General information
The recorder
The education
It Orkest
Ensemble Flauto Nuovo
Year program

General * Articles
Flauto Nuovo, Institute for Recorder Education in Friesland, was established by Dinie Goedhart in 1990.
In just a few years the institute has obtained national and international fame.
June 30th 2000: The greatest recorder-orchestra ever!
125 recorderplayers played on alt-, tenor-, en basrecorders: BACH in Dokkum, (The Netherlands).

foto: Alex Bouma

- Flauto Nuovo offers a well considered recorder education in Friesland (The Netherlands)
- The institute works only with qualified teachers
- Extra attention is paid to compositions of modern composers
- Flauto Nuovo invites influential teachers and composers for giving lectures and workshops. Amongst others Paul Leenhouts and Yvonne Hogt have given workshops in the past.
- The Foundation Flauto Nuovo instructs composers to write pieces for a certain strength. Amongst others Johan de With, Daan Manneke, Pieter Bakker, Gerda Geertens and Bert Esser wrote pieces for the Ensemble and/or It Orkest.
- Vooraanstaande blokfluitisten worden gevraagd voor het geven van concerten
Amongst others the Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet, La Fontegara, Walter van Hauwe, Tosiya Suzuki, Michael Barker and Trio Unico have given concerts on invitation of the Foundation Flauto Nuovo.
- The institute gives lessons in Dokkum, Foudgum, Stiens, Heerenveen, Drachten, Deinum, Marssum en het Bildt.
- For following lessons (Dokkum e.o.) recorder can be hired. For information take a look at: General conditions
- Flauto Nuovo publishes the quarterly Nuovo Nieuws, with interviews, articles, reviews etc.

Design Anke Buursma
Nuovo Nieuws - Contains interviews and articles, that have appeared in Nuovo Nieuws
Blokfluit verovert Friesland vanaf koude terp in Foudgum - From: Friesch Dagblad
Dinie Goedhart geeft blokfluitonderwijs nieuwe dimensie - From: Nieuwe Dockumer Courant

General information
The recorder
The education
It Orkest
Ensemble Flauto Nuovo
Year program