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Sorry, This section is not about the Peter Pan Movie, it's about my site. My name is Brittany ( and I am the webmaster of this web. I started editing and creating this site on the 31st October 2003 because I loved the trailers and I love making websites. I then cruised through some already existing fan sites and gathered information, pictures, links and ideas for a site of my very own. 

I hope this site provides you with some interesting background information and inspires you to do the same. It was really fun making it. 

I am fourteen and live in Australia, on the Gold Coast, only 15 minutes from where Peter Pan was filmed! I hope you like my site and if you want to email me, that's cool, we can even chat over msn or yahoo if you want. 

If some of your material is posted on this site and you are unhappy, please contact me and it will be removed straight away. I've tried to list all the sites I've obtained items and information from, but like I said, if you are unhappy, please contact me and it will be fixed A.S.A.P, but remember, it's a compliment to be featured on someone else's site as it shows your site was helpful to them! 

If you wish to link to me or for your site to be added on my links page, also contact me, I'll review your site and add it along with some background information to tell fellow internet surfers what they're in for, but, if you want to write your own review, feel free to include it with the name of your site and it too will be posted as long as it has no swearing etc. 

Also, if you still want to email me with comments, suggestions or just to say 'hi', all mail is welcome. 


Fanlistings I Belong to :

These are all the Fanlistings I belong to (lots I know!) Maybe you can join them too if you like a certain topic that I've listed here, I'm sure your bound to like one of them, and yes, I would only join these lists if I liked them, wouldn't I?

Passport to Paris Fanlisting The Parent Trap (1998) Fanlisting The Hook Fanlisting The Wendy Darling (Movie Version) Fanlisting The Peter Pan Fanlisting The Harry Potter Fanlisting Cardcaptor Sakura Fanlisting

The Wendy Darling (Animated Version) Fanlisting The Lord of the Rings Fanlistings Final Destination 2 Fanlisting X-Men Movie Fanlisting The Big Daddy Fanlisting The Big Daddy Fanlisting  

LONDON Fanlisting! Where else did the Darlings Live? LOL! The Cadbury Creme Egg Fanlisting  The Wedding Singer Fanlisting

The Elizabeth Swann FanlistingThe Peter Pan (2003) Fanlisting  What A Girl Wants Fanlisting  

Text Links: 


Frailty Fanlisting: