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Disc 10
Wild Horses / Pierrot Le Fou


Wild Horses:
While Faye and Jet are busy trying to catch the newest bounty, Spike is busy on Earth getting his ship fixed by his old pal Doohan. But a group of mean pirates destroy the computers on Faye's ship and the Bebop via harpoon, and they tell Spike that he's the only one who can save them and get the pirates. So, Spike confronts the pirates using an old radio instead of a computer. Spike and Faye go to try and catch the pirates, but Spike ends up being pulled into the Earth's gravitational field. The pirates also fall into the Earth's atmosphere and are done in by space debris. But Doohan and his assistant Miles hear what's happening to Spike through the radio and go off to save Spike and his ship. They get an old space shuttle and launch it to catch Spike. They end up saving Spike and saving the day.

Pierrot Le Fou:
In this wacky wild tomato happy fun-fun tribute to Batman: The Animated Series, a psychotic floating Penguin look-alike is killing all within his reach for no good reason at all. After this kooky fellow is done with his current killing spree, Spike is walking down the street minding his own business, so the crazy man tries to kill him. After a very violent scene, Spike manages to come out alive. Barely alive, but alive. The crazy murdering man is named "Mad Pierrot", and he is a killing machine who enjoys killing. But while Spike is all bandaged up, Ed gets some mail. Spike has been invited to a party at the wacky fun theme park Spaceland. So, Spike decides to go down to this "Spaceland" and confront the crazy Mad Pierrot. So, there is a big gigantic fight sequence, and Jet and Ed find the true background of Mad Pierrot. After the immense violence is done, Spike and Mad find themselves face to face. So, Spike uses his last weapon, a knife, and throws it at Mad's leg. Mad cries and cries, as if the leg was a weak spot, until he is smashed by a giant mascot parade. And Spike kills his enemy. Moral of the story? Theme parks suck.