There is a few lines from the movie around the internet at the moment, and there is a script to the J.M Barrie play for you to get a cool idea on what the movie has in store, to see the play script, go to and search for 'peter pan' under movie scripts. Here are some spoilers from the upcoming movie: ”All children, except one, grow up.”That’s how the book opens.BLACKSounds of a forest. Exotic bird calls. The wind rustling through tree tops.TITLE: All children grow up...The words fade. Then:TITLE: Except one.That’s how the script begins.NARRATOR... [What troubles a grown-up will never trouble a child. For instance, a child may remember to mention, years after it happened, that they once met a ghost and had a lovely game with it.
MRS. DARLING sits on the side of WENDY’s bed.MRS. DARLINGYour father is a brave man, but he will need a special kiss before he can face his colleagues tonight.JOHNFather? Brave?MRS. DARLINGThere are different kinds of bravery, John. There is the bravery of thinking of others before oneself. Your father has never brandished a sword or fired a pistol – thank heavens – but he has made many sacrifices for his family and put away many dreams.MICHAELWhere did he put them?MRS. DARLING(with a smile)In a drawer. And sometimes late at night we take them out and admire them.MICHAELAre they pretty?MRS. DARLINGOh, yes. A put-away dream grows prettier every day. So pretty it is harder and harder to close that drawer. But he does. And that... is why he is brave.PETERWendy, don’t withdraw. I can’t help crowing when I’m pleased with myself.She ignores him. After a moment she turns to see what effect her sulk is having. He is right beside her, his face close to hers.PETER(in a voice no woman can resist)Wendy... one girl is worth more than twenty boys.WENDYYou really think so?The artful one nods.PETERI live with boys. The lost boys. They are well named.WENDYWho are they?PETERChildren who fall out of their prams when the nurse is not looking. If they are not claimed in seven days they are sent to the Never land to defray expenses.WENDYAre there girls too?PETER(craftily)Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams.WENDYPeter, it is perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls!MICHAEL rubs his eyes sleepily. JOHN fumbles for his spectacles, stares at PETER.JOHNYou offend reason, sir.PETER floats effortlessly into a graceful backwards somersault and lands on the end of JOHN’s bed. JOHN gapes for a moment, then quickly hops out of bed.JOHNI should like to offend it with you.HOOKI was dreaming. Smee... of Pan.SMEEPan, Cap’n?HOOK(luxuriating)Oh, I was tearing him so splendidly. And in the dream I was a magnanimous fellow, full of forgiveness. I thanked Pan for cutting off my hand and giving me this fine hook for disemboweling and ripping throats and such homely uses as combing my hair and opening jars.WENDYWhy do you hate him so?HOOKImagine a lion in a cage, and into that cage flies a butterfly. If the lion was free it would pay no heed to such a creature. But the lion is not free. And so the butterfly slowly drives it insane.Thanks to: