Q U O T E S saved to Willnet1 archives. |
Blank: My favorite author is
also the most quoted:
A new quote from time to time |
You ask: "
WHO AM I ? "
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Prior quotes |
(WN:) If you can't " KNOW YOURSELF, "
It would be wise to know something about
Socrates ?
update 1998 10/10 |
Age-old question: "
WHO AM I ? "
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Prior quotes |
(WN:) The eternal "I" of "I AM" is the same "I" whether one or two or a thousand people say it at the same time. This is not the same "I" as the ego while speaking as a "separate" individual. = ONENESS/UNITY | last update 05/17 |
Lightning never strikes twice in the same
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.![]() They say that each cold virus is unique and you can't catch the same bug twice. It may be true. This second bug is a tougher one. |
Prior quotes |
(WN:) I guess should take better care of my body before it catches pneumonia or worse. RESPONSIBILITY | 04/26 |
My wife had the flu for 2 weeks. I fought it, but
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![]() One time my Dad said to me, "Cheer up, things could be worse." So, I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse. |
Prior quotes |
(WN:) To repeat from last week: SOME days really ARE more challenging than others. ATTITUDE | 04/10 |
How are you, today? When people ask, do they really want to know? | |
"Better than yesterday!" or "Gestern ging es mir besser." |
Prior quotes and notes |
(WN:) And YESTERDAY was a good day, too. But some days ARE more challenging than others. ATTITUDE |
![]() 03/30 |
On air, land, or sea; In outer space, or inner space: | |
Il faut aller voir! |
Prior quotes and notes |
(WN:)Translation: We must go and see. ATTITUDE |
![]() 03/22 |
I think Emily wants EVERYONE to know this: | |
Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect. |
Prior quotes and WN's: Will Notes |
(WN:)Last night at the dance, a lady asked me why I was always so happy. My answer: It doesn't do any good to be unhappy, even on a "bad" day. Nobody likes to dance with a grouch. ATTITUDE |
![]() 03/15 |
This one sounds familiar . . . . . to quote a "young" Army Buddy: | |
You are only as old as you feel and you can quote me on that.
Prior quotes |
To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln: "A person is as happy as a person decides to be[lieve]..." e.g., How you see life, yourself, others, etc. = ATTITUDE |
![]() 03/08 |
a quote from non-Christian scripture | |
--Sufi |
A quote for the week |
Do catholics think they invented the rosary? |
![]() 03/03 |
"It gets dark as the sun goes down." The other day
a lady accused me of KNOWING EVERYTHING. I suggested
that she had me mixed up with my wife.
--My wife and I
A new quote from time to time |
Here is a quote from my sister, but she didnt tell me
where she heard it.
most difficult to bear bring the most rewards.
--Rosie |
![]() Feb 21 |
I say to you, whatever you have done in the past, forsake
the past! Leave it behind! And let the light of mercy
triumph within you, for our God is a God of mercy and
his mercy endureth forever.
A new quote from time to time |
I wish I'd said that. Maybe I did. Or was it YOU? (Another time. another place.) |
![]() Feb 16 |