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Small Fractals For FracPoetica: Panel 7

Mechanistic Peekings
lonesomeroad 2

the way of the modern tool is lonely on this crafted avenue


just a small peek at our instruments will reveal isolation

mech 1

for even our shadows are mechanistic terrors

peek 2

calling us to the cog and wheel

mech 2

where we are awork in a factory of bad living...

peek 3

a corporation of sufferers

mech 3

in constant struggle

peek 4

with this modern contraptual evil...

mech 4

where spontaneity is a curse...

peek 5

creativity a shunned weakness

mech 5

and never, never, Ever...

mech 6

try to speak your mind!

"Mechanistic Peekings" by carlyle miller
copyright 1999

Panel 1// Panel 2// Panel 3// Panel 4// Panel 5// Panel 6// Panel 7// Panel 8// Panel 9// Panel 10// Panel 11// Panel 12// Panel 13// Panel 14// Panel 15// Panel 16// Panel 17// Panel 18// Panel 19// Panel 20//

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