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Flauto Nuovo, Institute for Recorder Education in Friesland, was established by Dinie Goedhart in 1990.
In just a few years the institute has obtained national and international fame.

June 30th 2000: The greatest recorder-orchestra ever!
125 recorderplayers played on alt-, tenor-, en basrecorders: BACH in Dokkum, (The Netherlands).


foto: Alex Bouma

'The concert', Gabriel Metsu (ook: Metzu) (1629-1667).

Logo Flauto Nuovo
Design Anke Buursma


Nuovo Nieuws - Contains interviews and articles, that have appeared in Nuovo Nieuws
Blokfluit verovert Friesland vanaf koude terp in Foudgum - From: Friesch Dagblad
Dinie Goedhart geeft blokfluitonderwijs nieuwe dimensie - From: Nieuwe Dockumer Courant

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General information   *   The recorder   *   The education   *   It Orkest   *   Ensemble Flauto Nuovo   *   Year program   *   Addresses   *   Links