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The symbolism of the labyrinth
lends itself beautifully
to the marriage ceremony.
Metaphorical of a pilgrimage
to a sacred place,
the journey
into the center
is a time for
letting go of the past
in preparation for
what is to come.
The bride and groom
walk into the labyrinth
individually, affording a time to;
become self-observant,
to release any past
that may be in the way,
and to become
present and centered
by the time they reach
the sacred space
of the labyrinth's center.
The center represents
the sacred ground of
the heart.
Here is the place
where two of you
join your lives
through the ritual of
exchanging vows.
At the completion
of the
you will join hands
and either follow
the same path back out,
or together create a new path
that spirals you back out
of the labyrinth.
This part of the experience
represents the Union,
where you emerge
from the labyrinth,
beginning a new aspect
of your journey together
as husband and wife.
You carry with you the
blessings of the Divine
to guide you on your way.

Wedding Chapel @ Devonshire The Art Of Conscious Loving
The Labyrinth Ceremony Love Teachings of Kama Sutra
Sensual Sensations The Lingam Massage

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