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In short * Director * Instrumentarium * Music * Participation * Rehearsals * Orchestra of Damwoude * Memberss list * Decisions

Logo It Orkest
Design Anke Buursma

In short
It Orkest was established in 1994 by Dinie Goedhart. It has almost 40 members and is an unsubsidized organisation.
At the Open Nederlandse Blokfluitdagen, Open Dutch Recorder Competition, (organized by the SONBU) in Utrecht It Orkest was awarded in june 1995 with the third price in the category 'Big Ensembles'.
In 1998 Dinie Goedhart received the first price for the best arrangement for recorder.
In june 1999 It Orkest received a second price at the First Northdutch Recorder Contest in Groningen.

It Orkest is directed by Dinie Goedhart.

'Recorder quartet' (circa 1511), Sebastian Virdung, from: 'Musica getutscht und Ausgezogen'

Recorders to be played in It Orkest will be reviewed for suitability. Only recorders with so called baroque fingering are used. The instruments vary from sopranino- to contrabass recorder. Recorder players possess and play at least soprano-, alto-, tenor- and bass recorder. In some cases it is possible to hire an instrument at the director. Besides recorders It Orkest is complemented with cello, contrabass and harpsichord/piano.

It Orkest plays music from all ages. Amongst others works composed by H. Purcell, J.S. Bach, and G.P. Telemann are played. Besides that the repertoire consists also of works especially written for It Orkest.
  • Mezza voce The première of this piece, written by the composer Pieter Bakker, was at 12 februari 1995, during the first performance in Augsbuurt. After this time Mezza Voce was performed several times on other occasions, for instance at the Open Nederlandse Blokfluitdagen of 1995.
  • (Daan Manneke)
  • (Bert Esser)

    'A boat trip' (ca 1500), Flemish.
    The annual fee for It Orkest is f350,-. For youngsters f175,-.
    In participation the decisions as determined by the director are valid.

    It Orkest rehearses on tuesday evening from 7.50 pm to 10.15 pm (for youngsters to 9.05 pm). There are 35 rehearsals a year. These take place in the community centre of Hantum, near Dokkum. From 7.30 pm and during the break at 9.05 pm, coffee and tea is available through volunteers of the community centre for little money.

    Boy with  recorder (early 17th century), Italian.

    The Recorder Orchestra's of Damwoude and Buitenpost
    In Damwoude and Buitenpost there is similar initiative: The Orchestra's of Damwoude and Buitenpost. These are also directed by Dinie Goedhart. In some time those orchestra's will start to cooperate with a harpsichord player and a cello player. In a relatively short time they have grown to nearly 25 members each. Adult players join younger ones, more advanced players join starters. If necessary Dinie Goedhart rewrites parts into more simple ones, so everyone can play. The orchestra is going to play music from all ages, like big brother It Orkest, but mainly music from the Baroque. For participation in this orchstra people have to be able to play at least 2 different recorders. A few members of the orchestra can play the contrabass- en c-bass recorders. In some cases it is possible to hire an instrument at the school of music for the amount of f35,- (tenor recorder) and f100,- (bass recorder) a season. The Recorder Orchestra of Damwoude rehearses are on wednesday from 5.00 - 6.00 pm in the Mounetille, Molenweg 20, in Danwoude. Players come - at this moment - from Oudwoude, Damwoude, Westergeest, Wouterswoude, Dokkum and Morra. The cost for youngsters is f110,- and for adults f125,- a year. For pupils of the school of music 'De Wâldsang' this orchestra is for free. For information see: Addresses

    1. Due to the arrangement of new music, hiring a room to play and planning concerts etcetera it is important to know who will play in It Orkest each season. Resigning has to be done in writing before 1 May for the season that begins at the next September. After 1 May one will be, without message to the contrary, enrolled as a member and the annual fee has to be payed. In financial problems there is allways the possibility of contacting the director.
    2. It is assumed that every member keeps the dates of concerts free and is present at the rehearsals prior to a concert
    3. If members of the orchestra cannot be present at the dress rehearsal, they cannot participate in the concert
    4. When solo players are absent they must have taken the necessary steps to make sure someone else in the orchestra can take over their part. It is assumed that this is done by the members themselves (phoning, photocopying and informing the director)
    5. At concerts members of It Orkest dress in black and red


    General information   *   The recorder   *   The education   *   It Orkest   *   Ensemble Flauto Nuovo   *   Year program   *   Addresses   *   Links