* In the scene where Ben kills two zombies outside the house when he first arrives, the camera pans around. You can see one of the floodlights that light the area come briefly into view. * When Barbara first gets into the house she is startled by all of the stuffed animals. As the camera pans around very quickly, you will notice that there is a hand that covers the lens completely for a few frames. * When Ben kills a zombie (the one that nearly attacks Barbara), you can see how he constantly shifts his eyes towards the camera. Possibly the reason for this is that the zombie was played by MR FUCKING DICKLESS John Russo (apologies for my language but I hate that guy with a vengeance) *Johnny throws his driving gloves back into his car but later pulls them out of his pocket. * When Ben and Tom are pulling the boards off the door to get to the truck, you will notice that Ben pulls a small piece of wood from the upper-right hand corner. For continuity, all boards were marked for position and in this shot, you can see 'Upper Right Hand Corner' written on the board.