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Small Fractals For FracPoetica: Panel 17

Into The Void...

My soul is moved like concentric crescents wanting to go to fly out into the universe It's there where I have my freedom my own self to blame for the horror around me Yet even this is only a peek in my imagination for what i really want is the caress of the stars...

I'm so inclined not to tell others for they'll whisper crazy songs behind my back or make those whirly signs with their fingers about their ears: "Yeah! He's nuts!" Only because I want the stars... Are you afraid to let imagination take you to places you could never go? Are you afraid of the hot/cold breath of the universe, the rips in time, the supernovas? Are you afraid of the many ordered strings that really make up our existence or are you just stuck with this baryonic cloth thinking that you are all there is? Could it be that it's you who are mad?

There is something novel about flying before the face of God, taking in the magic that He's wrought and filled the heavens. I'll approach it like a child, start from a tabla rasa- a pure and clean slate to dally in or on or around or over or through. It doesn't matter where I'm going, I just want to get there like no human has ever before... And am I really human? Really?

You ever wonder about the stars and how far they are? Their distance is an enigma in itself, their very existence a puzzle even to the universe. All that out there and so little inside ourselves. We all cry before the blackness of the sky and moan for what we have lost by not letting our imaginations run as free as any nebula surely has...

I do not know how much longer I can stay here, already the stars beckon to give me belief. One thing is for certain: you all will come to find me and I will be gone. Just a small piece of myself will I leave. Look to the stars, the sky for release, as for me... I go into the void... far, far more free than I can ever know...

"Into The Void" by carlyle miller
copyright 1999

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