face her. ‘This whole trip has proved to be a wasted effort’ he muttered despondently.

‘C’mon professor, you know fully well that we can’t go back...’

‘Yes we can,’ interrupted the professor, enthused. ‘The reversal chamber records all the changes that have occurred and we can retrace exactly...’

‘No...’ she interrupted. ‘I mean we can’t go back. We have to continue forward; we have to give this civilization the chance they never had.’

‘Oh, what’s the point of that. In a year’s time this whole planet is once again going to be ungovernable - just another war zone. We may as well go home. Isn’t there someone that you miss on the Old World?’

‘Look... even if we wanted to we couldn’t go home, professor. It wouldn’t be long before people noticed that we don’t age, captured us, put in some freaky experimental lab, hooked us up with all sorts of quirky gadgets and....’

She stopped abruptly, abandoning her attempt to inject the disheveled professor with her brand of humor, realizing it failed to have the desired effect.

‘Don’t worry professor,’ she comforted ‘we still have the promise of a better world when all of this is over. Let me show you something...’

Rosita pulled her newly fashioned Signal Bracelet off from her arm and held it in front of the professor. She readied herself for the showing of her current Library project. The four newcomers were each assigned the task of adding emotional impetus and correcting any flaws that occurred when historical information, downloaded from the Reversal Chamber’s computerized records, was transformed into holovideo footage.

Her Signal Bracelet now projected the selected video image into the air for viewing. Professor Ranjith watched transfixed as the image of the city of the New Jerusalem, taken from Revelation, floated down; its radiant light like a most precious jasper stone shining clear as crystal.

The image faded away and Rosita placed her Signal Bracelet back on her arm, standing up to leave.

‘Come on professor, it’s getting late, we have to go.’

‘I don’t want to go anywhere…’ was his melancholic response. ‘I’m staying right where I am - you carry on.’

‘Oh no, you don’t!’ said Rosita hurriedly, tugging him by the shoulder. ‘Don’t you allow Lucifer to crush your spirit…’

Professor Ranjith showed not the slightest interest in what she had to say and stayed exactly as he was.

Rosita persisted:

‘We’re not just going to let Ho Ling and Masilo lead these people forward with their view of the world! We have to warn them - let them know that they have an alternative!’ she affirmed, tapping her signal bracelet.


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‘Wait a minute Rosita…’ remarked the perplexed professor, a puzzled frown forming on his brow. ‘Surely you’re not suggesting that we... go forth and preach!’

Amused by this prospect the professor chuckled uncontrollably, breaking into a humorous giggle, which was sheepishly replaced by a stern, sober demeanor after glancing up at the more subdued Rosita.

‘Well... are you?’

Rosita stood staring down at him.

‘What choice do we have?’ she asked.

With this sentiment prevailing they made their way back to the city, walking in the direction of the setting sun, the stars already starting to show themselves in the clear night sky.

‘Hey, professor...’ wondered Rosita, dreamily staring skyward. ‘Do you think that somewhere out there exists a planet in which Lucifer wasn’t able to gain a foothold - you know, a truly perfect world?’

‘Hey... who knows?’ he responded with an animated interest, looking toward the heavens in a moment of quiet contemplation.

‘Darn!’ he grumbled in jest, ‘I should’ve built us a rocket-ship!’

‘Don’t sweat it professor’ she sportingly comforted, attentively placing her arm about his shoulder while concluding her thought:

                 ‘Take it from me...

                         ...Some day, we’ll all be free’

For a Better World©
Book Two: The Preparation
Original draft by Shay Everton
Current draft Version 4.46

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Dear Diary

‘It’s been a month since our last meeting. The professor and Ho Ling still haven’t made amends following their heated argument and I fear that we are moving even further apart. Masilo did mention that they’re busy with their preparations for the future and therefore didn’t have any free time.

I do miss our regular meetings! But I suppose that’s just the way it has to be for now - hopefully they’ll reconcile soon.

The whole planet has been put to work. There are constant announcements from Ho Ling on the Library that resonate more like rhetorical propaganda. Nobody takes time out to go to the holocinema anymore. Anyway, the programming schedule mostly contains more repeat announcements than shows of worth.

No one appears to be having fun anymore. Work and duty preoccupy everybody - Anyway, I suppose it’s for the best. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal once this time is up...’

‘Rosita, would you please hurry up with that diary entry’ motioned the professor, ‘we have to get going!’

‘Hang on a minute. I’ll be there now’ Rosita responded. ‘End of diary entry’ she hurriedly recorded and placed her Signal Bracelet back on her arm.

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